New week 12/29/11!

ansleya Posts: 192 Member
I am sooooooo completely sorry! I apologize to everyone! I didn't even think to put up a note that I would be gone because I left in such a hurry. My father is very sick and I had to get home. Please forgive my rudeness.

I hope everyone had/is having wonderful holidays! Since we straight up missed a week, let's just begin again!

3 magic songs:

Venus-Bananarama 1 difficulty, 2 sweat (get your 80's on)
California Girls-Katy Perry 2 difficulty, 2 sweat (a little bit harder now)
Pump It-Black Eyed Peas 3 difficulty, 3 sweat (Really jam!)

We start today! Let's get the new year rolling right!

Happy Dancing!



  • AlwaysAnn
    AlwaysAnn Posts: 116 Member
    It's alright ansleya, life comes first. Hope he is is doing ok.

    I love the songs you picked!! My finger is almost better and my cold almost gone, so I may be able to play this week!! Crossing my fingers.
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    hi, im new to the we do the three songs everyday? do we post our scores? how does the challenge work? hope your dad is better!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    hi, im new to the we do the three songs everyday? do we post our scores? how does the challenge work? hope your dad is better!

    Thank you!!

    Here is a run down of the challenge:

    It's easy:

    #1-We are given three specific songs to work on for the week. (ex-Dancin', Sweat, and Excited)

    #2-We dance them, then post our scores for each song each time we do them. (ex Dancin-5548, Sweat-6487, Excited-3251)

    #3-We start on Thursday and end on Thursday. (Sometimes new songs aren't posted until Friday AM cause we live all over the world) :happy:

    #4-From now on, 2 people will choose the songs that we do: The person with the highest scores for the week will choose two, and the person that has improved the MOST with their scores will pick one.

    #5-If there is a tie for the top numbers, we will look at all of the scores for the week of these people.

    #6-If someone wins back to back, they are not eligible to win a third time in a row. They must wait a week to win again. This gives everyone a chance to shine! :flowerforyou:

    #7-Have a great time doing this!!!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    I got up and did it!! YAY My scores are allll over the place lol

    Venus-9151 (first time on this one, I got lucky getting all the gold moves)
    California Girls-10455 (been doing this since the first day I got the game, my first 5 star song!)
    Pump it-4519 (Been doing this since day 1 too, UGH I hate this he mocks me!)

    3250 in Sweat Points Did 40 mins and it felt good. I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas, so I was able to actually calculate my calories burned!

    Feeling good!!
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    Here are my scores from this morning...first time playing, so not bad!

    Venus - 9,285
    California Girls - 10,877
    Pump It - 3,727

    I did 4 songs in the sweat section and got 1247 sweat points.

    I couldn't figure out how to chose my own songs in the sweat section, so I don't have sweat points for all 8 songs that I did today...however, I did 30 mins total, and am definitely sweating!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    I got up and did it!! YAY My scores are allll over the place lol

    Venus-9151 (first time on this one, I got lucky getting all the gold moves)
    California Girls-10455 (been doing this since the first day I got the game, my first 5 star song!)
    Pump it-4519 (Been doing this since day 1 too, UGH I hate this he mocks me!)

    3250 in Sweat Points Did 40 mins and it felt good. I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas, so I was able to actually calculate my calories burned!

    Feeling good!!

    Would you care to share how many burned?
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Such a noob question, but how does the whole sweat section actually work? This is my first time playing Just Dance and I am so confused lol, it's interface is completely different to Dance Central :(

    I've got my song scores but I am confused about the whole sweat part, raagahagahaa. Sorry to bother you all with it!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member

    Would you care to share how many burned?

    Absolutely!! I used a website and I had to give my gender, age, weight, activity duration (I used 60 mins), and average heart rate( I check my HR 3 times while I dance. Add them up and divide by 3. This gives the average rate.) .

    So, with all that in mind, it said 7 calories per minute. So this is what I use for my calculation. It will be different for everyone. I wanted to really be as accurate as I could be so I know I'm not padding my calories.

    Here is the website:

    Hope this helps!!

  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Such a noob question, but how does the whole sweat section actually work? This is my first time playing Just Dance and I am so confused lol, it's interface is completely different to Dance Central :(

    I've got my song scores but I am confused about the whole sweat part, raagahagahaa. Sorry to bother you all with it!

    Not a bother at all. I can tell you how if works for me, but I use a Wii. If you have a different console, maybe another member can help you. This is how my JD3 works with my Wii:

    At the beginning screen (main menu): You have Dance, Sweat, Store, and Options.

