
Thanks for joining the group! Take a minute and tell us a little about yourself, goals, experience in strength training.

Hello all my name is Jake, I started this group because I was unable to find a group that was just about strength training. I have been hitting the cardio, but realized that strength training was essential for me to reach my goals and see my body shaped in to the image in my head. (I started seeing loose wrinkled skin) <and I am only 35. I don't wish to become a body builder, or be able to bench more then my weight I simply want to see some muscle as the fat melts away. I have no experience in strength training but am looking forward to learning with each and everyone of you.


  • Cathleenr
    hi, im cathleen.
    i started out with a zumba class a little over a year ago when i was...mmmm 199- 209....my instructor was training for the northwest bodybuilding, fitness and figure show and talked about it a lot in class. i didnt have a gym, but got the new rules of lifting for women (NROLW) and after reading the first few chapters, went to her gym and signed up. got a couple sessions with a trainer, mainly to have him show me what all the machines did and he put me on a generic diet plan. so...i did the NROL and did increase my strength. i was deadlifting 145 pounds and really liked it. my instructor took 2nd in her height division and i started thinking about this years show. i got to stage 3 in the NROLW and didnt see the purpose in some of the moves, so i hired my old instructor as a personal trainer 3 days a week and we also did up a nutrition plan. when i told her i wanted to do this years show its this saturday!), we kicked it into high gear....5 days a week training and a serious cutting diet. i will compete in the figure D (over 5'7") division at 146 pounds....with LOTS of lovely definition....so a loss of over 60 pounds in over a year (and almost 100 in a year and a half). i love to lift...and i understand so much more of what is happening, what muscles move what and how and he nutrition part of it was invaluable.
    we use free weights and machines. currently i am on a 5-day circuit:
    mondays: back
    tuesdays (ugh) legs
    wednesdays: shoulders
    thursdays: arms
    fridays: abs and whatever else needs focusing on.
    i do 6 days of cardio, 45 minutes, but that is because of the show. in maintenance ill probably do 3 days a week with a 3-day strength split til the end of january, when ill start to gear up for the spring show season.
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    I am right there with you. I did my body fat percentage right after I completed my first month, and found out I had lost nearly pound for pound the same amount of muscle as I had fat. I was so upset. Now I know my loss of muscle means my metabolism is decreasing, and while I still have pounds to shed my face, arms, shoulders, etc are looking too skinny, so I know that while I lean out the rest of me I'm going to have to start lifting to at least maintain my lean body mass and then I plan on hitting the weights hard to gain muscle and definition. Unfortunately, I have nearly no clue where to start as I've spent my whole life just doing cardio and cutting out nearly all calories. Weight lifting is a whole other ball game.
  • carlwhitley
    I'm Carl. 33 years old, from Derbyshire, UK.

    I try to be as active as I can, day to day. I play rugby union, am a keen badminton player, run a fair bit and have a black belt in taekwon-do.

    More recently, I've decided that, as I got fitter at rugby, I needed a little more strength, so I started training at my local gym. It's a proper spit-and-sawdust gym; perfect for my needs. If I want to do cardio, then I have a bike and running shoes.

    I generally try to work my way around a core of exercises, such as bench press, shoulder press, squat, deadlift, dips and ab work.

    At the minute, I have a broken finger due to a rugby injury, so I'm limited in terms of pulling exercises, but I'm hoping to get back to those shortly.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    hello...i'm Ray i live in Phoenix.

    got fat about 10 years ago after my metabolism and activity dropped. every couple years i try to get back into shape. this most recent attempt started at the end of June.

    my goal is to get back into shape so i can start playing sports again.

    i'm trying to learn as much as possible about strength training. i started in June with 3days per week of full body weightlifting. now i am doing 4 days a week of upper/lower split.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hello My Name is Kyle and I'm an alcoholic! Ooops! Wrong group! :-)
    Let's try again,

    Hello my name is Kyle, I live near Montreal, Quebec, Canada ; I am 46 years old and I do not want to die before I turned 50!

