


  • Hi all! I'm Elizabeth, very eclectic kitchen witch. I was into druidism in high school (explains the username, which someone gave me on a chainmaille forum and I've kept since) and since my second year of college I've been a Wiccan, about 3 years. I'm solitary for the most part, but my roommate right now is from a family of witches, so she and I get along really well.
  • Hi! I am an eclectic pagan focusing on Wicca. I was raised strict Catholic and never got much out of it. I have been reading, experimenting, and practicing Wicca for the past few months and I feel so much more at peace.

    I am a married mom of 2 who never really lost any weight after giving birth. I live in rural WI with a dog and a gaggle of cats. Recently I have also become a vegetarian.

    It's nice to find others who are similar minded because I don't have any pagan friends IRL.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Hiya I'm Kimmy. Been Pagan 13 possibly 14 years by now lol. I'm ecclectic and open. I am drawn to celtic and Greek beliefs :) It's hard being a pagan in the bible belt but have a tight knit pagan community here now wow :) Always good to find fellow pagans and friends of pagans :)
    Anyone feel free to friend me- just let me know from pagan group :)
  • Hello I am Jasmine, I have been pagan for 16ish years and an initiate of the Gardnerian Tradition since 2001. I am just beginning my weight loss journey, I have lost 15 pounds the last 2 months. I have started learning belly dance and started eating the lifestyle of the Mediterranean diet. Glad to be here with you all.
  • Hi! I am articorca. I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy and never managed to take it off again. I have finally had enough of being overweight. I was in shape and healthy after going through basic training in the army and I want to be like that again. I live with my husband, 4 year old daughter, 1 dog, 2 cats, and 3 guinea pigs. I am a solitary wiccan for about 6 years now. I love reading, gardening, making candles. I aspire to be a runner like my husband, but I am not sure if I will ever be able to run a 50 miler like him! I wish everyone good luck in their journeys.
  • Sera890
    Sera890 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Sarah. I've been pagan for over 15 years now and am currently Asatru. As a stay-at-home mom, I've never really been able to lose any of the weight I gained during pregnancy, so I'm hoping to drop 30-35 lbs. Maybe more, depending on how I look once I hit my goal. :)
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Hello, I am a solitary wiccan and was really excited to see this group on MFP. I live in a small town where there are no groups to help with the study of wicca so I go it alone. I am trying to lose weight for my daughter's wedding since I will be the one walking her down the aisle. Nice to meet all of you!
  • KassiV
    KassiV Posts: 28
    Hi everyone, I'm Kassi. I'm a solitary Wiccan (who doesn't practice as much as she would like!) and recently moved to California from South Dakota. I'm also a vegetarian (I firmly believe that if I can't kill/butcher it, then I shouldn't eat it) and have been for about two years now. I live with my boyfriend, dog, and two cats in the Bay area and haven't seen snow for almost a year. It's been wonderful! Along with the healthier lifestyle, Californians in general seem more open and accepting of different spiritual beliefs. I only wish we would have moved out here sooner! :)
  • Well met!

    My name is Callie and I am eclectic, and solitary pagan. I work with Archangels, but focus mostly on Kemetic/Egyptian deities first and foremost. I have a working relationship with most deities, and have everything from Elegua to Genasha in my prayer room. I'm a big fan of the gatekeepers and tricksters. They seem to show up everywhere for me.

    Just steadily gained weight over the last seven years, sick with one thing or another. Found out I'm gluten sensitive and allergic/sensitive to a lot of food and chemicals. Been taking those out of my diet and am feeling well enough to start exercising. Hopefully to get to the point I can go back to my Krav Maga classes.

