What's your 2012 goal?

I clocked 1500 miles in 2011, completed a 1/2, full, and a 10K. This year I hope to do the same and more. I also hope to travel to do a major race. What is your goal?


  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    For 2012 I want to complete 1000 miles, and improve my Half time. I did my first this past Oct, and am currently signed up for 3 more, the first one in Feb! Thinking of doing a full, and will enter the lotto for NY, so if I get in then heck yes I'll be doing it!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    My major goal is to run my first marathon on 28th april. i'll be happy just to finish, but am secretly aiming for finishing under 6 hours (i'm a plodder!). so, i guess my goal is to train diligently for the next 4 months to make this happen.
    I have my 3rd half on 26th feb, and i want to get it in under 2hrs 40- my current times are 2h44, and 2h50. so i'm keen to improve.

    and i'm also thinking of running the auckland marathon next october..... maybe! i'll get this one out of the way first and see how i feel. i have found the half challenging enough and sometimes worry that the full may not quite be my cup of tea. but i'll definately run the auckland half.

    my other goal is just to keep running. i find i always need to be training for something, otherwise i just seem to roll to a halt as life takes over. so i need to maintain focus and just keep on keeping on.
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    This year I have run 866 miles, and I guess my goal for this year would be to just keep running, and try to beat that. If I could get 1000 miles for the year i would be pretty happy.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    I have a couple this year - 1st is to get my half marathon time under 2:30 (which is about 2 minutes a mile faster than my last time) by the Indianapolis Mini Marathon in May. 2nd goal is to run a full marathon - I'm eyeing early November for that one!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Stay healthy and injury free while training for my next marathon. Then maintain a marathon distance run to run more in the coming years.
  • trogers802
    trogers802 Posts: 127 Member
    I ran a marathon in 2007 then my motivation went down hill. Last year I ran the prickly pear 10mile. I now want to complete the 50K. That will probably not happen this year but I am going to do a couple of 1/2 marathons this year and train for next year.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I plan to run 1000 miles this year.

    Last year I ran 542, but most of that was in the last 6 months, so I figure with marathon training, as long as I keep up my current opace, I should be able to meet it.

    I'm also going to run my first marathon and at least 2 more half marathons.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    1. Run my first half marathon. (Goal is to finish but I'm hoping for under 2:20)
    2. Sub 28:30 in my 5K
    3. Sub 58:00 in my 10K
    4. Compete in the Arkansas Triathlon Series (minimum of 4 tri's/duathlons to be "in" the series)
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    Run my first marathon on April 28!! Run 1000 miles in 2012. Complete my first triathlon. Run a 10k I'm under an hour (achieved on resolution 10k yesterday)!!!

    I also hope to participate in a race every month in 2012!
  • tjalt
    tjalt Posts: 24 Member
    My running goals for 2012 are: Complete my 2nd full marathon (5/6/12) faster than my 1st one that I ran in May 2011. Take 10 minutes off my Akron half time (sept 2012) and run 4 half marathons (most I've ever run in one year is two).

    **** I'm new to this group but not new to running. I'm looking for more support and to give it too. We runners are a unique, awesome group!!! Let's do this!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    First half marathon in April. No time goal, just finish strong. Then I'd like to train for the Disney marathon next year so that should take up the rest of 2012. :happy:
  • KimertRuns13_1
    To keep running, but to get faster.
    PR a few half marathons.
    I don't have any spectacular running goals for 2012.
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    2012 GOALS
    Winter Trail Quarter (at nighht!!) - January 2012
    5K Training Race - February 2012
    10K Training Race - March 2012
    15K Training Race - April 2012
    Sprint Distance Triathalon - April 2012
    Half Marathon - May 2012
    Sprint Distance Triathalon - June 2012
    Hit Final Weght Loss Goal (190lbs) - June 2012
    Trail Half Marathon - August 2012
    25M Bike Race - August 2012
    10K Run - September 2012
    Full Marathon - November 2012
    Half Ironman 70.3 - July 2013
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Run my first half and full marathons and complete tough mudder.
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    My main goal for the year is to run a sub-2:00 Half. I'll be taking my first shot at it on May 6th!
  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    Run a sub-4:00 marathon.

    4:14 is my current PR. I was aiming for a sub-4:00 but the entire marathon was run into crazy head winds, the type of wind I wouldn't even want to run 5K in!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    As a runner newbie (started c25k in September, progressed to b210k), I have just signed up for my first 10k run in march. Looking into another one around the same time.

    I'm considering starting one of Hal higdon's 1/2 marathon programmes, then...who knows?
  • Codi130
    I want to do at least 1000 miles and PR in a 5K, 10K, half, and a marathon. Ready to start my training!!!! Wahoo!!!
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    Run 4 of the 5 NYRR borough half marathons, do the NYC marathon (if i can get in the lottery) and if not, do a fall marathon, possibly the Marine Corp Marathon or Philly.

    Also drop another 20 pounds and start cross training.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    marathon in under 4 hours and 1,000 miles for the year.