Introduce yourself and your dog(s) you walk here



  • chellesky
    Welcome to the group Lorraine & Simba :-)
  • lorrainesimba
    Thanks and i have just down loaded a pedometer on to my phone os we are ready :happy:
  • chipmunk70
    chipmunk70 Posts: 55 Member

    My name is Cath and I have a 15 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - basically she has saved my life, I was extremely overweight 319 lbs and end of June 2010 started to try and lose some weight with some little success, then in August Alexi was born and I was offered her, she came to live with us in October 2010 and our lives changed from then on, getting out and walking her, doing obedience and agility classes with her etc, I'm now down to my lightest at 222 lbs and most of it is because of her making us get out and walk.

  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member

    My name is Cath and I have a 15 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - basically she has saved my life, I was extremely overweight 319 lbs and end of June 2010 started to try and lose some weight with some little success, then in August Alexi was born and I was offered her, she came to live with us in October 2010 and our lives changed from then on, getting out and walking her, doing obedience and agility classes with her etc, I'm now down to my lightest at 222 lbs and most of it is because of her making us get out and walk.


    Great success story. Dogs are so amazing for us. You are doing great. Welcome to the group
  • kydogwalker
    kydogwalker Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Katherine and I have two dogs: a 10yo flat coated retriever and a 5yo blue heeler. Since I started in mid-October we walk between 2-4 miles almost every day. If I do nothing else in a day for exercise, I am committed to getting out with them. We have only missed a couple days since October 18th. I love the extra motivation and knowing I am doing something good for my dogs as well as myself.
  • chellesky
    Its great to have you and your dogs with us Katherine. It is great to exercise our dogs and ourselves at the same time. It makes the changes we make more of a lifestyle than just losing the weight.
    Im trying to get up to 4 miles again too. Usually we make the 2 miles.

    Whats your dogs names?

    x Chellesky
  • kydogwalker
    kydogwalker Posts: 27 Member
    Hi -- Thanks, I forgot to give their names. How silly. Maia is the flat coat, named after one of the stars in the Pleaides after a family feud in which my kids couldn't agree on a name. My youngest and I picked it out of a book of Greek mythology at about 2 am before her first vet appointment post humane society. Cato is the blue heeler, named for Peter Sellers crazed Chinese butler in the Pink Panther series who always tears up his house.

    We skipped our walk last night, but I'm going to get on the challenge and do that. I have to track my miles again, they add up fast! Besides, it's encouraging. I think after the first month or so I had clocked in an average of 3 miles per day.

    This might work, a link to a pic of us together:

    Have a good weekend!
  • Crossone
    Crossone Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I'm Dave. My wife (IHeartMediWL) suggested that I join this group, since our Mini-Schnauzer "Penny" has been an integral part of our big weight loss last year. I have lost 50+ pounds, while my sweet wife has melted off nearly 100 pounds. Our 2 yr old Penny has accompanied us as we have walked away the weight.

    I am currently on a maintainance program, while my wife has a bit more to go. And Penny is ready, willing & able to lend us a paw, or four. :wink:
  • chellesky
    Hiya Dave & Katherine, its great to have you here with us. You have done briliantly Dave and walking Penny will keep you fit.
    Thanks for telling me your dogs name Katherine. See you both in the challenge threads x Chellesky
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    Hello! Crossone's other half here! We actually have two doggies, or furry children as I like to refer to them. Roo, our male Pomeranian is going to be 15 yrs. old this summer. We don't take him on too many walks because of his arthritis and allergies. Every now an then and not for long distances. Penny, our 3 year old mini-schnauzer is very athletic and loves her walks. She is so tenacious that she has been on 5 mile walks with us and keeps up with us foot to foot. Looking forward to this challenge as we had gotten away from walking over the holidays. Now, we are getting our mojo back and Penny couldn't be happier.

