Check in time!!!

How's everyone doing? How close are you to your Jan 1st goals? Any obstacles? Any victories?

I got up to 6 glasses of water using a styrofoam cup and MiO. Hoping that it'll get easier. I am down another 2.5 pounds! YAY!


  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    I am sucking. I keep eating. I am on a break of sorts, so I am getting really bored and just cooking and baking. The hardest part is that when I cook, its so hard to figure out how many calories are in it even if it is healthy that I just give up counting and of course overeat.
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    What is Mio? I just weighed in and gained. :( I don't know what I expected after doing nothing buy baking and eating for 3 days. I guess I expected my body would at least maintain, but now I am higher than when I started. :(. Oh well, today I am back to counting and usually when I gain, it is easy to lose because my body wants to get back to that set point. I think If I just eat right for a few days, I will get back. I also got Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for a holiday gift, so I am starting that today.
  • MiO is a water additive. It's a no calorie squirt of flavor. It helps water not taste like water. :)

    Everyone slips back a little. But don't beat yourself up. Just realize that yesterday is gone and today is a new day to start things right. :) YOU CAN DO IT!