Welcome and Introductions



  • VinVenture
    Hi! I'm Vinnie and I'm joining 'cause I like numbers. This is a big number, I'd love to hit it. I usually go to the gym four or five times a week to lift weights and I walk a whole lot all over the place. If I get a bike I'll start bicycling instead of walking, and in the summer holiday I assume I'll be swimming for a few hours every day.

    Example of numbers: Cumulatively, last time I did bench press I essentially lifted a car in small bits.
    (20x8+20x8+20x10+(25x5) = 520 + 625 = 1145 kg = ~1 metric ton (average weight of a small car)
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Hi! I'm Vinnie and I'm joining 'cause I like numbers. This is a big number, I'd love to hit it. I usually go to the gym four or five times a week to lift weights and I walk a whole lot all over the place. If I get a bike I'll start bicycling instead of walking, and in the summer holiday I assume I'll be swimming for a few hours every day.

    Example of numbers: Cumulatively, last time I did bench press I essentially lifted a car in small bits.
    (20x8+20x8+20x10+(25x5) = 520 + 625 = 1145 kg = ~1 metric ton (average weight of a small car)

    Oooh, I think Vinnie and I will get along pretty well - I just got excited by this and I might incorporate it into my weight training! :tongue:
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Thank you Kendra
    Something to QUICKLY add to my
    X-mas wish list
    THIS is the SPARk i needed...:blushing:
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I'm Jessica, I'm 31 and currently a Canadian living in Japan. I'm planning to burn most of my calories through running, biking and walking..
    While I'm not exactly a "numbers girl" I do like to be motivated and I do like to know I'm not doing things like this alone! Add me if you'd like! Looking forward to a fantastic 2012!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Hi, my name is Nika, and my major goal for 2012 is to get to Onederland! Currently, I am 26 pounds away from Onderland, and slowly but surely will get there.

    I plan to burn much of my calories from walking, light jogging, and occasionally a Jillian Micheals DVD.

    I so look forward to seeing just how much calories I can burn in a year.
  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    My name is Yolanda I am 53 years young. I weigh 233 which is the heaviest I have been in my life. I like this challenge of 100,000 calories in one year. I am looking foward to starting.
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member

    I am 57 years old. Since early this year I have lost 54 pounds using the south beach diet and exercising. I have about 20 lbs left. It's been REALLY hard to loose these last 20 lbs.

    I joined this group hoping the challenge and support would keep me on track and to reach my goal weight in 2012.

    I've walked mostly for 7 months until the weather got colder and wet. Then I returned to the gym. I do 90-120 minutes of cardio 5 days a week using the stair master, elliptical, stationary bike and treadmill, but most the stair master and elliptical. Will be strength training in 2012.
  • dayylight
    Hi I'm Michelle. I'm in the process of trying to lose 126 pounds. I'm down 15 so far but I'm looking for as many challenges as possible to keep me going. I'll mostly be doing the elliptical at first and then a lot of treadmill time as I do C25K. I'm also planning to do 30DS and some strength training but I'm not sure if i'll log those calories since I don't have an HRM and it wouldn't be accurate. I look forward to doing this with all of you. :)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hi! My name is Becky and I have had a pretty successful 2011. I have released 100+ pounds out to the Universe - but still have a long, long way to go.

    I do best with challenges... it helps me keep myself accountable. I too often get stuck up in my own head! So, I have joined a few challenges but was looking for one or two that were year long - so that I stay focused. What better to keep me in the gym than to be working on total calories burned for the year! My goal would be to get to 100,000+ without counting my everyday ordinary movement. I don't plan to necessarily "track" my housecleaning or regular walking... just the actual, purposeful movement and exercise.

    Looking forward to getting to know many of you! Good Luck... and here's to 2012!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    This sounds like a great challenge. My goal for 2012 is to log into MFP every day -- no matter what.. ultimately it only takes a few minutes - although I have been known to get lost on the boards etc. :smile:

    My name is Sara, I live in Knoxville, TN. I am training for my first marathon (April 1st). I have a Bodybugg - and I get my calorie burn data from that device. I have been on MFP for a couple of years off and on and it has always been a great source of motivation. My goal for 2012 is consistency.

