


  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 42, want in on this group! 3 kids, 12,10 and 6. Had major lifestyle change to busy, long distance runner, part time working mom. to full time office job. Found 20 lbs. UGH! Hard to juggle. Need to get my act together.
  • 19steph88
    19steph88 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello there. My name is Stephanie. I am 41 with 2 girls, 13 & 11. Married for 19 years. I have been a yo-yoer between 165-135 since about the age of 30. I am just 5'4" and really should be around 135-140. (That is when I think I look the best). According to BMI charts my "ideal" weight is 111-140. But I think I would look sick at 111. problem is that I can never maintain. I love to eat; I really have to change my attitude because some times I get whiney and think to myself such things as "why can't I eat whatever I want????" or "Why can he/she eat that and I can't???" Most of my self talk is rediculous, but I KNOW deep down what is healthy or not. Ugh.

    So here I am journaling again. When I stick to it, I am successful. When I don't stay accountable I have a tendency to gain weight. (Again, my whiney-self would say "why isn't it easier to get to the weight I want to get to???"

    My husband is actually trying to take off 15 pounds as well, so that is helping me stay motivated and I love this site! I had used Nutridiary about 4 years ago but this site is much more user friendly!! Here's to a healthy me and a healthy you!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Welcome glad you found this group!

    Accountability is key! I used to sabotage myself all the time with similar thoughts and for a long time I told myself "this is who you are, life is too short to not be happy, if I want it I will eat". Yeah, that worked out well, huh. I still can't believe it when I look at my before and after photo, or maybe it should be called my "before and during" photo....I'm not done yet! ;)
  • MrsDlv
    MrsDlv Posts: 2
    Hello fellow moms! What a wonderful group. I'm new at posting to forums so any help would be great!

    I've been down this weight-loss, "I've got to get in shape" road before....too many times. But each year it is harder and harder. I've had to lower my expectations, just to stay motivated.

    I'm a mother of one beautiful (tweener) girl and married to the same man for 16 years. I just want to be a healthier me and a good example for my daughter.

    I'm motivated!
  • sdgmom4
    sdgmom4 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,

    I am 45, married (23years), with four children. I just joined MFP and I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone!
  • mel090170
    mel090170 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I am going to be 42 this year and I have six kids that I adopted as a single parent from foster care. Their ages are 4-12.
    When I was younger it was easy for me to loose weight, I would just do a couple workouts and poof! all gone. I am 5"7" and have not been under 200 pounds since the 90's. Last year I even tried a doctor prescribed diet pill for three months, ate 1000 calories a day and worked out 5 to 7 times a week and only lost 18 pounds. I kept it off for a few months but could not lose anymore and finally went off the 1000 calories a day. I tired other calorie and work out combinations but kept gaining. I tried hypnosis which I was sure was working as I stopped snacking at night and stopped cleaning my plate, but nope, kept gaining. In August I said forget it and gave up, I kept working out but did not watch what I ate and by the first of November I felt awful...So I stopped drinking coke (which is my trigger food) It was hard but after two weeks it got easier. Then I cut almost all sugar and I felt so much better that I cut my carbs down. I felt so much better and had so much more energy. So I went to my Dr. in December and found out I had gained 12 pounds since I had last weighed myself in August! 4 pounds heavier than my previous heaviest. 256. I cried. I always thought that people who were this fat did not exercise and must eat garbage all day. Boy was I wrong.
    On January first I started counting my calories with my fitness pal again. I wanted my best friend to use it too but she is committed to Weight Watchers. I am too embarrassed to let any of my other friends know how much I weigh. When I go back to my hometown there are people I don't visit because I don't want them to see how fat I am. I have never been satisfied with a pound a week weight loss so this year I am changing my ways. I am only going to weigh myself once a month and four pounds will be a win. That would be 52 pounds by next year...Wish me luck!
  • langstonmom
    langstonmom Posts: 6 Member
    I'll be 41 this January. I have one son who's 4 and a very demanding job. My mission this year is to take time for me minus the guilt. Losing weight for me is not about getting 'high school skinny', I've been flirting with diabetes and heart disease for awhile now and neither likes it when you play hard to get. So it's high time I stop the flirting and send a clear message to both that I'm not into either of them and never will be.

