Introduce yourself!!!



  • havalinaz
    havalinaz Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! My name is Kelee, and I am a 27 year old new mommy. I have a sweet little 8 month girl, who means the world to me. I am a full time nursing student, and work a part-time job at a hospital. Things are so crazy busy right now, but I am looking forward to finishing up my last semester so I can spend more time with my daughter and husband. Usually I do so much better on my weight loss when I have others to join me on the journey.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hi, I am a sahm of 7 only 3 still at home. i homeschooled for 10yrs did daycare for 6 1/2 yrs , fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the younger 3 from the fostercare system. So I have always been busy making time for everyone else and let myself go, on july 17 2010 I joined myfitnesspal and have lost 90 lbs i have 10 more to go to reach my original goal. Then I will access to see if I want to stay there or lose a bit more. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you........Together we can do this
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello - My name is Evelyn. I'm the mother of four kids, 15, 14, 12 and soon to be 11. They are all athletes and participate in whatever sport is in season. My husband and I spend a lot of time at the school watching games :) OR driving back & forth for practices. Love every bit of it.

    I am also a piano teacher. I have my own studio and teach about 20 hours a week - most of those hours are during the day to homeschoolers or stay-at-home mom's :) who are coming back to pursue their passion. I love my job.

    Like many of you - it's time to take care of me again. I'm only in my early 40's and I couldn't even walk up the basement steps without huffing and puffing. Since July I have started this journey and love this site and now this group. I look forward to getting to know many of you.

  • Howdy. I am a 45 year mother of nine. I have always been able to lose the baby weight in the past but this time has been a challenge. I love to bike and do things outside. We homeschool our kids. Oldest is 20 and youngest 17mos. Exercise alone has not been cutting the mustard so now am going to keep better track of what I eat and I love how this site shows you the quality of what you eat. My goal is to whack off 25 pounds. We shall see.
  • Sarahmomof5
    Sarahmomof5 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Sarah and I'm a sahm of 5 and need to lose 50 lbs to be at my perfect goal. I would like to be at my goal by June 2012 so I will be working very hard. My husband is a resident orthopedic surgeon dr. So he is gone most if not all of the time. I need mom help and encouragement! My husband always brings homes fast food from the hospital so I have been super hard not to eat it. My starting weight is 185 and I'm 5'7 so if anyone would like to add me go ahead. Oh and I'm 27. Good luck everyone!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Just realized that I haven't introduced myself. My name is Tammy I'm a mom of a soon to be 1 year old (sniff sniff), I work full time and I started grad school (one class at a time). I'm 27 and I need to lose 30-50 pounds. I'm giving myself that big of a weight challenge because I want tos ee how I feel at 30 pounds lighter :). I have a desk job and I live in Alaska. Yes thats right Alaska. It's freakin cold right now but I love being up here. The cold makes it hard to want to work out when all you want to do is bake and watch movies when its cold. I'm ready to be fit again. I'm soo tired of being this big. I also want my daughter to have a good role model. My curren weight is 182 so here we go. :)
  • akool
    akool Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Angie and I have a 5 yr old boy. I am borderline diabetic, my dad is type 2 diabetic and I don't want my son to have to worry about this when he gets older. My husband and I want to teach him the right way to eat and exercise! Which is a challange for both of us as we loooove the couch!!! :blushing: This is the year we are going to make the right choices and have junk food only for special occasions, not just on the weekends!!! So far in two days, we have gone thru half a bag of grapes, apples, carrots, califlower, and raisins.....this could be quite expensive for a growing boy!!! But they are definately healthier than the chips he used to have with dinner!! Everyone knows how hard it is to work, cook, clean, and work out to keep us healthy, but I'm doing it to teach my son. I think that will help with my goals. I'm currently 60 lbs overweight, and although I don't feel that "obese", the scale does not lie.....nor does the camera. Here's to all of us meeting and surpassing all our goals for this year!! Thanks for the help!!:happy:
  • My name is Elizabeth. I am a mom of 4 wonderful kids. My 2 daughters live with me and my husband of 1 year. My sons live in Iowa with their father. We currently live in Georgia. The weather is tricky sometimes. I love it tho compared to the freezing temps up north. I am currently at 238, I would like to get down to 150. I have been chubby all of my life. My brother posted some pictures on facebook last week from our younger years. I was the only chubby one in the family. I think part of it has to do with my genetics. A lot of women in my family are chubby. My chubby has stayed about the same tho through my pregnancies. The lowest I have gotten was 207 after my daughter in 2007. Going to have to work hard at this.....
  • MrsNelson0904
    MrsNelson0904 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey Mamas!

    I am a working mom of 2 boys - a 7yr old and a 4 month old. I have been working at transitioning from a mom of one to a mom of two and it has it's good days and bad days. My hubby and I are both super busy so eating well and exericising regularly doesn't always come easy but we're both trying to lose the pregnancy weight and that will only come with dedication. Even though it can get hectic I love my life of being a wife and a mommy. I just need to learn how to balance my days so that I get some "ME" time in there aswell. It's wonderful meeting all of you!

    Please feel free to add me to your MFP friends list!
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    Hi! Mother to four children (8,7,5,3 and a twin baby we lost and would have been 5 ) two cats, and a puppy! My husband is in the military and frequently gone so it's a challenge to fit and do everything in a day, especially when I'm often doing it alone! I get up at 5-5:40 in the morning everyday to workout. On the weekends I get to sleep in till 7 ,ha! Anyway, feel free to add me!
  • My name is Amanda and I am 24. I have a beautiful 12 month old son. I have always been a heavier girl and have done many diets. I have been over 200 for about 3 years now. About a month ago my husband, son and I got family pictures taken ,when the photographer began to show us the pictures I felt my heart drop, I was at 215 and at 5'0 my pictures where needless to say not as i imaged they would look. The next day I found my fitness pal, and I LOVE IT!! I am a month in and have lost 13'pounds!! I would really like to find some other mommys to stay on track with.
  • txsweetie82
    txsweetie82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi... Bronnie here.. I live in East Tx with my lil family. I am a working mom to 2 boys! I work a full time job and still manage to be a full time mom. I started my journey this past January. I was tired of being fat and not being able to simple things.. So far I am a couple days past 60 days on my journey and have lost 33 lbs. I am super stoked with that! Love meeting new friends to keep me on track and share daily life with. =)
  • lisaverdon1
    lisaverdon1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!!! Just joined today:) I am a mom of 4 kids, wife to a Chicago Police officer, full time pediatric RN and I run and workout to keep sane. We will live in Chicago on the Northside and looking to keep motivated and motivate other moms and make a friend:)