anyone else modifying?

jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
I have been through p90x before but only made it 60 days. There is one exercise I truly don't care for and thats the Cardio. I am thinking I am going to substitute that for a zumba day. Also with two toddlers and an infant an hour and half of yoga is not plausible soI am thinking I will do half one day and then half on another. anyone else changing it in any way?


  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I am going to be doing some Turbofire DVD's in place of Kempo which was not challenging enough for me. I dread the yoga and will probably break it up as well.
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    Kenpo is one of a my favorites lol. What is turbo fire? is that another beach body thing?
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    I will be breaking up the yoga - half in the am, half in the pm. I don't have 90 minutes in the morning before work.
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    Instead of Yoga I will be doing some cardio! Yoga makes me laugh and I can't handle 90 minutes of it. LOL
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    yeah 90 minutes is a whole lot of yoga! my little ones can only handle me working out about 50 minutes before they get restless and need mommy.
  • I enjoying cycling and running so I substitute those in for cardio and kenpo.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Kenpo is one of a my favorites lol. What is turbo fire? is that another beach body thing? is a Beachbody set...kind of a higher charged version of kenpo.
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Yoga is seriously 90 minutes??? Wow...I only have so much time in the morning... Is it really worth it waking up a half hour earlier to do Yoga or should I just do some cardio on those days??
  • I am going to do the first half of the yoga and then do the elliptical for 30 minutes. 90 minutes on a work day is way too long!!
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    My big thing is I hate the Yoga but I like everybody's idea to break it up. My other issue is any squatting and lunging movements. I had a bad knee injury about three years and can barely go up stairs with out using the hand rail or a little pain. Any suggestions on what to do about that?
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    I don't think I am much help with lunges but is it possible to just do a mini lunge? or does it hurt for you to bend it at all? hopefully someone else can be more help.
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    Yoga is seriously 90 minutes??? Wow...I only have so much time in the morning... Is it really worth it waking up a half hour earlier to do Yoga or should I just do some cardio on those days??

    I have seen some people just do the stretch work out on the yoga days. I think stretching the muscles is the important part of the yoga day so maybe do the stretch workout of just do part of the yoga? I agree that work out is WAYYYY to long.
  • My big thing is I hate the Yoga but I like everybody's idea to break it up. My other issue is any squatting and lunging movements. I had a bad knee injury about three years and can barely go up stairs with out using the hand rail or a little pain. Any suggestions on what to do about that?

    Listen to your body. I've had a knee injury and used the bike to strengthen it. I would skip lunges and squats and maybe do more wall sits and maybe bridges; those will get your quads, hamis, and glutes.
  • owngoal64
    owngoal64 Posts: 22 Member
    When I did my first round of P90X two years ago I hated the yoga initially but I think it did me a lot of good. Adds balance and flexibility plus it has a good ab workout at the end. So I'm going to bite the bullet and do it again this round (on Saturdays when I have the 90 minutes to spare). I will only do it once on rest weeks however - twice in a week is too much!

    I also substitute some hard cardio training for Kenpo, which does nothing for me (although it's kinda fun). I will usually do interval training on the eliptical so I am working arms and legs.
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    My big thing is I hate the Yoga but I like everybody's idea to break it up. My other issue is any squatting and lunging movements. I had a bad knee injury about three years and can barely go up stairs with out using the hand rail or a little pain. Any suggestions on what to do about that?

    Listen to your body. I've had a knee injury and used the bike to strengthen it. I would skip lunges and squats and maybe do more wall sits and maybe bridges; those will get your quads, hamis, and glutes.

    Thanks for that advice. I will definitely try doing the wall sits and bridges more
  • smm10
    smm10 Posts: 4
    I am on my 6th week of p90x and yes yoga is long! Sometimes I only do the first 45 min because the last 45 is all balance and stretching. Or I will do CardioX instead of yoga. The main thing is to challenge yourself.
  • I enjoy Yoga but I agree that it is too long. I was to do that yesterday and I went running and did X Stretch instead. My kids will not allow me to make it through Yoga. I want it to be peaceful when I do that, but that will never happen. I still modify and I am on my second round of P90X and went from the Lean to Classic. My knees can't handle a full hour of Plyo so I do Cardio X! I love love love the cardio videos! I get excited on those days! I also love resistance as well! Well... I just love P90X! I am going to do a Hybrid of Insanity and P90X soon!!! I am down to the wire of results!!! Good Luck
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    I enjoy Yoga but I agree that it is too long. I was to do that yesterday and I went running and did X Stretch instead. My kids will not allow me to make it through Yoga. I want it to be peaceful when I do that, but that will never happen. I still modify and I am on my second round of P90X and went from the Lean to Classic. My knees can't handle a full hour of Plyo so I do Cardio X! I love love love the cardio videos! I get excited on those days! I also love resistance as well! Well... I just love P90X! I am going to do a Hybrid of Insanity and P90X soon!!! I am down to the wire of results!!! Good Luck

    I agree it should be peacful! usually two minutes into any of the workouts my daughters are asking me to get them things. There is no peace when I am yelling for them to wait lmao.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I hate the yoga dvd, not that I don't like yoga, cause I do enjoy the stretch I get from it but who in the hell decided the yoga dvd to be an hour and 30 minutes long? I can see 45 minutes. I usually skip the positions that have my chin touching my hip or similiar.
  • Yoga isn't really that much longer than doing a resistance workout plus Ab Ripper X ... but if you're really time pressed, there are alternatives! For instance, Tony Horton's Fountain of Youth Yoga is just under 50 minutes, and is a pretty good workout. I tend to have early morning meetings at work on Wednesdays (my planned yoga day), so if I have to skip it I will try to do it on Friday instead.

    I didn't change much my first time through P90X, but currently my schedule is:

    Su: Chest & Back + ARX
    Mo: Plyo
    Tu: Shoulders & Arms
    Wed: Fountain of Youth yoga + ARX
    Thu: A basic full-body barbell routine (replaces Legs & Back)
    Fri: off
    Sa: Kickboxing class (replaces Kenpo X)

    I've also modifed C&B and S&A to incorporate more heavy weights (barbell) ... doing that with the short rest periods in the videos is really tough!