which workout?

sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
So, which workout are you gonna do? I can start a thread for each one, and you can head there to log your workouts.

I am gonna def stick with my walks and I'm gonna do another JM vid. If you need a rec: do the 30 Day Shred...it's def do-able even for a super beginner. The first day I was taking tons of breaks, now on Day 26 I do level 3 and then level 1 back to back to get an extra burn.


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    I'm starting 30DS on Jan 2. Since they are short workouts (I usually do 45 mins) I'll probably do a 2nd workout on my days off.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Planning on doing the 30DS on Jan 2 as well and C25K 3x per week.
  • TonyNMitchell
    TonyNMitchell Posts: 6 Member
    I'm simple. I really don't know about all the programs out there so I simple do yoga, a physical workout (focus on belly, back, arms chest) and a heck of a lot of cardio (2 hours daily elliptical, stair climber etc)
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    Nice Roadthndr: I love simple...

    Life is so hectic and if I can take the guesswork out of my workouts, it becomes second nature in no time. I just ran across this little one that I think I'll take when I'm travelling. Seems perfect for a hotel room workout. A little daunting at first glance, but it seems measurable to me, which is why I like it. I rely heavily on seeing progress, it's like my lifeline. ;o)

    The 100 Workout

    100 Jumping Jacks
    90 Crunches
    80 Squats
    70 Leg Lifts
    60 Jumping Jacks
    50 Crunches
    40 Squats
    30 Leg Lifts
    20 Jumping Jacks
    10 min jog/walk
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    I've got my wife doing the 30 day challenge with me. We'll probably do very brisk (4 mph) walking mostly. I run as well and will do that at least once per week and hopefully twice. I'm looking forward to running another 5k in the spring after having knee problems after a 5k I ran in the fall.

    I was hungover today (oops, too much crappy chardonnay) but we still did it! 40 minute 2.69 mile walk!
  • musdoit2
    musdoit2 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the invite.... I am still too overweight to do anything extreme like Turbo Jam or Zumba so I am putting them back on the shelf and will start off doing 30 min walk on the treadmill every 2nd day.. Sorry I don't have much energy at this point.. I could not finish the 20 minute WO.. Hopefully that will change.. Do I still qualify to be in this challenge? Actually I never realized we had this group area..
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the invite.... I am still too overweight to do anything extreme like Turbo Jam or Zumba so I am putting them back on the shelf and will start off doing 30 min walk on the treadmill every 2nd day.. Sorry I don't have much energy at this point.. I could not finish the 20 minute WO.. Hopefully that will change.. Do I still qualify to be in this challenge? Actually I never realized we had this group area..

    Hey sandy! You most certainly still qualify...you have to start somewhere. I rec walking, it's a great way to get your exercise in. Even if you have to break up the 30 min into 3-10 min sessions. Give yourself a month or so at being consistent and you will see your endurance will increase. Re: the high impact aerobic workouts...it took me until I lost about 60 lbs before I felt confident that I could really try it, so just listen to your body and push yourself at your own pace. Just keep going no matter what!
  • poes933
    poes933 Posts: 5 Member
    Nice Roadthndr: I love simple...

    Life is so hectic and if I can take the guesswork out of my workouts, it becomes second nature in no time. I just ran across this little one that I think I'll take when I'm travelling. Seems perfect for a hotel room workout. A little daunting at first glance, but it seems measurable to me, which is why I like it. I rely heavily on seeing progress, it's like my lifeline. ;o)

    The 100 Workout

    100 Jumping Jacks
    90 Crunches
    80 Squats
    70 Leg Lifts
    60 Jumping Jacks
    50 Crunches
    40 Squats
    30 Leg Lifts
    20 Jumping Jacks
    10 min jog/walk

    Great idea.! Love this!
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I plan to do 30-45 min on the elliptical and 20-40 min of Zumba on the Wii a day.
  • BlessedMoon
    BlessedMoon Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the invite, this is the first group I've joined. Little nervous, but I need the accountability. I plan on doing 30 DS everyday as the minimum. I would also like to get in another workout like one of my other video's (my fav is Cindy Crawford Shape Your Body) or going to the gym for some cardio and/or circuit training.
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    This is my first "exercise group" as well and look forward to seeing all the awsome transformations in the coming months!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member

    Love that 100 workout - will definatley cut and paste that as a word document!

    I've been exercising and pushing myself since April..... so i'm doing Insanity (started 26th December). It is scary and brilliant at the same time!

    I'm in a challenge group for folks who stated it on that day as well, so don't worry about doing a separate thread if I'm the only one doing it at the moment.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I am doing Power 90; I'm on day 53. This program is 6 days a week 30-45 minutes per day, alternating between weight-based circuit training and cardio interval training. I have also added two 45 minute bootcamp classes per week, and 2 yoga classes per week. So far, it's working and manageable (I do the Power 90 and bootcamp classes in the am before work). I just added the additional bootcamp on Tuesday. Through last Sunday, I lost 26 lbs in 7 weeks doing the Power 90 and using MFP for tracking food.

    I look forward to reading about everyone's progression and success!
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I'm committed to two days of Zumba at the gym (Tuesday & Thursday). My buddy who talked me into going just bailed on me tonight...but I'm going anyways. The other days I'm tryin to maintain the goal of getting to the gym at 4 a.m. and do the elliptical or treadmill 45 - 60 minutes. My next goal is to start doing a cycling class one a week on Mondays. Anyone in my area want to feel the burn with me??