    If you choose Dance, it will go to the song list and you can scroll along to choose one. (I think there are 45 songs) When you perform the song it will give you points on how well you did the movements. This is your "Score". You also get little side comments like "Lazy" or "In Rhythm" lol

    If you choose Sweat at the main menu, you see the next screen says "Free Session" and "7 Day Challenge". The free session is for 4 players. I don't know anything about this because I haven't done it yet. The "7 Day Challenge" is just what it says. 7 Days for you to rack up sweat points that are equal to other activities. Such as, the first challenge is the "Fresh Start". This challenges you to get 3500 sweat points in a week, 500 for the day and this is equal to walking for 30 mins a day! The next challenge is a step up. It's called the "Healthy Choice". This is 7000 sweat points for the week/1000 per day. This is equal to running 30 mins a day. The highest challenge is the "Sweat Explosion". This is 21,000 sweat points for the week! 3000 a day and equal to swimming for 30 mins. Choosing one of these challenges will automatically put the counter on your progress bar (where you get the stars top left of screen) The icon is a sweat drop and the points will add up! Side note: The first song you do will say (for instance) 300 sweat points. Then your next song might say 600 sweat points. That is, unfortunately, not indicating that you were totally awesome and sweating up a storm! That means you got another 300. And they are adding each of your song's sweat points together to get your whole day tally. So, as you do more songs, your points will be added together for every song. So you can see your progress!!

    If you choose Store, that will take you to the Wii Store of JD3 and you can purchase extra songs for 250 Wii points each. There are only 4 extra songs at the moment. I hear there are more to come.

    If you choose Extras, You will see Options, Medals, Archives, and Credits. If you choose Options you will get 4 choices to turn on or off (checkmark means ON): Display Lyrics, Display Pictograms(the little people in the right lower corner that show you the next dance move), Display help screens, and Usage Tracking (I have yet to find where this is tracked, can someone help me here?). If you choose Medals it will take you to the medal page where they are tracked. There are 16 different ones and each medal has 3 goals Such as: Get 1 star in every song, Get 3 stars in every song, Get 5 stars in every song: then you win the medal. If you choose Archives, well I don't know what will happen for you. I get an empty screen that says "wii memory left" and a number. And Credits list who made the game

    Ok 2 last things then I swear I'll wrap it up: There is an option on the top right side of your screen and the top left side. The top left has a musical note. Choosing this will give you access to premade playlists of several genres: Pop. Rock, All 80s, etc. Top right has a giftbox and these are the "gifts" that you earn by getting stars performing the songs. Every star you get counts. There is a "countdown" page that will tell you how many stars you need to get a gift. They start out small like you need 5 stars, then 10, etc. When you hit the number that you need you get "gifts" like Mash-ups. These take a specific song and add dance moves from other songs. So if you get tired of the regular moves in that particular song, you can do the mash-up and mix it up a little.
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I won't quote you because it is quite long lol, but THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Here are my scores
    Venus: 10,151
    California Gurls: 9,969
    Pump It: 10,098
    Sweat points: 3126

    I actually found Pump It to be the easiest one? For some reason I can't break 10k on California Gurls lol.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member

    Would you care to share how many burned?

    Absolutely!! I used a website and I had to give my gender, age, weight, activity duration (I used 60 mins), and average heart rate( I check my HR 3 times while I dance. Add them up and divide by 3. This gives the average rate.) .

    So, with all that in mind, it said 7 calories per minute. So this is what I use for my calculation. It will be different for everyone. I wanted to really be as accurate as I could be so I know I'm not padding my calories.

    Here is the website:

    Hope this helps!!


    THANK YOU! I will be doing this on my next workout! :)
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Ansleya.... how do you purchase or win the extra songs? Do you win those by winning the gifts? And where can I learn what each gift means? It is confusing to me too but I can at least get songs to workout too. :( Sorry for so many questions!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    I won't quote you because it is quite long lol, but THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:

    Here are my scores
    Venus: 10,151
    California Gurls: 9,969
    Pump It: 10,098
    Sweat points: 3126

    I actually found Pump It to be the easiest one? For some reason I can't break 10k on California Gurls lol.