    3 years ago, while grocery shopping with my teenage daughter, I passed the public bulletin board and saw one of those home made ads where the bottom portion has several copies of the phone number with a cut between each one. This ad caught mt eye as it was on yellow paper. It was an ad for a new martial art class starting just down the street from my home. The martial art was Capoeira! My daughter and I had been talking over the course of the winter about how we needed to start exercising and eating better. I had suggested martial arts but my daughter was hesitant as she was nervous about the physical contact.

    I took one of the phone number slips and we went home to check out Capoeira videos on-line. It looked so cool that both my daughter and I decided to give it a try.

    Well, she hated it and I loved it!

    Since this beginning, I have gradually increased my weekly workouts to the point where last winter I was working out 4 - 5 times per week. 2 -3 Capoeira classes + 2 Jeet Kune Do classes at a newer gym even closer to my home!

    I thought that all this exercise was my magic potion! I was slowly getting stronger and better at each class. However, I was not watching what I ate!

    Last March, my insurance policy needed to be re-rewed and a physical was required. As I was a gym rat, I had no trepidation as I meet with the nurse for my exam! Then, BAM! High Blood pressure! And seriously high!

    WTF! I work out all the time! Yes, I am over weight but, I work out!

    The Doctor told me to lose weight and try to keep my sodium around 1200 mg per day.

    Since that appointment I started seriously using MFP and have lost 60 lbs with another 15 - 20 to go to get to my initial goal.

    With this weight loss everything is improving. I am advancing much faster in Capoeira and this past summer I passed my green belt test at JKD.

    Now that I see what is possible. I want more! So, I have decided to start working on strength training. (I also want to make disappear some of the flabby skin left over from my previous life)

    My JKD instructor gave me a small routine to tryout and I have enjoyed. Now, one of the other students in my JKD class, who is a certified trainer, is going to help me develop a routine that will help me improve my strength and muscle tone.

    I have high hopes and big expectations!

    My apologies for the verbal diarrhea of an introduction!

    I am looking forward to sharing with the group as I learn and learning from the group as I go.

    Best of luck for us all!
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    hey there, really glad i found a group like this on mfp. I have just finished p90x, and have had great results. However, now that i have shed the fat im craving muscle mass. Ive been doing alot of studying online (mainly bodybuilding.com) and have found that the one programme that gets mentioned over and over is 'ripptoes starting strength', which should get my lifting weights up sufficiently, so that once i have finished it i can move on to something more hypertrophy based and gain some serious size. I am 100% commited to this and have my target of looking buff set for this coming summer, so i have plenty of time perfecting my workouts. Please feel free to add me as a friend and check out my progress photos so far, i will update them on a monthly basis to keep a good log of how i am progressing on this new phase of my 'journey' (that sounds so corny.lol) i am also a green belt in shotokan karate (i see a few others above do martial arts). i work a full time job, so fitting the workouts in is going to be tough, but i have no problem in sacrificing tv time in the evening. good luck to you all
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Hi, my name is Donna and I'm 43 years old living in Minnesota. I got serious about strength training in August 2011. I'm following a 6-month program called The New Rules of Lifting for Women and I'm about half-way through. I lift 3x per week at the gym plus I'll workout to a cardio DVD at home 1-2 times per week.

    My goals are to increase (then maintain) my strength and power. As I get older I understand the importance of maintaining strength, bone density, connective tissues, etc. Of course I'm delighted with the added benefits of higher metabolism, losing weight, looking and feeling great, buying smaller sized clothes, being able to perform everyday tasks with ease, the list goes on and on.

    Thank you for forming this group, I'm happy to be here!
  • baddivamama
    Hi there!
    I am Nichole - 38 y.o. mother of two boys - I was 200 pounds at my heaviest and at only 5' 2" that was pretty heavy for me. I am down to about 137 right now. At this point, I am happy with the numbers on the scale and the size of clothes that I am in - I'd still like to lose another 10 pounds, but my main goal is to tone, tone, tone! I REALLY need to get rid of the extra "flab" around my abs... I can feel my abs, but I can't see them as well as I'd like to!
    I live in Michigan and as the weather gets cold, I don't run outside like I normally like to...it's all DVDs and gym work for me!

