worst date ever!

dubist Posts: 279 Member
Last night I went out on a blindish date.
she just moved to town and is a good friend of a friend. my first first date in a couple years. and I had that good nervous energy going. hearing nothing but good things about my date for the night i was pretty excited.

It was the Worst date ever. I mean terrible. uuuggghhh!
First thing she let out a barrage of questions which i answered politely and she did not answer herself. One of which was about my hobbies or spare time which i answered that I was a musician. which she scoffed at and then sighed in disapoinment. like thats that, next. then she explained that musicians are the worst boyfriends etc ex boyfriend etc.....
Then she was very rude to the waitress when we were ordering. we were at a thai restaurant and she kept talking to the waiter like she was stupid or didn't speak english but she clearly did.
Through out the date She kept looking at her cel phone and txt messaging when we were talking. maybe she was twittering how terrible it was going .
and the food she ordered was to spicy so i offered we switch because mine was not as spicy but this still did not impede the complaining and all we talked about till the awkward silence...............................................which was the rest of the date
On the phone predate we had planned on seeing a movie but ended up going our separate ways after dinner.


Whats your worst date?


  • jjjohnson31
    jjjohnson31 Posts: 108 Member
    1) Yikes!

    2) Hey, at least you got to go on a date, and if for nothing else, to come here so I don’t feel so bad about not getting to date.

    3) Why was she musician bashing? I figured that would be like gold; and since I have no musical talent what-so-ever I have never been exposed to this reaction. Is this rare?
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    its weird i never had that reaction before about being a musician. Its always been a positive. I must say it total threw me off my game. and its not like i am a professional musician i only play for fun. i make most of my music at home and play out once or twice a month.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Well, at least you found out how rude she was on the first date and not a couple of months from now. That whole phone thing drives me crazy! It's always a bad sign when the person lays the phone of the table. Ughh!!
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Unfortunately this happens alot. This so typical with going on dates with women, mostly from ones you meet online. Guys become their hobby and are overwhelmed because they are talking to like 50 guys so thats why they text so much. I find that meetup.com is the way to meet normal good women. Texting is rude and disrespectful on a date. You are not am oncall ER Doctor so you will survive if you cant text for an hour. No one invited you out to watch you text all night. I see women doing this all the time when they are out on a date, friends, and family. They so disconnect themselves from the real world and ones who want to spend time with them.

    Being rude to servers, people, if you piss them off, i am serious, one date someone will stir your ice tea refill with their penis. Those guys make 2 dollars an hour and barely make min wage on a slow day so give them a break. You will survive if you only have two tomatoes on your salad, if you are nice then they will care to make your dining experience a good one. If you are rude then they will say f U or or mess with your food.

    Judging people is wrong. What does she do for a living? Ive been on bad dates when i knew there was nothing there but i make the best of and drink alcohol. So what if there is nothing there, hell who knows, she could have made a cool new friend and plus, you two have a friend in common, she she should have had respect. Being rude and complaining is not cool. She sounds like she has low self esteem and is extremely negative and *****y. You can do better then her. Your friend should have warned you about her. There are some cool good women out there, thank goodness that she showed her colors so you can go to the next.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    that bites!!!! like everyone else has said.. good thing you found out now rather than later.

    i haven't had a bad date yet.

    i agree with the previous poster who said at the least, you can make a new friend (NOT with the date you just went out with though). the only guy that i will not friend so far is the one that poofed on me after 2 dates but i plan to contact my last date to say "hey we didn't connect romantically but let's be friends" as he's new to the area and i can always use some hang out buddies. that's why i think it's important to be nice and polite... enjoy my drinks or dinner and conversate even if there's no chemistry. who knows, he could have a nice hot friend for me later on in the future... :wink:
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    The last date I had really made me realize how selfish and obnoxious texting can be. I took a girl to dinner and while she would engage in conversation, she would be texting at the same time! She put the phone by her plate, and it was going off like every minute! Hate that...
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Anthony your posts always make me LOL!

    Re: the musician leary-ness-I might be able to shed some light on it. Some women do not want to date a professional musician because of A. the hours you have to work and B. the women throwing themselves at you constantly.

    My mom dated a musician right after she and my dad divorced and those are the biggest things I remember about the guy----always been out really late, and (I found out later) having a lot of one-night-stands. :(

    So unfortunately this woman may have stereo-typed you. But hey, it sounds like it wasn't going to work anyway. Ugh. Sorry it was so bad. That cell phone thing is terrible! I don't even like it when my FRIENDS text while we are together!
  • lis_4582
    lis_4582 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow. That was rude of her on so many levels. I admit that I do keep my phone close when I go out. But I keep it in my purse and it's only because I'm a single parent. :) If it makes you feel any better, my last date was a complete disaster too. The guy kept going on and on about his ex. He even told me the reason he asked me out was because I reminded him of her. Awesome. Add in the fact that he sprinted across the restaurant parking lot to get away from a spider on the sidewalk, tried to talk me into going with him on a "drive by" of his exes place, and got angry when i wanted to cut the date short.... I think I'd rather be single than see him again.

