Hello & Welcome!

CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
So I created this group because I started MFP Dec. 1st, 2011 and honestly bad time to start for me since everyone around me wants to eat cookies and sweets for holiday seasons! Haha. So I wanna start 2012 off right. :) Lose 10+lbs by March 30th and keep it off. I don't believe in FAD DIETS! I have tried to many an failed. All I wanna do is eat healthier and exercise more.I made this group for everyone who wants to start the new year off right. Motivate and help each other to reach our over all goals. Good Luck everyone


  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    I think it is great that you only started at the beginning of one of the hardest months and have lost 5 already!!

    This month has been my hardest and have not lost anything! :grumble:

    But January is a new month and I have a better out look for it. :smile:
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    Hey :) I want to lose weight because I feel more comfortable at a lower weight than I am now. I just started college and really don't want to gain the "freshman 15" Originally I was going to weigh in once a month because of scale obsession but I think twice a month is good too.
  • I'm really excited to be a part of this group!
    We can do this!!
    I already started imagining myself 10 lbs lighter lol
    Lets do it!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I just wanted to start and say Hey, I'm Charlise. I'm 23, a mom to a 3 year old and a wife to a U.S Marine.

    I got pregnant and married young, I let myself go after having my baby. Being married to a marine is hard for many many reasons. I was heavy weighing in at 175 before pregnancy and after.

    In 2010, We went through a tough year and almost split. I started at the gym to get away from the tension and was diagnosed with a mood disorder. I started treatment then and things calmed down because he and I began to understand why I was so depressed and moody. I was at the gym every single day after that... I was a new person.

    Then my husband got shipped off to Japan in April (just a year after our "tough year", and the new me) for what they said would be a year... I moved home to Ohio with our daughter and was at the gym everyday also getting thinner and stronger. I was a lean 135 lbs by July!! =] I felt good, looked good and it was wonderful. I traveled to Japan to see my husband and didn't gain a lb.

    I came home to find that my meds were going to be changed and they did. I couldnt stop the weight from being piled on...I became upset and stopped all meds. Then I became depressed once again, I would workout...but overeat. I also graduated college and started working in an office. Depression and a desk job caused more lbs. The lbs kept coming on...

    Im now 150lbs and still not on any meds due to the fact my husband is returning home (YAY) and we want to get pregnant. (another YAY) I'm trying really hard to do this without my meds but find it very hard and I can't keep focused. I'm hoping this little challenge will help me stay on track even if my mood is fighting me, I plan to put up a fight...once again.
  • Hello My name is Cody and its my goal to lose as many pounds as possible in the next 3 months :smile: I'm 19 and finally tired of having all this fat piled up on my muscle and I'm ready to step up and Join the Army!
  • Hello you guys!

    I'm Miranda and I'm 21. Currently I am not unhappy with my body but I would like to lose some weight and get toned to better myself and start on a new journey in life.
    I weigh about 140lb and am 5'3. I am very curvy and love it but i want the curves without the jiggle :P
    My goal is 125lb and I think this is very possible for me to accomplish. I have never been on a real diet nor have I really had a workout routine that I have stuck to.
    I joined this site because my friend suggested it and I think it will be a great way to keep track of my weight.
    I graduate from college this year and I want a better body and lifestyle to go along with my new success!
    Losing ten pounds in three months might be a challenge, but I'm up for it!

    (I also made another post of this by accident >.<)
  • kellyjamespro
    kellyjamespro Posts: 88 Member
    Hello this is Kelly .... Losing 10lbs over the next 3 months is right in line with my goals so lets do it! Im game....
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    I just wanted to start and say Hey, I'm Charlise. I'm 23, a mom to a 3 year old and a wife to a U.S Marine.

    I got pregnant and married young, I let myself go after having my baby. Being married to a marine is hard for many many reasons. I was heavy weighing in at 175 before pregnancy and after.

    In 2010, We went through a tough year and almost split. I started at the gym to get away from the tension and was diagnosed with a mood disorder. I started treatment then and things calmed down because he and I began to understand why I was so depressed and moody. I was at the gym every single day after that... I was a new person.

    Then my husband got shipped off to Japan in April (just a year after our "tough year", and the new me) for what they said would be a year... I moved home to Ohio with our daughter and was at the gym everyday also getting thinner and stronger. I was a lean 135 lbs by July!! =] I felt good, looked good and it was wonderful. I traveled to Japan to see my husband and didn't gain a lb.

    I came home to find that my meds were going to be changed and they did. I couldnt stop the weight from being piled on...I became upset and stopped all meds. Then I became depressed once again, I would workout...but overeat. I also graduated college and started working in an office. Depression and a desk job caused more lbs. The lbs kept coming on...