    I'm excited to get to know you all and suck up the knowledge like a sponge! Feel free to add me as a friend too! :)
  • mjp202
    mjp202 Posts: 50 Member
    hey there, really glad i found a group like this on mfp. I have just finished p90x, and have had great results. However, now that i have shed the fat im craving muscle mass. Ive been doing alot of studying online (mainly bodybuilding.com) and have found that the one programme that gets mentioned over and over is 'ripptoes starting strength', which should get my lifting weights up sufficiently, so that once i have finished it i can move on to something more hypertrophy based and gain some serious size. I am 100% commited to this and have my target of looking buff set for this coming summer, so i have plenty of time perfecting my workouts. Please feel free to add me as a friend and check out my progress photos so far, i will update them on a monthly basis to keep a good log of how i am progressing on this new phase of my 'journey' (that sounds so corny.lol) i am also a green belt in shotokan karate (i see a few others above do martial arts). i work a full time job, so fitting the workouts in is going to be tough, but i have no problem in sacrificing tv time in the evening. good luck to you all

    I just started Starting Strength as well, after 6 months losing weight on MFP and training for a marathon. I have a log on BB.com if you want to check in on my progress: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=139629253&p=780080863

    My name is Michael. I'm 31 and live in Washington, DC. I'm looking to build strength and muscle, continuing to use MFP to track my diet carefully (now at a 250 daily surplus).
  • claimslady
    claimslady Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, just got thru reading about you guys...I too have been lifting weights, for a couple of years now. However, I don't have a regular routine right now and maybe that is why I am going nowhere fast withit. I have free weights and a door pulley system as well as a treadmill; all on my back patio. I have access to a small gym at work that I have been using at lunch; it has a treadmill, a bowflex and the large machine weight system. So...I have everything I need to accomplish anything I want....except, I have lost momentum lately, well over the last year. Not sure what happen...but can't let it go on. I have developed a simple weight routine and will get back to my cardio routine---I love Jeff Galloway's books and am reading "Women's Complete Guide to Running". I especially like his books about Running for Non-Runners. He is also a good motivator, maybe I should read it a couple of times. Anyway, here's to us...
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member

    i'm clare and i'm 26 from Northampton in the UK. I recently hit my goal weight at the same time as having a lapse in motivation for exercise. I run three times a week but am a bit sick of it as its so dark and cold out in these evenings. Want to try and do some more stuff at home as I cant afford a gym membership. Was reccommended this group from my other post which was asking for advice now i've hit the goal weight.

    I'm going to wade through all the info and hopefully buy a few DVDs to get me started. any reccommendations would be great. thanks guys x
  • Dclem1206
    Hello, my name is Dwayne. Im 23a and I've been a truck driver for 2 years. When I became a truck driver I gained 100+ lbs. I started strength training because its easy to do in my truck with dumbbells and I wanted to keep muscle while losing weight. Hoping to get good ideas for strength training in a small space.
  • liezelcha
    liezelcha Posts: 150 Member
    Hi,I'm Lisa and I'm 47 years young. I live in North Carolina. I am currently doing a beginner program of weights 3X a week and cardio 2X week. As a beginner, I joined this group to gather as much information as possible from everyone to assist me in my goals (loose fat,gain muscle,tone, etc). I've been driving everybody I know nuts asking questions to assist me with information as I tried to get a program going that was right for me.

