fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
So we have begun our 12 week challenge. For many of us, this is a clean slate of getting back on track! For the WEEK ONE challenge, I thought we might take it BACK TO BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on drinking water! I know that this is not the easiest thing for all of us to do (or at least not for me). Check in here and let us know how you are doing with the water intake. Give us tips on how to get all the water in on a daily basis!!! Let's do this together!!!!

DRINK DRINK DRINK...................... :):drinker:


  • Crystal light helps me drink my water..
  • deboraht1000
    deboraht1000 Posts: 19 Member
    I know its supposed to be 8 glasses a day but how much in a glass, does anyone know?
    I am only having my second one today I really need to get back into the habit as when I drink water I do lose more weight

    Good challenge for week one
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I know its supposed to be 8 glasses a day but how much in a glass, does anyone know?
    I am only having my second one today I really need to get back into the habit as when I drink water I do lose more weight

    Good challenge for week one
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    It is usually 8 glasses of 8 oz. ....so 64 oz per day. In italy we us the liters.....my doctor told me it should be 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

    Deb, I totally agree with you, when I drink water I lose weight quicker. I am glad that you like this first week challenge! Cheers!!! let's drink!!!!!! :drinker:
  • I'm going to try making a rule for myself that I'm not allowed to have anything else to drink (i.e. juice, soda, coffee, etc.) before I drink 1-2 glasses of water. I'm not sure if that's the best way to handle it, but it's at least a start to getting into a better habit of drinking water. My friend drinks Sobe life water, which has various flavors. Thinking of trying that too unless someone knows of a reason why that's not a good way to go.

    Good challenge for the first week!
  • marian723
    marian723 Posts: 35 Member
    I carry a bottle of water with me every where. By doing that I tend to drink more than 64 oz a day. I have also been told that you dont have to drink 64 oz a day if you are eating lots of fruits and vegitables because they contain water.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I like water, but I also like "fizz" so I get the sparkling water, unflavored, and sometimes add plain lemon or lime juice for variety. It can be hard to find--there is so much flavored water with all kinds of additives.
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    I try drinking it even when I'm not thirsty. Just stuff it in....
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I fill up 2 Nalgene bottles (32 oz) in the morning. I make it a goal to drink both bottles before I head home from work. Most days I'm done with both bottles around 2-3 pm. This way I have at least 64 oz before I leave work. I will drink a lot more than that on the days that I workout.
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    this is a great challenge Pam, sometimes I barely drink 3 glasses a day of water. I will start counting till I get 8 a day.
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    Good challenge. Like some others here i also keep a 1 litre (32fl oz) bottle of water on my desk and aim to drink this before lunchtime, then refill and drink the rest before home time.

    I find it harder to remember to drink enough at weekends!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 651 Member
    I keep a water bottle at my desk during the day and then have another one I keep with me in the evenings.

    I also try to drink a full glass of water before I eat. I find it helps me feel full sooner...

  • Keeping water at my desk during the day really helps. My goal will be to drink 2 Nalgene bottles per day while at work. (64 oz total). Plus I'll have more at home. Great Challenge.
  • gettinfit29
    gettinfit29 Posts: 11 Member
    I bring in a gallon of water to work EVERYDAY so I have no excuse if I'm tied to the phone! I also gave up soda 4 years ago, that helps.
  • Hey Guys! It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces, more if you're doing a cleanse and/or working out! This has been one of my personal goals for this week so I am happy that this is our first challenge! I have been keeping the 500mL bottle of water on my desk and try to drink 2 before lunch (4 glasses) and then 2 after lunch! I am trying this in baby steps :) I find if I make a jug using Brita water, sliced cucumber and sliced lemon, I drink a lot more water, it feels like I am at the spa :)

    Good Luck all, we can do this together! :drinker:
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    I used to find it so challenging to drink 8 cups of water a day, but now that I am eating healthier (and have cut back on the soda- only diet once in a while) I find it easier to get in my 8 cups or more for most of the week. I usually have a cup before I eat breakfast then maybe one during. The same goes for lunch and dinner that's about 6 cups already!! Then when I workout out I at least have 2-3 more cups. So I kind of do well with my water intake. It just took a lot of training and telling myself that I wasn't really H2O intolerant haha
  • I have a 64oz bottle that I fill up and drink from. I know I've gotten the recommended amount when I drink til that bottle is empty. I just like plain water--no crystal lite, fizz or flavoring of any kind. I've found that if I sip on my water bottle all day, I can get my water in with no problem.

    Very nice challenge. Many people don't drink enough water.
  • Hey all, there is an app I use to track my water intake. It's called waterlogged (iPhone) hope its on other phones as well. It reminds me every 1.5 hrs to drink water. You can customize the app to remind you at different intervals and for it not to remind you while you sleep. For the last two days I have consumed 114+ oz of water a day and this app really helps me out! I also use a 750ml bottle, I feel if it is to big it is harder for me to drink, just cause of the size of the bottle. Hope this will help some of you out! Keep drinkin!

    Also a tip, if your on a calorie budget diet, you don't want to be wasting your food calories on liquid. So make sure the flavor additives your adding are 0 calories! I just cut up a lemon and squeeze a slice and drop it in. Flavor usually lasts all day!
  • I have 3 of the Starbucks 24oz cups, so I know that drinking 3 of those will get where I need to be.
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    Awesome first week challenge. I usually don't get enough water. Today I have already had 24oz - which is amazing for me....and I have this challenge to thank for that!

    I am so excited for this biggest loser challenge!!!!!