    As a Weight Watcher's drop out, I know my way around the diet game. This time I want to play for keeps thought and not get caught up in the same cycle of lose it, gain it, add a few more on for good measure. I'm nervous about making promises to myself I may not keep. But I'm more afraid of what will happen if I don't even try.

    I'm grateful this group exists. Thanks for creating it. I'll keep looking in and sharing as I can.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am Taryn and I have 2 children ages 23 and 26 years old and a wonderful 6 year old grandson, Javontae.
    I tried for years to lose weight and was able to lose with Weight Watchers. I have been successful losing with MFP because I am to still connect and discuss things with others without having to pay a fee each week. I look forward to interacting with each of you.The encouragement of others is always a blessing. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wow Cindy that is an enormous accomplishment. Congrats. You are lookin good.
  • trea16
    trea16 Posts: 26 Member
    Im new to this website. I am 42 with 3 wonderful boys 17,13, and 4, and an awesome husband. They just cant give me the support I need to lose weight. I put on my weight from being on depo and I am impatient, so I tried many get skinny quick schemes. Now I am going to try myfitnesspal and hopefully begin a new way of life. Healthy, Happy, and Skinnier!
  • QuakerMom
    QuakerMom Posts: 56 Member
    Hi !
    I'm rejoining MFP after a few years. I didn't get quite down to my goal then, but close, and felt the site really helped, about as much as WW.
    I'm 48 with a 1 year old and an almost-4 year old, both adopted as infants, and right now I'm home with them full time. I currently live in the Cleveland, OH area.
    I was on a medication for much of the past 2 years that increased my appetite, and hence made it easier to put on those extra pounds. Now that I'm off the med, it's time to get serious about taking these pounds off. Until the holidays I had under 15 lbs to lose, but when I got on the scale last week, I was 146, which means I need to lose 18 lbs to get to my (realistic) goal weight of 128. At barely 5'2" every 5 lbs extra really shows.
    My motivations for losing are many -- to feel better and have a bit easier time trudging up and down the stairs to change diapers, chase after kids, etc.; to fit into my clothes (no $$ to buy new pants!); to feel better about myself; and know that I can be active with my little ones; and to feel healthier -- my knees have started crunching a lot lately, and I know losing weight will mean less strain on my aging joints
    I look forward to getting to know other moms in this group!

  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member

    I'm a 42 year old mom. I have three children 12,10 and 6. Went back to work full time in August. Found a lot of weight!

    I had lost 50 lbs when my youngest was 2 (weight watchers on line). I love long distance running. My metabolism took a big hit when I took a full time office job. Was a very busy, athletic SAHM.

    Trying hard to get my groove back. I am a much happier mom, wife , person when I am comfortable in my own skin.

    So far so good on this site. Hit highest weight in a long time right after Xmas. I am ready to do this!!
  • Hello everyone. I just joined today and so glad to find the "Moms over 40" group. I am at my heaviest (5'1 and 194 lbs.). I lost 15 pounds back in October of 2011 after joining Zumba classes. During the holidays I stopped attending the class and gained the 15 pounds back. I enjoyed Zumba but with 3 kids (2 school age and a 2 year old) and a household to run, I found it hard to make time and not to mention the class was not conveniently located since my husband and I only have one car to drive. I now found another Zumba classes a mile and a half away and enjoying Zumba again. I am now incorporating healthy eating with exercise and I hope to reach my goal weight by the end of the year.
  • Natre
    Natre Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies! I turned 40 in October and have two boys ages 10 and 12. I've been married for 14 years and we've been together 21 years....over half of my life. lol

    I lost 40 pounds a few years ago through WW and have gained it all back. I so wanted to have this weight off by 40. I don't even want to take pictures anymore b/c of how I look (and I"m an actor!) I refuse to take anymore headshots until i lose at least 10-15 pounds. I'm also going to the Dominican Republic at the end of this month and need to lose something, so that I can look somewhat okay on a beach.