    Anywhooo, Looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing our experiences.
  • vannessasheane
    vannessasheane Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I'm Vannessa, 31 years old soon to be 32. I live in Alberta. I have been lifting weights on and off since I was 15. I come from an extremely athletic family, we are all into lifting weights. I am the oldest and only girl with four little brothers. I try to get to the gym at least 5 times a week, for the most part it happens, sometimes not. It is extremely easy for me to build muscle and to lose weight, but with that being said with my body type it is also extremely easy for me to get lazy and put it all back on:(

    I usually lift everytime at the gym and try to get in at least 40 minutes of cardio. I hate cardio but I do it. When I lift weights I have a pretty strict routine that I go through, after this many years of trial and error, I know what exercises work my body the best, to get the best results. I do try and mix it up and do different moves every so often just to keep from plateauing. I also change the repetitions and weight around. Usually I lift heavy 3 out of the 5 days, with maxing out at no more than 8 reps and 3 sets. Then on the other days I go a little lighter and usually 10-12 reps and 4-6 sets. I find this keeps my body guessing and helps with definition not just all out building of mass.

    One of the best books I have ever read was Arnold S's Encyclopedia on Body Building, I got it 9 years ago and still refer to it :)

    So ya thats about the story on me, nice to meet you all, and looking forward to hearing from you :)
  • ms99pepper
    hi my name is martina, i live in LA... i joined fitness pal to lose those 5 extra "winter pounds" that never came off after turning 30. i've realized its really about portion control for me. i eat health and i work out, i do a ton of cardio, actually thats all i do.. dance, zumba, salsa, samba about 4x a week but i want muscle definition. i have no clue about weights and how to start using them w/out bulking up. im thinking maybe there's a workout i can do 2x a week, and still maintain cardio 3-4x

    thanks & good luck to everyone!! i think this is such and amazing website and i applaud everyone who is here, making their health a top priority
  • MandySno
    MandySno Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 35 and joined fitnesspal to help me keep track of what I eat and how much I work out. December 1st I joined CrossFit. I get my bottom kicked three to four times a week, sometimes I feel like they need to scrape me off the floor. I have been a gym jumper for a while, going for two months then stopping for three or so months. So this time I decided if I was going to join another gym it would be HardCore one. My goal is to look like this and do these pullups ...

    I have been going three times for a month and my back pain is all but gone and it only comes back if I don't go for four days in a row.

    Looking forward to this group!

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Hey, been using a gym for a year and a half prior to signing up and although I didn't really change weight in that time, my body composition shifted and I have a tonne of muscle mass now compared to what I had. Hoping to really improve through this year, upping my lifts and leaning down to a 10-12% bodyfat.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I have been lifting since i was 15. I powerlifted competitively in HS which gave me a good back ground in the big lifts and helped me develop my form. I was unable to gain an oz in HS. Graduated at 148lbs. When i went to college I started lifting heavier, and longer and eating more and gained weight very rapidly. Most was muscle too. Since the late 90's I have fluctuated from 150lbs to 265lbs. My current goal is to have a six pack. I dont care much about the body fat % or what i weigh. Once that is acheived, then my goal will be to put on muscle slowly until the day I die. I love to lift, love the burn, and hate cardio. I have done barely any cardio at all in my 200+ days on this site and have lost over 40lbs. Good luck to all!
  • emaitch
    I'm 48 and I've been training pretty aggressively at a "bootcamp" for the past two years. My training culminated with a Spartan race last November, and I've attained a level of strength and endurance I wish I had in my 20s. Since starting bootcamp I've dropped from 164 lbs and 19% bodyfat to 150 lbs at 9.4% bf (I'm 5' 9"). Now I'm looking to add muscle weight and will begin more targeted strength training. My trainer has recommended piling on the calories and lo and behold in the last three weeks I've put on 4 lbs already... (whoa partner, that ain't all muscle!). I'm using MFP now to choose my calories a little more wisely to gain slow muscle as opposed to fast fat. My goal is to be a lean (8.5%-9% bf) 160 lbs. Hopefully I'll be able to post an update with my goal stats by May.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I'm John, 40 something office worker based in Cheshire.

    I've been a little inconsistent with my eating and training (I strength train and run) of late but 2012 I'm back on it.

    I'm currently working on shedding a few more pounds and I'm training for a half marathon race (I've run quite a few halves and a full marathon and yep, I know that training for distance runs AND strength together is hard).

    I've got a power rack with Olympic bar set up and bench at home and use that 3 days a week following the training pattern (not the diet) from Mark Rippertoe's "Starting Strength" plan.