    Great to meet you all!
    Light and Love
  • jenharrio
    jenharrio Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer, I'm 33 years old (duh, my profile says that heeheee) ;D. I just joined this group today, but have been an MFP member since April 2011. I joined the military soon after graduating high school (I must admit I was in the best shape of my life). It all kinda went downhill after I got out lol. I recently finished my B.A. in Theater Arts with a minor in business. I'm out in the job market and as a matter of fact, I'll be spending the first week of 2012 in airports and job interviews. I'm hoping this will be a good year for me. I'm a first degree Wiccan (though I haven't been practicing in a long time). It doesn't help when I have to stay in the closet for now especially since the majority of my family is heavily Christian. It's nice to meet everyone and feel free to add me :)
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    Hi! I am an eclectic pagan as is my husband and now my 13 year old daughter has expressed an interest. We follow a little bit of many paths, particularly wiccan, druidic, celtic....I revere mother nature but I hold the god/goddess in equal esteem. I have been here for a few days, though I joined a while back but then kinda lost track. I am very happy to find a pagan outlet here!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Sole practitioner Wiccan in the great PNW here. Learning and loving all I learn. My dearest friend Kiera (12 year old black lab) leftwith the goddess on the wings of darkness on the night of the solstice. It appropriate that my darkest black lab left with the goddess. I still have Bodi of the yellow sun. It all happens for a reason. Sorrow is good for the soul. It reminds you of what is good and beautiful;
  • ladyrayado
    ladyrayado Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all! My name is Emily and I am a solitary eclectic Wiccan. I've been practicing for almost five years now, although one of my NY Resolutions is to dedicate more time to my spirituality and rituals. I started my weight loss journey three years ago at my heaviest of 165 and am down 40 pounds. (It was 45, but I totally lost it over the holidays). I'm ready to get back at it and lose the final 15-20 by summer.

    I am so glad this group exists! Happy New Year and good luck to all!
  • Hey all I'm Rebekah, If I had to describe what I do it would probably fall under the realm of Chaos Magick. I'm 34 and am having issue's loosing the weight I gained while PG with my daughter 2 years ago. A friend who is also a member on mfp got me to join.
  • FeIsMe75
    FeIsMe75 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. My name is Felicia. I've been on my path for 2 years. I'm Pagan and proud. Right now I know I want to lose these pounds and get fit.
  • I'm Martina. I'll be 35 at the end of the month and I'm Wiccan, and I recently joined a coven, my first.

    I'm five foot two and currently about 200 pounds give or take and I want to be down to 150 pounds. I'd like to lose ten pounds by the end of March.
  • rocky282
    rocky282 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, I'm a pagan of no particular flavor and am still searching the specific route I love. I'm trying to loose 100lbs to get down to a better healthier me and to help deal with my MS. I also ride a motorcycle to help reduce the stress of life.
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    Hi everyone, I go by Autumn (not my real name). As you can see from my profile I joined MFP a little over 2 years ago. Looking back the time wasn't right for me to try and lose weight so I am now back again. I want to lose over 100 pounds (trying not to think of the big number and breaking it into smaller goals this time around....I think that is what caused me to just give up last time.)

    I have been a solitary pagan for over eight years. I follow a mostly Celtic path (although I love Hecate). I am a member of OBOD; Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. I practice what some call a Druid-craft path, a combination of Wicca & Druidry. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
  • Merry Meet,
    My name is technically Jacqui (pronounced jackie) but in my Coven we call each other by our coven names, so Destiny is fine. ^_^
    I am a priestess in Training atm. Can't wait till I can become a High Priestess. a lot of training for that. I am 21 years old and hoping to Lose weight so I can be my happy self again. May the Lady and the Lord smile upon you.

    Blessed Be
    Lady Destiny
  • norma67
    norma67 Posts: 255 Member
    Merry Meet

    I am very pleased to have found a group that allows us all to freely express ourselves without judgement. Within my family I have just about every religion that is but being the person I am I have become a solitary eclectic wiccan/pagan with a touch for crystal workings.

    I have had a long path along my journey and each day brings new and fabulous adventures.

    I am a divorced woman of 44 years with a 19 year old son. I have had a problem with weight all of my life but I have finally found a good path with which to really lose the weight thanks to MFP.

    Looking forward to getting to know each of you.
