Biggest Loser - 1st Challenge


The Basics (which will stay the same for the next few weeks!)

Our first challenge runs from January 1st – January 13th.
Also to anyone that has not spoke to their captains, you will be removed from the challenge by Saturday Morning. The group is huge, we do not have the extra time for people who are not dedicated. If you have not spoke to your captain, then please do so asap. If you are not sure who your captain is, check the spreadsheet below.
Captains xls must be updated by 12pm Est on January 14th. As a captain, you can update the xls starting that Friday, January 13th, anytime after 12pm Est. (yes I did change the time, I am giving you a full day to get this done now. Please email me on MFP that you have finished updating your teams XLS tab.)

On each team, the person with the highest % of weight loss has IMMUNITY. (until we are down to a smaller group) 
Each team will have a chance for Immunity as well, this will be the team with the highest % of weight loss (until we are down to a smaller group). 

Eliminations will be based on the lowest % of weight loss for that weigh in. The two teams with the lowest amount will have two people up for Elimination. Each of those two people will email me (subject must say the week, team... example Week 1, Bluesers) and then in the body, you will tell me what you did for the week and why you should say. I will decide which one from each team stays, and we will move the other two people into the "At Home Prize" Category. 
Eliminations will change up a bit, as we dwindle to the end. I will keep you updated on that as well. 

Once each team gets their first week challenge pictures to me, I will post the 1st challenge info. I know everyone is curious. I will do this every week as well. After the first week, we will have "highlighted" info, such as the team with the highest %, etc. 

Here is the link again, in case you want to watch what happens each week or check your info. (I will update the main team tab once all of the weights have been updated on each tabs xls.)



Our first team challenge is.... BURPEES! I know how everyone loves them so much. You dont know what a Burpee is? Here is an explanation.
The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee":
1.Begin in a standing position.
2.Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
3.Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position.
4.Do one pushup
5.Return to the squat position in one quick motion.
6.Return to an upright standing position.
7. One jumping jack

I know they are a little different then the regular burpee, but I combined a few different burpees together. Just do the best you can. I am not going to tell you how many to do, but I will throw in an iccentive, the person that does the most burpees, must email me by the 13th. In the subject, you will tell me how many burpees you did for the two weeks. This person will have Immunity. The person with the second most burpees will have a 1lb advantage. Sound good? I know they are hard but they are also very good for you. (and if you tell me you did 5000 burpees, I am not going to believe you!! So please be honest, its not like we are offering a $1,000,000 at the end of this)

Now onto the different team challenges. I am not going to give a detailed explanation of each teams challenge. I could be here all day for that. I am just going to show the picture the captain submitted.

Red Hots


Orange Crush




Thin it to win it

Purple People (Healthy) Eaters

Bikini Bottom Babes

Pink Panthers

Flab to Fabulous

Pound Punishers

Victorious Violets

Teal Terminators

Extreme Tangerine


  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I am not surprised about the burpees... I have never done one before, but have heard they are torturous!!! Off to torture myself... :laugh:
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Burpees are def not easy. Ill do as many as I can but dang, those are rough!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I haven't done a burpee before, but I'm definitely excited to give it a try! All of the team challenge pictures look so interesting! I can't wait for this challenge to get started.
  • tnvolsfan74
    tnvolsfan74 Posts: 83 Member
    I am so ready to start!! I am going to pretend there is $1,000,000 at the end of this just to keep me motivated....hahah :laugh: The challenge is a doozie!! The team pics were great!
  • barbijean29
    barbijean29 Posts: 60 Member
    I have also never heard of burpees It will be interesting.. I can hardly do a push up but this is def something that will help me stay motivated.. I am very interested to see how this will go.. And The challenge is going to be a rough one for me but will do my best.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    Wow great work on this description! Red Hots, I will be posting your description of our challenge along with a place to post your progress (daily) for both the team and overall group challenges to our Red Hots group. I will post a message as soon as this is created. ;) Can't wait to get this party started!!!!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    One quick question: So does each person report their burpees directly to you or does the captain report them to you? How about the team challenges, do we report that information to you or just to our team captains? Sorry for all the questions, just want to make sure we are doing this right and not inudating you with a million emails.
  • Juliette320
    Juliette320 Posts: 144 Member
    Well I so have an advantage on this; my middle school coach used to have us do these without the pushups and jumping jacks, but in NJROTC we used to do these. And I have done these since starting my weight loss journey (: Im so glad to finally know our first challenge.

    -Bikini bottom babes (:
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    Awesome, I'm sure the bikini bottom babes will kick butt! (don't let me down now :laugh: )
  • halfsizeheather
    halfsizeheather Posts: 45 Member
    right here goes the first burpees. so excited to get in to the challenges. Thin it to Win it, rocks!
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    They look intense! But im going to give it my all!!
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Tough!! We do have a few more days before we start!:)
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 539 Member
    I can't help but notice you keep using the Blusers as your example for elimination! We'll show you!!!! :laugh: Bring on the burpees!!!!!!!!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Does the burpee count for the challenge begin on the 1st or now?
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Oh dear. I haven't done burpies since I was in school. My gym teacher had us do a jumping jack at the beginning of the cycle. There were no pushups from what i remember.
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Sounds great!! I am ready.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Sounds awsome. I've never done a burpee before so I'll do as many as I can. Just ready to get started
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Another question... how do you log burpees?
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    Man I hate Burpees!! But I will work through it & do the best I can! Go Fit ForLife!!!
  • lizgreenhill
    These suck, but im totally ready to kick some butt! Go Thin it to win it!! :)