20 Lbs Down

By Febuary 12th I hope to drop 20 lbs. I am currently 180. How much do you want to lose by the Feb 12th?


  • misstiffanyrenee
    misstiffanyrenee Posts: 29 Member
    i am going to 15. that would put me in the 170s, which would be amazing. i have not weighed in a few weeks but plan on getting that done first thing in the morning.
  • Xquisitz
    Awesome!! This site is sweet.
  • mimi10453
    mimi10453 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm aiming for a minimum of 15 lbs. I'm currently 183.6. I start the south beach diet tomorrow so I should drop about 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks alone...well I hope. I've done so in the past.
  • Xquisitz
    We almost have the same weight and I am 5'3 tryna lose 60 pounds. I want to be 120 and be able to slip in size 4 or 7 jeans. I swear we can do this. Don't fall off now. When your mind is made up you can do it:-)
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone I havent weighed myself since November and am actually petrified of my scales.Doesn't that sound stupid to you?! A grown woman living in mortal terror of my scales after the Xmas period...well I'm graduating in 9 weeks and don't want to look as I do now. I used to be 185 and dropped to 140 last year but currently I'm estimating myself to be 160.

    I'm going to take the plunge tomorrow and view what I'm dreading...

    we can get healthy and do this. My ultimate goal is 135. For now I'd like to lose 15 pounds.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hey everyone! I'd like to join you! I think 10 lbs would be realistic for me! At the moment I'm 130 at the moment and want to be 120 at the end of this challenge! Hope I can reach my goal!
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning - I'm Evelyn. I'm 5ft 5in and I weighed 166.5lb last Thursday on my weigh in day :) I've lost about 30-35 lbs since July but then Christmas came and now for the past two-three weeks I've been just maintaining.

    I have this video downstairs and I haven't used it yet so this Challenge will be just what I need to get it out. :) Thanks for putting it out there. I would like to lose another 20 lb putting me at 150 lb. For my height that is just on the board of healthy vrs. overweight. It's a good goal for me.

    Feel free to friend me - that way we can "link" these posts a bit better.

    Good luck everyone!
    Blessings in our journey.
  • JAWSmith
    Good morning all. I'm JoAnn, I live in upstate New York where the weather prediction is for 2 to 3 feet of blowing snow today. i am dreading the drive to work. Not exactly conducive to starting anything but running back under the covers on the bed.
    It seems like the only thing i am consistent about is the desire to lose weight. i quit smoking ten years ago. I starting walking, then jogging to keep the weight from packing on. It worked for the first ten pounds. It didn't help with the remaining 10 to 15 pounds. I am 5 feet 4 inches and weigh 138 now and would like to lose about 10 to 15 pounds in the next six weeks. i just feel heavy and sluggish. i recently changes jobs and my work schedule is horrid. It takes me 40 to get to my job where I start work at 2PM. Since i don't work over 6 hours I don't get a lunch break and even snacking is not an option. I have a light lunch before I leave my house at 1PM and by 7:30PM I am ready to eat the seat cushion in the car. I started brings a snack to eat in the car but I ended up making more of a mess than it was worth. My husband won't cook so my options are limited to cereal or yogurt when I get home. I can't eat anything heavy because I am ready to fall asleep by 9PM. Any suggestions about how I can rearrange my meals would be appreciated.
    Glad to see this group. My attention span doesn't get much further out than 6 weeks.
    Good luck to everyone.
  • misstiffanyrenee
    misstiffanyrenee Posts: 29 Member
    i just weighed myself and i was down 3 pounds to 188.4! not bad for not doing anything and surviving the holidays without being too conscience of what i was doing! so with this new knowledge my goal for the six weeks is 18.4 pounds. that will take me to 170. i am 5'3" so my goal weight is more 130 - 140.
  • vhozen
    vhozen Posts: 5 Member
    I am at 187 right now. Ultimate goal would be 135-145..Challenge goal ... I would like to see 15 gone in the next 6 weeks... but will be thrilled with 10....as long as its in the right direction I am happy :)
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Heya everyone how are you....just wondering how the last 2 days have been for you? I havent done any significant exercise but the hope and desire is there>it's just soooo cold outside. I can't be dealing with power walking at -1 degree.My sister has given me her Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVDs and I have some cardio workout material I got online and on youtube.

    Unfortunately I can't run or jog due to my J cup size, but I sure can do some fast dancing with like 2 bras.