    This site and the support has been extremely helpful!

    Here's to the journey!
  • angellew918
    angellew918 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I'll be 47 in April, been married 13 years and have a nine year old daughter.

    I was always a chubby kid. Then, in my teens and early 20s, when I was actually a healthy, if not too low, weight, I never realized it. I had the "fat" mentality. Never wore shorts or bathing suits, was always conscience of what I was wearing and what it covered. I started gaining weight again in my late 20s. Once I got married and had a baby, it was all over! My heaviest was at my daughter's christening, after spending three months at home with her, even though I lost all the baby weight and then some right after the birth! Well, after nine years, I'm back up to the heaviest again. And, to make it worse, my daughter is following in my footsteps. She's a very tall girl for her age, 4'6", but she's already 115 lbs. Seeing her is really giving me the push to do this right this time. We've started a Two Bite Challenge calendar, to get her to eat more veggies and fruits, and have cut in half her after school snacks. It's so hard. But, finding this app for my phone and now the site, I'm hoping this gives me the knowledge and support I know I need!

    Thank you! I hope to get to know all of you.

  • I'm 43 years old, have two kids, girl 19, boy 15 and my husband of 17 years. I have been heavy since graduating high school. I was teased in high school for being "fat" and when I look at pictures, I don't really know what those people were talking about. I've never wanted to be stick thin, but sure, I would love to be "fat" like in high school again. Though after two kids, (my son was pretty big at birth, and I've just realized I can't use pregnancy weight as an excuse anymore. He was 12 pounds), my body will never look like a teenagers again and I'm okay with that.

    About six years ago I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and have been on medication ever since. This is the first time I've really looked at what I have been eating and how much activity I have been doing to see how it affects my health. I'm in for a total life style change. I've also always been an emotional eater and compulsive over eater. The compulsive part was "taken care of" when I was diagnosed with diabetes, no more of my beloved sweets, but I haven't, until now, learned about portion control and carbs.

    I love this app because you can see what you are having in a day and make changes. Since I've been on it, I've lost 10 pounds that I had to start a new profile because when I put it on my phone, I didn't have a password and it got all messed up, so I started over. So, it says 6 pounds, but I'm proud of myself either way! I've ordered the Fitbit to use in conjunction with MFP to further strengthen my resolve.

    I'm looking forward to meeting new friends on here and being motivated and inspired by you and maybe along the way I can do the same for someone else!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Mel090170,

    I wish you the best of luck! You can do it. I have found that losing slowly, though it can be frustrating, is better because you keep it off easier. I was up in the 250 range and was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and gave up all obvious sugars and dropped 40 pounds really quickly, but had been stuck for a loonnnggg time. I lost a few more when we moved, (we were painting, cleaning etc, gee, my exercise spurred some weight loss, who a thnk?), but then gained again. Now I"m using this tool which is really helping. Also being patient and doing the exercise with the lower calories has really made a difference.

    I think, just by reading your post, that you must be a wonderful person to adopt that many children as a single mom. That is wonderful. Could be stress that is keeping you gaining. I'm no doctor and I don't know you, but it's just a thought. Reading your post inspired me to write to you.

    Good luck!!!
  • zoom30
    zoom30 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am Debra, just turned 42 and the mom to 4 kids. I have a 19, 6, 4, and 2 year old. I have been a SAHM for the last 6 years. My husband is in the Army and thus we move alot. I have moved 5 times in the 8 years we have been married!

    I am 5'8" and have consistently been around 165 for many years. After my 4 year old was born I went down to 143 and I felt great and also felt very skinny at that weight. My goal is to get back to 145 and MAINTAIN! It was hard to maintain any weight goal with being pregnant and breast feeding 3 children in so few years.