    Always looking for friends to help keep eachother accountable.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Hi. My name is Libby and I will be 47 in February. I have about another 70 lbs to lose. I hope to lose it all by Halloween, which will be one year into this FINAL weight loss journey. I do alot of walking with my dog. I am hoping to get back into running as soon as my plantar fasciatis eases up. I am planning on starting P90X Lean on January 1.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Hi, my name is Dusty. I have changed my life in 2011 and I am hoping to reach my ultimate goals in 2012 and continue on this path. I have lost 93 pounds since February 21st and I am 57 pounds away from my goal. I have exercise ADD, so I do a lot of different types of exercise. I walk, jog, play fitness video games, ride my stationary bike, and take group fitness classes. I am considering joining a gym. I have to change it up to keep myself interested. I usually work out 5-6 days a week. MFP and the support of my MFP friends have been the biggest factor in my sucess.
  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    Hello My name is Eloise.

    I live in the beautiful sunny California.

    I am 18 years old and a college student off for Christmas.

    I enjoy moving and being active.

    I have three dogs, two of which i enjoy talking for walks or runs when i can.

    I am pretty much up for any challenge thrown my way and this sounds seriously....legit! So yeah count me IN!
  • Alexia40
    Hi - I'm Alexia - a Brit currently living in the Middle East.

    I feel better when I exercise - boh physically and mentally. And being abit of a nerd I respond really well to tracking numbers.

    Excited about the challenge - tough yet acheivable just as it should be.

    I'm doing a 10k in May so alot of the calorie burn will be training for that plus some weekly bootcamp classes

    Already set up an excel tracker sheet so I hit the ground running on New Year's Day (hangover or no hangover :drinker: )

    Good Luck everyone!! :wink:
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Hello all! I think this challenge is exactly what I have been looking for and the motivation I need!

    I am Heather - I'm 37 and live in the Midwest. I have lost 101 lbs total - 70 of those have been since March. The first 30, I lost a few years back and then maintained until I was tired of waiting. Now, here I am with about 50-60 more to lose. I don't have a goal number in mind - I am looking for the spot when I am comfortable in my own skin, if that makes sense. I do a mix of P90x, Kettlebells, Insanity, etc ... I like variety and have a tendency to get bored, which is never good. I am also starting a c25k in January and plan to do my first 5k this spring!

    I am so looking forward to starting this process!
  • babiegerl730

    My name is Laura and I have been on MFP for about 6-7 months now, but was on Weight Watchers in the beginning of the year. I have managed to lose 37 lbs this year and in order to reach my ultimate goal I need to lose 28 more lbs. I go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week depending on my child care situation and speed walk on an inclined treadmill while reading my kindle fire :love: It will be nice to have some motivation and others trying to achieve their goals as well. I will post a pic on the 1st of 2012 and continue to post one every month to see the difference :happy:
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    Hi All,

    I am Glen, currently living in south eastern Connecticut. I've been on MFP since May and have lost 54 pounds.
    I ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving morning, although I did walk some of it, I still finished under goal time of 40 minutes.
    I am going to do the New England Warrior Dash that will be held on June 9, 2012, and lookiing forward to it.
    I hav about another 70 pounds to go to where I want to be. This should be a fun challenge. I'm looking forward to it.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Will there be a group spreadsheet? Just curious as to if we are tracking publicly and as a group, or just individually?

    Thanks in advance!
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome all.

    I will be tracking via a spreadsheet, and I am planning on posting progress for everyone on a weekly basis.

    I have had a couple offers for help, so we should be able to stay on top of the numbers for everyone who posts them.

    I'll start a new thread this weekend for updates, so we can get off to a great start.
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    I didn't know there was an introduction thread or I would have done this sooner, Im all late to the party :P. I'm 21 training for a half marathon mid march so lots of calories burned will come from that and another half marathon in april. Planning to run a full marathon before the end of the year! Hoping to lose about 40 pounds. First and foremost I'm a runner but I've been known to switch it up with Turbojam/fire, Jillian micheals, cycling and trying out insanity.

    Nice to meet all of you and I for one am excited for Jan 1st :)