Week 1

libland Posts: 284 Member
Day 1 - Core Synergistics complete... wow that was intense. Unable to do any dreya rolls (couldn't get down:cry: or back up). Skipped the bonus round because I was done. Only wanted to barf a couple of times. Happy New Year to everyone!



  • I had chest and back today... i did it but i was so shaky by the end that i didn't know if i would live through a shower. i had a hard time with push ups but i completed them on my knees... don't even ask about ab ripper but there is only one way to go from here and each day i will get stronger!! Diet going well and i am going to go get some protein powder today.

    Diet started today too!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I did chest and back as well....did ok but I am sure push and pull ups will be a lot easier when I drop some weight!
  • bran_d_wyne
    bran_d_wyne Posts: 2 Member
    I did Core Synergistics today as well. BRUTAL. I did my best though.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Did chest and back today, my arms feel like spaghetti!! Don't get me started on the ab ripper X!! But just keep pressing play!!
  • clasr71
    clasr71 Posts: 10
    I ran 3 miles as a warm up then I did chest/back today, and like all of you my arms are so weak right now. Had a tough thime with the pull ups.
  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    Day 1- core synergistics....complete!!! Only has got to get easier...right? minimal reps but could feel the intensity. Did not do the bonus round because I was past done!!!! also ran my longest today at 6.25 miles (61 minutes) . All in all a good workout day!

    Keep it up everyone. one day at a time!!! Here's to day 2 :wink:
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I did it three days ago, oh mah goodness what pain, and the next day was even worse. All i have to say is Good Luck with you do Ab ripper X.... DEATH ON A STICK most painful 15 minutes of my life!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    D2 - Cardio X - uggh yoga section was not pretty, I am so not flexible:ohwell:
  • I had Plyometrics and made it to the 29 minute left mark when i started dry heaving.. will finish it off tonight but that is so not cool!!! Can only get better right. I think it is my fault for not eating enough yesterday knowing i was going to have a killer workout this morning.. lesson learned but i figure even if i have to finish it tonight- i did it right??
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    D2: Plyometrics done. Definitely got the heart rate up!

    Stick with it Donnab88....it can only get easier!
  • owngoal64
    owngoal64 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Andy and I am looking forward to starting on Wednesday, 1/3 (setting up schedule so that Yoga falls on Saturday and off day on Tuesday). I completed P90X once before in 2009 and it was great - I dropped about 20 lbs. and lowered my body fat@ from 25% to 17%. Unfortunately I have since fallen off the fitness wagon and given those gains back, so I am challenging myself to meet or exceed results from last time and then continue to develop from there!!

    For those of you doing this for the first time, my advice is to work your way into it and don't get discouraged if you can't do all (or even half) of the workouts. Pause the DVD when you need to and try to get through the best you can. Record what you did and stick with it - the first few weeks will be tough but I can promise you will see improvements soon after that!

    I am doing P90X classic and once I get my feet under me hope to add some extra cardio. I am looking forward to discussing this journey with you all!
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    First day for me. Chest & Back, and Ab Ripper. Loved it!!
    Found the roll up/ V-up combos tough. Reached the point where I just couldn't sit up after 14.
    Last day of holiday so 6 mile walk this afternoon too.
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    Hey Everyone!

    Well, I started P90X about six months ago and only got through the first week before I left for vacation and just never really got back into the grove. Being that it is the New Year, I have decided to start P90X - Lean, I will start Core Synergistics tonight. Wish me luck!

  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    Wk1D2: Cardio x complete! Not so bad today but def. not graceful but made it through. Feeling sore but great! My rest day of running. Work tonight, so goal to do workout (shoulders & arms, and ab ripper x) first thing in the am when I get home followed by running.

    Keep it up everyone!!!
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    Chest and back today, I could only do one pull up. What a bummer, i used a chair to do more but I look forward to the day when I can pull up my own body weight! Anyone else have tips on pull ups?


  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Just finished Day 2 Plyometrics....It was crazy intense, my face is so red and bc I'm tan I look like I belong on the Jersey Shore!! But I feel awesome!! Just keep pressing play!!
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    How do I add my P90X workout to my exercise log? I can't seem to find it in the Database...
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    I did chest and back and ab ripper x today.

    I couldn't even do one chin up and I got about half way up on a pull up.

    That ab routine was unreal....needless to say I couldn't do a lot of those. I have a loooong way to go...
  • Chest and back today modified. Bands and girl push ups. It's about progress my friends.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I started on December 26th so today is week 2 - day 1 for me.

    Just finished Core Synergistics. All of my soreness from week 1 is gone.