    WOW! That is amazing! In all these months I can't break 5000 on Pump It. It is the hardest one for me!
  • jenuhfur
    Venus: 9,355
    California Gurls: 10,969
    Pump It: 5090
    Sweat Points: 1225
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I got in a quick 10 minutes before work so I only got to play through the songs once today :(

    Venus: 10,137
    California Gurls: 10, 066 (FINALLY REACHED 10K)
    Pump It: 10,193
    Sweat Points: 887
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I have never done these songs! I am on it though! when do you post your scores?
  • LilianaGarciia
    LilianaGarciia Posts: 146 Member
    cant wait to try these tomorro :D
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Ansleya.... how do you purchase or win the extra songs? Do you win those by winning the gifts? And where can I learn what each gift means? It is confusing to me too but I can at least get songs to workout too. :( Sorry for so many questions!

    Never be sorry for asking questions!! We have all been new to the game, so we are all in this together!

    There is a way that you can purchase songs with Wii points, but I apologize, I don't know how to do that. Maybe someone else does?

    Stars: Ok, after every song you dance, you get stars for your points. 5 being the max you can get for any one song. After finishing the song, you will see your stars and your score and it says click A to continue. When you click out, a new screen comes up. It will show you a big round circle with a number in it. That is how many stars you have total for every song you have ever done. Up in the right hand corner is a smaller number. That is how many stars you need to get to unlock a "gift" (one of the next songs). I think it starts out at like 5 stars that you need to get to open the gifts, but as you get more stars tallied the number increases like to 20. And I will tell you that the stars have been a motivator for me! I have said "Ok this is my last song." and after finishing it, I may have only 2 stars left to unlock a prize, I will go do another song to get it. LOL But I am curious like that. I can also tell you that currently, the gifts stop at 600 stars. I'm not sure if they will eventually reload it with more songs or not. I just know when I got to 600 it stopped. I am close to 800 now and still nothing. Oh and I'm on a Wii. It may be different on another console.

    Gifts: The gifts that you get are songs. So far, all of the songs I have gotten have been whats called a "mash-up" which usually refers to putting two or more songs together, but in our case it is putting two or more dancers together in a song. So, let's say you get really used to doing a song (lets use Apache), you have done Apache so many times now that you have gotten great scores or you are just bored with it. One of the gifts is a "mash-up" of Apache. It is the same music, but there are 3 or 4 different dancers that are shown in the song all dancing the steps they would do in their own songs. So instead of dancing with just the Indian the whole time, you may get the guy from Pump it, the girl from Giddy Up, the crazy guy from Party Rock, and maybe the pumpkin guy from This is Halloween. Now, you are doing different moves for this song, so it just shakes it up a little. Changes the routine. :smile:

    I know thats probably confusing. It's kinda hard to explain. Just remember if you get all the stars that are indicated on the right edge of the circle, the screen with flash and say that you opened a gift. So go to the gift box at the top right of the dance screen, click on it, and you will be able to see what songs you have unlocked!

    The only exception to getting new songs is a mode for a new way to play the game called "Simon Says". It's a lot of fun to play this way, it gives you crazy extra things to do while you are dancing and you get a ton of points for them. This is just another way to not get bored with the songs. However, you don't get to keep Simon says points and you get no stars. Dancing this way is purely for fun!

    And on that note, tonight was a good night for me. I don't know why, but I did really well on the other 2 songs, I think I dropped some on Katy.

    California Girls-10802
    Pump It- 7576 (This is my highest score on this song ever. I HATE this guy. LOL)

    2899 Sweat Points

    My heart rate monitor lets me know when I have hit my target HR so I did good staying in it tonight.

    Let me see some scores guys!! We have 67 people in here! Somebody better get dancing! :laugh:

  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    I couldn't figure out how to chose my own songs in the sweat section, so I don't have sweat points for all 8 songs that I did today...however, I did 30 mins total, and am definitely sweating!

    Teri, did you see my reply to another question about the sweat points? You have to set a challenge for yourself, then it will always monitor your points! And, best of all, you get to choose your own songs!
    I have never done these songs! I am on it though! when do you post your scores?

    Lexie, we post them every time we dance. If you can only workout once this week, that is great, just post your scores. If you can workout more, awesome! Show us those scores! Doesn't matter how many times. I try to dance everyday, even if it is just the 3 songs that we are doing. That way, at least I can see myself improve my scores over the weeks. I was really struggling when I first started the challenge. My scores were very low comparatively and I felt bad. But now I know that no matter what score I get I am doing my best, I am working hard, and sweating a LOT! We all are! And, the most improved scores for the week get to chose one of the next songs!

    Awesome job Jenuhfur and Godricshallow on posting!!

    Welcome Liliana! Its a lot of fun!!

    If anyone has anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask!

  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Ansleya, if MFP had awards, you would definitely win most helpful. You are all kinds of wonderful <3