Week 1



  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    How do I add my P90X workout to my exercise log? I can't seem to find it in the Database...

    I list mine under Aerobics, General and put the P90X routine that I did in the notes.

    The first time I did P90X I used my heart rate monitor and entered the exact calories and time for each routine, but I quickly found that I basically averaged right at 600 calories per routine.

    So this time instead of dealing with the hassle of a HRM, I'm just entering 60 minutes / 600 calories for each day.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    D3 done! Shoulders/Bi's/Tri's Good workout....seemed to go pretty quick. Oh and yes the wonderful Ab Ripper X to top it off...LOL!
  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    W1D3-completed! Finished. Shoulders and arms and ab ripper x. Finished shoulders and arm pretty good, ab ripper x needs a couple more weeks to hopefully finish completely. Still staying strong, well sorta! Def. not giving up:happy:

    Now off to run 4 miles!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Day 3 down!! Shoulders and Arms and ab ripper X. That ab ripper X is something intense, but I can say, I did more than I did a day before yesterday so slow progress is good progress!! Can't wait til I can keep up with those guys!!
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    W1D1 Chest and back done! No ab ripper x today.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Week1D3 done. Shoulder/bi/tri was not too bad.... over before I know it. Obviously need to increase the weight next week. Did the Ab Ripper when I got home from work.... holy holy... lots of room for improvement there. I did 227 of the 349 crunches. I will be splitting yoga into two session tomorrow.
  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    I cannot wait to be able to finish the dvd without a break. Don't need to keep up with them...yet, just complete them without the pause button!!!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Week 2 - Day 2 complete - Cardio
  • GMPetti82
    GMPetti82 Posts: 43 Member
    Did W1D1, chest and back this morning, but no ab ripper. Had to teach a Zumba class this evening. Boy was that video rough. I'm already sore. Tomorrow is going to be TORTURE! Excited (lol) to see the Plyo work out tomorrow.
  • islandgirl1767
    islandgirl1767 Posts: 16 Member
    W1D2 did Cardio X. I did O.K...cant wait til I can do it without having to hit the pause button!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    W1D4 - Yoga X... only made it 30 minutes... will pick back up tonight.
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    w1D3 arms/shoulders today. My tri's were still sore from Monday lol! Keep plugging away everyone.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Day 4 Yoga X..............yuk! I reeeeeeeally hate yoga. I try to like it, I really do! Last time I did P90X I ended up always switching it out. Today I did the balance part (2nd half) and 20 min of HIIT with Turbofire.
  • Yoga today- I hate the yoga too. I had good intentions. I got up at 5 am hit play and i was so dang sore that even the yoga hurt. Turned it off after 10 minutes and will do 30 minutes on the elliptical this afternoon. I really want to like it I just don't!! Moves too slow. I'm going to try it again next week though. Maybe when i am less sore won't feel so bad!
  • If you google calories burned for P90X routines, they will give you body bug estimates for how many calories are burned based on folks with similar weights, etc. I found it to be helpful although not perfect. I do not have a body bug or I would know much more accurately. Anyway, you can then add P90X to your personal database with the minutes and calories under the cardio section.
    How do I add my P90X workout to my exercise log? I can't seem to find it in the Database...

    I list mine under Aerobics, General and put the P90X routine that I did in the notes.

    The first time I did P90X I used my heart rate monitor and entered the exact calories and time for each routine, but I quickly found that I basically averaged right at 600 calories per routine.

    So this time instead of dealing with the hassle of a HRM, I'm just entering 60 minutes / 600 calories for each day.
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Day 4: Yoga...I'm not a huge fan but I pushed through it, didn't quite keep up with all of them, but I was sweating bullets by the half of it. There were so many poses that were just impossible for me to do, so hopefully with time I can get them right. 90 minutes is a super long time!! But do your best and forget the rest :)
  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    W1D4-YOGA, Not a fan of 90 minutes of any workout, esp yoga. Got to 20 minutes left in the video and had to stop (baby crying). Have a little bit of a cold/sinus infection and was only able to run 2 miles yesterday. Should run today, but with not feeling so well and working tonight I am going to skip today and hopefully back on track tomorrow. Hate getting sick:indifferent:

    Keep it up everyone!
  • w1d3 shoulders & arms done...throwing up now :0
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    Week 2 - Day 3 complete - Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Great job everybody keeping it up, im on day 6, about to do Kenpo a little late. Waiting for the fiancee to finally leave, and take all his bad food with him!