    I have never been skinny, I am big boned. I have wide shoulders and unfortunately an athletic type body, no waist :(
    I come from a European family and we never overate and never ate many sweets and soda. When I went off to college I started the emotional eating due to a low self esteem. I still find myself eating in response to emotional stress with my spouse, difficult parenting days, and mostly when I am frustrated about something. The serotonin response I get from sugar feels so good and has made me addicted to sugars and simple carbs.

    I am NOT an exerciser. I like to hike and walk but I don't like to do so in the cold and we live in Colorado so many days the weather is uncooperative. I truly am busy all day long with the kids and keeping up the home. For me I have found that the housekeeping and some simple walking is enough for me to lose weight as long as I am watching my calories. This program is wonderful. This is my 3rd try at this program. I am determined to stick with it and to get to my goal.

    SW: 165
    CW: 154
    GW: 145
    in week 3
  • Hi! I am a 42 year old Mom, Wife, Student and Business Owner (part-time) who has successfully juggled it all - but consistently put my body last on the list. Since August 1, 2011, I have been consistently working out at the YMCA 3-5 times per week. Have only lost 6 lbs. but I feel better and think I look better. I am pretty short (5 ft. 2 1/2) so every extra lb. looks like 5. Need to keep track of what I am eating (per my Dr., need to keep working on lowering the triglycerides which are at 202, down from 350 (yikes!) 2 years ago. Would like to see the numbers below 150 so that is my goal. Not for vanity, or to even look good in jeans (although that would be a nice bonus) - doing it for my health and to set a good example for my 16 year old son, 12 year old son and 10 year old twins (boy/girl).
  • sdgmom4
    sdgmom4 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am a 42 year old Mom, Wife, Student and Business Owner (part-time) who has successfully juggled it all - but consistently put my body last on the list. Since August 1, 2011, I have been consistently working out at the YMCA 3-5 times per week. Have only lost 6 lbs. but I feel better and think I look better. I am pretty short (5 ft. 2 1/2) so every extra lb. looks like 5. Need to keep track of what I am eating (per my Dr., need to keep working on lowering the triglycerides which are at 202, down from 350 (yikes!) 2 years ago. Would like to see the numbers below 150 so that is my goal. Not for vanity, or to even look good in jeans (although that would be a nice bonus) - doing it for my health and to set a good example for my 16 year old son, 12 year old son and 10 year old twins (boy/girl).

    Welcome to MFP! I believe you will find the tools and support you need to be successful!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Welcome lovely ladies! I regret that I can't seem to spend more time with this group!
  • Suz725
    Suz725 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 42 Year old mom of 3 girls. 19, 17 and 4. My husband is currently deployed and I decided to get healthy before he comes home. I'm glad to find this group.
  • DelightITL
    DelightITL Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, Marcia here. I am a 47 yo single mom of a 13yo boy who loves to drive mom crazy? To stay on top of the situation, I decided to start exercising and getting healthier. I had lost almost 50 pounds in WW about 5 years ago and gained it all back because of poor eating habits and no exercise. I know what I need to do to lose the weight, just gotta stick with it and stay motivated. I am always looking for new friends to hold me accountable if you interested, just add me. Good luck to all of you. Take it one day at a time (sometimes I gotta do it hour by hour). Peace.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • tblmt
    tblmt Posts: 9 Member
    Hello... My name is Tracie and I am soon to be 41... I have 3 children 8,8 and 6... I am married to a wonderful man. I started having health issues when we were trying to conceive... years of trying... lots of drug therapy... finally pregnant with twins... after the twins we were told we couldn't have children... well, I proved them wrong... naturally! and 21 months later had another beautiful child to love! I had complications with both pregnancies and was on bed rest the majority of the time... I have also had several complications since, which is why I am here... trying to get healthy again! I don't have any weight to lose, but my cardiovascular endurance is nil to nothing... my core muscles are extremely weak... and I want to be able to keep up with my kids and my hubby... and I want to be healthy!
    So here I am... ready to make a change for good... an EDIT not a DIET... editing my lifestyle and making a better me for me and my family!
  • Ok, menopause is starting. Kids at home, kids in college and one married. I'm not as far along as you, but I'm looking for an accountability partner. Interested? 43 y o single mom 5'7" 200#.

