So, I'm BIG!



  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    I HATE how not only pounds, but how dress size is, almost solely, relied upon as an indicator of girth.
    At my heaviest in high school, I was about a size 20 jeans, and those were uber stretchy waistbands, mind you. (Always HATED zippers/buttons!! Only began wearing them after my recent loss.)
    I'm at the low end of my healthy BMI, and I'm about a 10/12 (depending on whether zippered or stretchy). Approximately a 120 lb weight difference from my highest known weight, but only a 4-5 size down difference. I have 120 lbs gained and lost, 10 years' worth of loose skin still hanging off me. I know Jennifer Hudson ain't got all that, honey.

    YES! I had someone send me a message when I said my goal weight was 180 and wanted to be a size 12 and the message said something along the lines of "Don't you think that's too heavy? I mean, a size 12 is still really big."
    Um, not when you're 5'10" and have a large bone structure.
    I'm about 168-ish now and mostly in Size 8 pants because it took a while to get the hang of maintenance. I wouldn't mind gaining a few of those pounds back since you can count my ribs at this point.
    Bottom line - as long as we work on being fit and healthy, the scale is irrelevant - regardless of how tall or short we are. Also, these are OUR goals, no one else's.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    I think my whole complex about my weight started as a teenager when peeps were always a bit 'lazy' with their vocabulary so although I was only 10 stone / 140 lbs (I'm just over 5ft 9), people would describe me as the 'big' girl when what they actually meant was the 'tall' girl but they never said 'tall' ! I used to get really upset about it - I now think 140 lbs is way too low for me (aiming for 168 lbs which just puts me in the healthy BMI range for my height).
  • slamazon
    slamazon Posts: 43 Member
    I think the only time I was considered petite or dainty was during the first six months after I was born!!!! I have always been referred to as 'big' or 'huge' due to the combination of my height and bone structure. I am 6'1 and at my heaviest weighed 240 pounds. Now I weigh 183 pounds.

    The 'big' and 'huge' references took a toll on my self esteem ... I have also often been used as a threat to others by friends, family, even my husband i.e. "watch out or I'll get my 6'1 wife/sister/friend to beat you up" - gah!!!!!

    It has taken me a long time but I am finally embracing my size/stature.

    I should also note that I am currently in the healthy BMI range with only a few more pounds to go. I may still be referred to as 'big' or 'huge' but frankly ... I don't give a damn what others think anymore 'cause I am happy and healthy!!!!!!
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    Oh my goodness this post hits home!!! I'm 5' 11 and currently 253 and my goal is 199 (just want to be under 200!!!) I can't imagine myself weighing less. I've got a large chest and a big butt and ginormous hips!!! I think bmi is a joke for women shaped like me. I want to be under 200 so badly!!!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I think the only time I was considered petite or dainty was during the first six months after I was born!!!! I have always been referred to as 'big' or 'huge' due to the combination of my height and bone structure. I am 6'1 and at my heaviest weighed 240 pounds. Now I weigh 183 pounds.

    The 'big' and 'huge' references took a toll on my self esteem ... I have also often been used as a threat to others by friends, family, even my husband i.e. "watch out or I'll get my 6'1 wife/sister/friend to beat you up" - gah!!!!!

    It has taken me a long time but I am finally embracing my size/stature.

    I should also note that I am currently in the healthy BMI range with only a few more pounds to go. I may still be referred to as 'big' or 'huge' but frankly ... I don't give a damn what others think anymore 'cause I am happy and healthy!!!!!!

    Amen. I didn't even get to be considered dainty for the first six months. I weighed more that 11# when born, and the hospital had to go out and buy bigger clothes and blankets for me. Oh, yes, and all those people who used to call me "Big Amanda".

    But age does things for us, and now at 70 I couldn't be prouder of my full 6' of height. And my size 12 feet, and my long-fingered hands that don't fit into any women's gloves on the planet. And do I now still stand at the back of a crowd just because I can see over everyone? Nope, not always. I don't even feel sorry for most shorties. After all, they don't have to pay an arm and a leg for tall clothes and large shoes.
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I completely understand all of this! When I was young I was a total tom-boy and never had female friends until about middle school so to this day I'm still way more comfortable with guys, being one of the guys. When I started shooting up in elementary school I got all of it, height, boobs, and big ol' feet but was still relatively thin because I was extremely active. I've been in a size 11 shoe for just about as long as I can remember. My dad's friend (who was like an uncle to me) used to give me hell all the time about my feet, saying that if we ever got flooded it'd be okay because we could all just hop in one of my shoes and paddle to was all in good fun and didn't really bother me, but it was there. I distinctly remember being called an "Amazon *****" in middle school because I was bigger and stronger than a male classmate LOL When I was 12 I stopped breathing and almost died, to bring me back and keep me going I was put on a LOT of medication for a very long time and that's when I put the weight on. A very unpleasant girl started a nasty little rumor that I was pregnant because of all the weight I gained so quickly and that was when I became very unhappy in my own body. I thankfully have a wonderful 6'4" husband (who loves all the inches, pounds, and stretch marks I have) who I met in high school that makes me feel like I'm not a giant LOL I tower over all of our friends but so does he and honestly I think he likes that I'm right there with him too ;)
    I started this journey at 242lbs and would like to get down 175-155lbs. I'm giving myself a range because while I'd like to be able to SAY a smaller number, I want to LOOK healthy. No bobble head look for me either ;)
    So we're all big, but we're all awesome, and we'll continue to be awesome no matter what happens on the scale :)