    Ah dating. Ain't it grand?
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    OMG lis!! The driving by his ex's place would have put me over the edge! LOL it takes all kinds.
  • lis_4582
    lis_4582 Posts: 13 Member
    I know right? It's INSANE. Lol.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Oh my that was so disrespectful of her not only to the waiters but also to you. I hate it when somebody would spend more time on his cellphone than talking to me. Clearly you don't deserve such an uneducated woman like her, as they say there are plenty of fish in the sea. You better off without her.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    It happened 12 years ago when I was still 21 years old when I had a textmate with this guy who was an engineering student. I was also studying at that time in my last year in college. We agreed to meet-up at Burger King & then afterwards see a movie but then it turned out that we weren't really hooked & also I see him constantly checking on his watch & cellphone, such a big turn-off for me. In the end, we just spend the entire date in silence while munching on burgers & onion rings then went on our separate ways.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Why am I just now seeing this? Lol

    (1) Muscians are amazing. My dad is a musician as well as my brothers and so there is nothing wrong with musicians. Kudos to you for your amazing talent.

    (2) I think it's fairly rude for someone to be constantly on their phone while on a date.

    (3) Just overall, she seems very immature. You deserve to go on very nice dates. I hope your next one isn't nearly as bad as that one :)
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Last night I went out on a blindish date.

    Then she was very rude to the waitress when we were ordering. we were at a thai restaurant and she kept talking to the waiter like she was stupid or didn't speak english but she clearly did.

    Oh wow she sounds totally Ignorant.
    But I am happy that you two went your separate ways at the end of the night, :-)
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    Wow, that sucks. I would of done something rude like took her phone or got up and walked away. I would of probably said something like "you're more interested in your phone conversation than one with me, so there is no reason for me to be here. Hope you can find your own ride home." At least that's what I would of wanted to do, but I am mostly all talk lol.

    I thought my blind date was bad.

    Mine was about 7 years ago. I took this girl out for a nice dinner at a steakhouse and while we were eating she was telling me about herself and her family. Well right in the middle of dinner she slides her shoes off and props one up on my lap and tells me that she has 6 toes on both feet. For one I was discussed that she put her foot on my lap while I was trying to eat, but then making me look at her 6 toes. Was very awkward and uncomfortable. She was mad when I wanted to go separate ways after dinner.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Yeah I think we're all agreed that the ones which include the other person using their phone are pretty bad. Had one of those myself where we barely spoke because she was texting her mates so much. I kept buying her drinks hoping she was just nervous and she'd settle down but she text even more and even took a 10 minute phone call! That's when I was almost praying someone would ring me so I could get out of there! Surprisingly she looked annoyed when I only kissed her on the cheek at the end, how?! Complete lack of chemistry and conversation are killers!
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    Wow that's just awful. I too keep my cell phone close by but I don't check it. Hell I hate even doing that when I'm out with friends. I think we have all become too connected. I disconnect every day for an hour or so at the gym and if I go out with friends I try to disconnect then also.
    And maybe musician's aren't her thing but that's her not you and you know what someone out there will say wow now that's cool being a musician! Don't get discourage just say NEXT!!!!
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    That's pretty awful, alright! Being rude to servers (or anyone) is a deal breaker for me. ESPECIALLY for servers, though, It proves they are either class driven or stupid- because of the penis ice-tea thing above!

    The only things I can think of that were really really bad on dates are when the guys have been nervous and throw out stupid one liners in the hopes of being thought clever like "I haven't had luck with girls because I can't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die."(true story!) Or on dates when the guys try to get you in bed from the minute you open the door to set out for the evening. One guy told me it didn't matter what I ordered off the menu so because I was going to be eating his meat later. Classy.

    I think a guy who plays in his spare time and is good enough to play gigs a couple times a month is cool. Stupid girl.

    If the date is bad- like bring it to a message board bad- I won't let the guy pay for me. I'll pay for my own, say thanks and get out. I don't want to even be the slightest bit indebted to someone I have no interest in.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Wow, those are some bad dates!

    On the musician front, I'm not saying it's ok to judge without more information. But for me, if it's a hobby, great! If the guy wants to make his living as a musician, still hoping for his big break, still has a garage band... well, it make me think that he hasn't matured, I'm not saying give up your dream, just be realistic, and one still needs to pay the bills... just my two cents.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I've only ever been on 3 blind dates, one we just didn't click but had a nice date, one I ended up dating for a few months, the other however was truly awful!!

    On my way to the date I got a text from him asking if I was nearly there (I wasn't late). I texted back saying I was running on time, see you in a bit to which he replied along the lines of 'Good, I'm sat here waiting listening to all these Manchester accents, it's really annoying' (I'm from Manchester, the date was in Manchester, he was from out of town but living in Manchester...ummm... yeah we have Manchester accents here!)

    On the date he asked me about stuff I like: music, movies etc. and slagged off everything I'm into. Not in a polite way like 'I'm not really into that', but rude like 'that's crap, that's crap, only idiots like that'! (note: it was all there on my profile, I think the guy hadn't figured out reading or something)

    We went for a meal at a buffet place and he piled his plate so high each time, had the most revolting table manners and was rude to the staff. He also drank too much and got even more obnoxious. I was so embarrassed to be there with him that I just told him straight that we obviously didn't have anything in common and it's best if leave. I paid my half of the bill and went home.

    He seemed so nice before I actually met him :/