  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    I just saw this group and thought YAY! I should join! I hope I am doing this right lol!
    This is what I wrote this morning on the "newbie" board..even though i'm not a newbie!

    I'm back on MFP - was here a couple of months ago and did ok, but then life got in the way and I got knocked off my keister! It's been two weeks of practicing logging it all and one week of logging, good food choices and 3 trips to the gym. I'm back and feeling awesome!!

    But, i'm kind of lonely:( I have quite a few MFP friends who I get awesome support from - one of the reasons I came back were emails from a few members saying "where are you? come back!" and I try to give back as much as I can with the limited online time I have.

    But no one in my age range or weight loss range as of yet...Here's me:

    I'm 42 years old, 5'2 and a half (that half is important!!), and weigh 219lbs. My highest weight was 226, and I started MFP at 220. I'd love to weigh 120 but realistically i'll be happy with 140.

    I have a fabulous 16 year old daughter, an amazing and supportive (except for the "treats" he buys me) husband, a very cool dawg and live in Toronto Canada. I enjoy classes at Goodlife gym but have to be careful, and am in constant fear of aggravating a herniated disk in my lower back.

    So that's you think you would gain from my experience and pretty good sense of humour? Are you a similar age with a lot to lose? Hit me up with a friend request and let's see what we can get done in 2012~~


    I'm SO glad to have found people in my age group!! It's fabulous to see success stories but I get really disheartened when many of the ones I find are 20 year olds..ahhh it was sooo much easier back then even though I found it so hard lol!

    Not sure if i'm supposed to do much else to join this group..if so please feel free to email message me - the quickest best way to reach me! Can't wait to sit down tonight at home and get to know all of you!
  • Hello Ladies,
    My name is Renee, I am 47 and have 5 children, my A team 26,25 and 23 all boys and my B team Den 8 and emmalee 4, both adopted, I started my weight loss journey about a year and a half ago. I started at 171 lbs and lost 15 lbs on weight watchers, then I found MFP, I really like it but am having trouble sticking to it, I've lost another 9 lbs and have 16 lbs to go.
    I've made good changes, walking, exercising, giving up pop and eating right, but I love sweets, so it's a constant fight, which is made worse now that menopause is kicking in!
    I am trying to keep at it!
  • crhaws
    crhaws Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My name is Colleen. I am 42 and have a 2 year old son. Excited to have found this group. I don't have a lot to lose, but love the support and hearing everyone's sucess stories!
    Trying to get back on track from the holidays and struggling a bit. Afraid to weigh in, but I know I need to give in and just do it!
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Hi! Just turned 44 a month a go! I'm married and I have two kids 12 and 9. This will be my 3rd time getting the weight off. I have 60lbs to loose. Really trying to pay attention this time as to why I end up back here......putting myself last. :sad: Been working out steadily for the last 2 months and though I've only lost a few pounds....I FEEL BETTER. No more irritation and resentment about not taking time for me. :bigsmile: Added Zumba to the mix a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!! Thinking about trying Hula too! Look out world!! I'm coming back to the surface again!! Wooooo Whooooo!!! Make it a great day, ladies!!!
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    I can relate to your being pissed at yourself for loosing sight of YOU. I'm right there with you! This will be the 3rd time for me. Praying that this time I have the wisdom and clarity to see what my triggers are when I start to unravel. I am thankful that there are other women who are in the same boat. Make me feel like I'm not alone. I know we can do it!! HERE WE COME WORLD!!! Whole, happy, balanced and ready to live life to the fullest! :bigsmile:
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