For those of you who've done this before...

I was wondering what kind of results everyone has gotten. I know we are all here to lose the weight, but I have a feeling the results to this workout are more noticeable in inches and I was hoping some of you could shed some light on what we can expect as results.

If anyone out there is like me, it's discouraging when you work your butt off and step on the scale and don't see the hard work pay off. Do you guys recommend measuring yourself once a week or at the end of each level?

I have tried this program before and in the common theme, have had difficulty sticking with it. I'm hoping that by knowing what's it done for other's I'll find the desire to push through.


  • My MFP friends that have done this and completed averaged about 5-6lbs. Which doesn't seem like much, BUT one went down 2 pants sizes and everyone else lost a lot of inches. So I am only going to weigh myself once a week and not worry about it. I have a pair of jeans that is my overall goal. AND ALL of those MFP friends are doing amazing. It was a great kickstart for them.
  • Justine13
    Justine13 Posts: 78 Member
    I have done it during the winter to keep my endurance up because i do alot of running in the warmer months and i wanted something to keep me fit.
    I didn't loose more than 2lbs however that was not my goal and i am already fairly tiny. I DID however see alot of definition in my body. my stomch was more sculpted and my thighs alot more defined. I do know people who have lost up to 15lbs in a month doing it along with eating well.
    It is a harder workout however i do think it is worth doing for sure.
    Jilian has a few different videos ( buns & thighs, and a shed ab video) i would try swtiching them to give some areas on your body a break. they are all tough videos though. But so worth it.
    Best of Luck,
  • wendyannvantiem
    wendyannvantiem Posts: 188 Member
    I did 30 DS in October and lost 7 pounds and 6 inches. I just finished Ripped in 30 today and lost no weight and 2 inches. So this is why I'm back to 30 DS where I had more results
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I did 30 DS in October and lost 7 pounds and 6 inches...

    I had the exact same results
  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    The shred isn't a "scale friendly" workout I've found. In my first week, I stepped on the scale and actually weighed more! And others experience this a lot, too, NOT because you are gaining weight from the exercise but because of all the water your muscles retain when they're sore.

    So my advice is to take photos and measurements - those will be where the really astounding visible progress will likely come from! I'd say do 'before' shots/measurements and then record the changes after each level is completed :smile:
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    I had amazing results with the little I did of it the first time around I was not consistant with it at all byt did before and after pics and the results were amazing .I'm hoping that I will have the same if not better result the second time around and doing it more consistantly
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I did continue to lose a little weight but not in the first 5 days...
    I saw visible results in my belly and thighs after only 10 days - less wobble, less cellulite and my jeans went on so much easier.

    The biggest difference by far was in my fitness. I got another DVD I have used a lot previously out one day and ran through the whole thing and kept up all the way - for the first time ever! I think that was partly improved fitness but also partly mental - Jillian instills in you that drive to keep going and not stop or slow down just because you are feeling a bit tired.

    In general doing this 20 mins every morning gave me a lot more motivation to get things done during the day so I feel I was a lot more active than my usually couch/computer chair lifestyle.

    Also thanks to JM I can now do press ups for the first time ever in my life!
  • I completed both 30 DS and RI30 back to back last fall. I think I lost about 15 lbs of those two months, mind you I was also dieting and pretty strictly. I did not measure inches so I am excited to do that this time around, but I was (and still am somewhat though I have not done weight training solidly for 2 months) really ripped. Like I had calve muscles and a tricep and muscles i NEVEr had before. This is after two kids in two years, the youngest now just over one. So yah, it works. Bigtime.
  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    10 days of Level 1, I lost 4 lbs, 5 inches in waist, 2 inches in thighs, and a half inch in arms. I completed day 3 of Level 2 today. So as you can see i'm a work in progress! As the previous comments state, the real results will be in inches and appearance opposed to weight!