  • KMAMinx13
    KMAMinx13 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Everyone: My puppy dog is named Baron. Baron is a Min Pin boy who I rescued in April '11. He is a black/tan bundle of joy and we think he's about 2 YO. As I volunteer at the local shelter, I was present when he was brought in and was blessed to have been able to adopt him after he was abandoned on a rural road. He is also on a food plan to lose weight since he was a bit over-indulged in the last 8 months : ). I wish I only had to lose 3+ lbs like him but we'll be eating right and exercising together. Happy New Year to all!
  • hhcote
    hhcote Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Helen and my partner in crime is "Marty" my 2 1/12 yr old Morkie (Maltese/Yorkshire mix). We've been doing 3 1-hr walks up and down hills at least 3 days a week, but it's sooooo hard in the cold! I did an hr yesterday and 45 mins Saturday when the temps went up, but the cold is coming back. Ugh. I guess I'll have to just suck it up and get out there, huh? :laugh:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Hi Everyone- I'm Anita and I currently have two dogs. Lazer and Nike are rescues through Team Greyhound and they came from a Florida race track. Lazer is an introvert but LOVES to go for walks. Nike is a comedian and the alpha around the house, but chills out when we walk. I try to walk them every day (Ohio weather permitting) for about 15-20 minutes. I work from home and it's a nice break and gets me out of the house while making them very happy.

    I identify with those who lost their dogs...I lost a yellow lab (Samantha-the one in my profile picture, my favorite baby Valentine who was a huskie/sheltie mix, and Indy a black lab all in the past 11 months :sad:

    My dogs are all in my profile pics if anyone would like to see. Every dog I've owned (7 now) has been a rescue - I love the chance to make them happy.

    On a side note, I clicked on one of the popups that came up on the sidebar of MFP about a month ago and found a really good service. Petflow is an online company that delivers dog food right to the house. My one dog is very sensitive with foods and eats a food that's available locally at only one store. I've had them delivering to my house regularly and it's only a buck more per bag. Here's a link if you're interested: They do have a referral program so it does benefit me, but if you'd rather just go to the site they're at I don't want people to think this is just an add, but I really have been happy and wanted to share.

    I'm glad we can make ourselves and our pets happier with walking. We can all live longer and we get to enjoy our dogs for extra years!!!
  • chellesky
    Welcome to our little group Lisa, KMaminx, Helen & Anita. Its lovely to meet you all and your dogs. Lets make this a great year of dog walking and sharing our progress together. hugs Chellesky
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hello everyone.... I'm Jennifer - I live in Southern Indiana... my walking buddy is Baxter (5.5 yr. old yellow lab). He LOVES to go for walks.... which keeps me moving when I wanna slow down. He's full of energy!! We recently just moved to a new community/town so we are exploring the new walking trail we have around the lake. It's such a neat area..... unfortunately winter is coming so we may not get the chance to go as much for the next few months. Anywho, just wanted to say Hi from Jen and Bax.
  • chellesky
    Welcome to the group Jen and Baxter its great to have you with us. Happy Walkies see you on the boards x C
  • ashleeorf
    Hello everyone! I try to walk my 3 dogs everyday. I have 2 rat terriers that will be 4 the 20th! and I have a Siberian Husky which is about 3 months old. They love to get out and walk with me, and i really enjoy taking them! As of now we walk for about and hour a day! Hope to do more, we get a little farther each time, i mean walking a puppy is not a easy task lol but he is getting better! :) Well It was nice to meet all of you! Good luck on all of your weight loss goals! I would like to be 125-120 myself! I hope i can get there! :)
  • ld716
    ld716 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Lisa and I have 3 dogs: Louie (the black lab x in my profile pic), Sophie (a 9 year old pug) and Chloe (5 year old beagle/jrt). I have a hard time getting us all out for walks in the winter as I live in a rural area and there are no street lights on my road. Now that it's getting lighter I plan to get us all out more often. I'm just getting started on this site and hope to be here often. See you all around! :)
  • Lavender35
    Hello everyone. My name is Cheri and I walk with my dog Angel whenever I can. She is a ten year old border collie. Right now I take a few short walks a day because Angel has a bit of arthritis in her back legs so I try to take it easy with her. She keeps me motivated by lighting up every time I even mention the word walk.:smile:
  • julied5344
    Hello everyone. My name is Julie and I have a 15 week old labradoodle puppy named Kirby. I am trying to get out an walk him more .. a) to get some exercise for me and b) to help the puppy behavior. I can certainly tell when he hasn't been walked! I want to get a good 2-3 walks in per day, it is just tough scheduling it all in around kids, job, etc. Not enough hours in the day. Starting tomorrow I am going to start getting up and getting one walk out of the way before the family gets up!