    Im now 150lbs and still not on any meds due to the fact my husband is returning home (YAY) and we want to get pregnant. (another YAY) I'm trying really hard to do this without my meds but find it very hard and I can't keep focused. I'm hoping this little challenge will help me stay on track even if my mood is fighting me, I plan to put up a fight...once again.

    No matter what our struggles are and girl you have a lot on your plate but good for you for staying strong for your baby girl and your man! We all can do this :) feeling good about ourselves helps our mood as well as exercise!
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend if you like and everyone else too :) Glad to see people who want to do this!!
  • Hi !! My name is Regan. I'm a mom of 4 and want to lose 25 lbs total by June. So hopefully this group can motivate me to get my butt moving and lose the first 10 lbs!!! I need all the help I can get ( I've been stuck for awhile now and I hope setting a mini goal will help me reach my ultimate goal!!! I'm so excited to start :)

    My start weight is :133 ( I'm soooo ready to be in the 120's!!!) Let's do this!!!!
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    A little bit more about me... I am 21 years old. (well almost) I have been over weight now a quarter of my life so far and already that is too much for me. I hate not fitting into skinny clothes, but I can't shop plus size either.... I am stuck in between without a pant size and it bothers me. I rarely wear shorts in the summer.... Try wearing all black in the summertime or dark colors cause anything else makes you look like a gumball. All my weight is in and aorund my stomach area.. some on my thighs and my arms... I have wide shoulders so... chunky arms to top it off eww! ;) I wanna lose a total of 30lbs by May 2012 but 10lbs more by March 30th so lets do this ya!?
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I am in! I love challenges! They keep me motivated! Feel free to friend me. Looking forward to losing with you all!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Hey there.. My name is Amy.. I am a stay at home, work at home, homeschool mom of 3.. My kiddos are 8 months, 5, and 13.. I have an amazing husband who works hard to provide for us and provides me with awesome support. They def keep me busy.. I began my fitness journey about 4 years ago.. I am 5'5" and let myself get to my high weight of 255.. I was miserable and had NO energy.. I lost 85 pounds in 1 year.. For the last 3 years I have been up and down between 170 and 180.. I am going to weigh for the first time in about a month in the morning, and I suspect that I am closer to 180 than 170... My goal weight is 145. I have become addicted to running, but need to improve my diet to continue to increase my distances running.. I ran my first half marathon in December and am currently training for a marathon.. I may be pushing it a bit, but I am going to challenge myself to lose 20 pounds in the next 3 months.. Depending on what I weigh the morning of the 1st, 20 pounds will put me very close to 2 major goals... Goal #1 - 100 pounds lost(155)... Goal #2 - To weigh 150 pounds.. At 150 pounds I'm getting a breast lift and reduction!! YAY me!!!!

    Looking forward to a great 2012!!! Let's do this!!!
  • Hey everyone! Y'all all sound motivated and ready! So I am on the last 10 to 15 pounds that I'd like to lose before my first spring break after turning 21. I am 5'9" and want to be 130 lbs (with muscles not fat!). I'm a college student and while working out is never a problem for me, I am often surrounded by the worst foods, and often I let a little slip up ruin a whole day. I want to lose the last 10 pounds, honestly, because I would love to run without the extra weight and allow myself to be more active and spontaneous. Like most people, I just feel better when I'm thinner, and a deadline would do me good! Best of luck to everyone!!!
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm 36, married without kids, and I work from home. I'm currently on week 9 of the C25K program and have made running 3 days a week a part of my lifestyle. I'm looking to including additional activities to my routine and a challenge may be just what the doctor ordered.

    While doing c25k I lost almost 10 lbs. I'm 5'9" and currently 146 lbs. I don't even know if it is possible for me to get down to 136 but I'm willing to give it a go. That's high school weight, people!
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    March 30 is my birthday! I'd love to join!
  • Hi there my name is Deanna. I'm STUCK on my last ten pounds and today decided to give myself a birthday gift.(march 24) And that is to devote myself to concure my biggest goal in life. Losing 70lbs but more, gaining a healthy perspective and self esteem. I'm excited to get started now!
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    Glad everyone has decided to join and lose that extra 10lbs... or start 10lbs of weight loss good luck and look for updates soon!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I only have 8 pounds to go till my dream goal weight and 3 to my realistic one, but hey ill shoot for 10!
  • Kkelso1119
    Kkelso1119 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi my name is Kristen and I'm 22 years old. I just joined this site and I'm still navigating everything. I've always struggled with my weight, but freshman year of college I ballooned up to 149lbs at 5 foot 1 inch tall. I went through a major breakup of a 5 year relationship and due to life changes and yes, a little bit of depression, I dropped into the 120s. I went from a size 7/8 to a size 1/2. I got into a new relationship and the weight has snuck back up on me in the past year and I'm back to 139lbs and a size 5/6. As a short girl I really want to be back in the 120s and I hope this group will help me do that!