Cycle 1

MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
Post questions, tips, comments, struggles, or just your daily menu here for cycle 1.


  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    I'm thinking about just starting the 17 day diet tomorrow because I'm on Day 4 of the FSD and it basically the same thing but without meat. I was planning on picking up the 17 day on December 9th and finishing there. Do you think my results would differ because I didn't start off eating meat with the 17 diet for 9 days? I've lost 3 pounds in 2 days from eating fruits and veggies, drinking tons of water, and no meat or grains.

    Any input is appreciated. Thanks
  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    How long is everyone staying on phase one? Is longer than 17 days alright?
  • classyhoney
    classyhoney Posts: 75 Member
    I've decided to start the 17 day diet today instead of fat smash.
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    Haha, I've been falling off this wagon over and over, I definitely need to get focused.. I'm trying to meet some pretty high goals for the next few months, so, it's up to me to stop slacking.

    Anyway, I think you can extend the first cycle a little bit if you want/need to. However, I'd keep in mind the burnout factor. You might start getting really sick of the (limited) options. But if you can stay focused and eat the minimum of calories you need to, I don't see why you couldn't do the diet a few days longer.. :D
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    @Classyhoney, Cycle 1 and cycle 2 are pretty similar so if you want to extend cycle 1 its fine, finished my grocery shopping today and filled out my starting info in the workbook I'm ready to restart cycle 1.
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    @Classyhoney, Cycle 1 and cycle 2 are pretty similar so if you want to extend cycle 1 its fine, finished my grocery shopping today and filled out my starting info in the workbook I'm ready to restart cycle 1.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I've decided to start the 17 day diet today instead of fat smash.

    I'm restarting today. R2C1D1.... I've been on an emotional roller coaster due to family stress and today I am rededicating myself to the 17DD
  • I'm going to restart today as well. Had a really bad weekend but am hoping to pick myself up and keep at it.
  • Fedup85
    Fedup85 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey everyone... I am starting the 17 day diet today... Day 1.... I hope everyone is doing well with the diet... Any helpful tips???
  • I am on day 2 of the 17 Day diet. I have lost 3 lbs already. I hope I can stick with it.
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    How long is everyone staying on phase one? Is longer than 17 days alright?

    iIt addresses that in the book. It says that you shouldn't stay on cycle 1 for longer than 17 days. Dr. Moreno says that your body's "furnace" (metabolism) will slow down if you do. The purpose of cycle 2 is to alternate between cycle 1 and a day that adds 2 servings of complex carbs. By doing this, it keeps your body guessing, and the unpredictable component makes your body burn instead of store.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    I went through cycle 1 last spring and lost 10 pounds. I think I gained 5 over the holidays but just cutting out carbs and exercising more, I have lost that back and a few more. I need to have a plan, I have been watching my calories trying to stay around 1200 but I seem to do better with more restrictions and guidelines when choosing foods. I am thinking of going back on the cycle 1. Are any of you starting at this time? The book says to have fish or chicken at night. Have any of you expanded those choices to other lean meats and still found yourself successful? Thanks for any suggestions.
  • JenRobistow
    JenRobistow Posts: 26 Member
    I am on day 9 of cycle 1 and I am feeling very discouraged. I have only lost 1 lb. I have stuck to the foods listed, I only cheated once and it was a very small bowl of sugar free pudding. I haven't been drinking the green tea like i it says but I have been drinking way more water than recommended. Any tips or tricks?
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I am in my second round on Cycle 3. I did the first round in November and ended cycle 1 right before Thanksgiving. I do remember initially my body just hung on to the weight.....and then one day I had a big drop ( 3lbs) which is huge for me....And even at the beginning of cycle 2, more drops. There is a forum and recipe board on the Doctors (tv show) website that is helpful and there is a Facebook page (the 17 day diet community) that is really helpful. I hope you have success...hang in there!
  • Janey82
    Janey82 Posts: 13 Member
    I am on day 9 of cycle 1 and I am feeling very discouraged. I have only lost 1 lb. I have stuck to the foods listed, I only cheated once and it was a very small bowl of sugar free pudding. I haven't been drinking the green tea like i it says but I have been drinking way more water than recommended. Any tips or tricks?

    Are you exercising enough? Even though the book says 17 minutes a day I usually exercise for at least a half hour to an hour. I find drinking green tea has helped with the weight loss too. Green tea has components that help with weight loss which it's recommended to drink with every meal. Don't get discouraged. Every body is different. Just stick with it and eventually it will happen.
  • KurlyStarr
    KurlyStarr Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on C1D8 and I've lost 6 pounds. I LOVE the 17DD!!
  • Marne53
    Marne53 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, I'm Marne. I started the Diet this morning. Looking for support, so if you do this please let me know.
    Marne from Mn.
  • RRJ567
    RRJ567 Posts: 3
    I am on the diet cycle 1 day 10 went off plan gained back 8lbs but have lost it and back on track again!!! It must be a lifestyle change and not a diet!!! I am endeavoring to go through all the cycles and then just continue to eat clean and exercise to lose the rest of my weight, just need structure and this gives me that!!,
  • 17DayDietGal
    17DayDietGal Posts: 27 Member
    It is not ok to extend cycle 1!!! If you want to continue losing weight, stick to 17days only. This diet is ALL about fooling your metabolism -- in the book Dr. Mike states that after 17 days, your body gets into a habit and then the loss stops if you don't continue with that "fooling" thing.

    Besides, it is not healthy to stay on it more than 17 days and you can find yourself gaining weight if you stay on it longer.

    Honest.....follow the plan the way it was written and you won't be sorry!