Welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself!



  • Hi there Ronney and Everyone!!!!

    Thank you so much for this group. I just joined MPF (?) yesterday and I'm excited to find a group that I fit in. No pun intended *giggle*

    My name is Pami and I'm 2 weeks away from being 51 and I have lived a year longer than my doctors predicted I would. God is bigger than they are! Anyway I just had my second heart attack (mild) since '02 and thankfully there was no blockage. So it is due to something else. I've had fibromyalgia since 1995 along with arthritis and in 2010 was diagnosed with diabetes but with diet and exercise I'm reversing that. I also suffer from chronic obstructive sleep apnea and chronic fatigue but I have gotten rid of the acid reflux and lost almost 100 pounds when I started a vegan diet a year ago. Since then finances got scarce and I had to eat whatever I could and I gained some back, but I'm on the rampage again!

    I live in Conway Arkansas with my husband of 8 years and our 3 furpurrs, Lady Tigra the Terrible, Sir Pouncelot and Delilah. I have good days and bad days and I'm grateful for all of them. I try my best to keep a positive and motivated outlook. I would be super thrilled to find a few buddies who wouldn't mind helping me stay accountable. I'm determined to honor God and have a better quality of life and get healthy. It may take a few years, but it's something I'm focusing all my dedication on. The more friends the merrier so I look forward to hearing from and getting to know some of you!

    Thanks for listening. <3 Pami

    P.S. How do I get my fitness bar to show up like everyone else?
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Pami, you mean the ticker... click on my ticker and it will say "create your own ticker" and it will take you right to the scene where you can do it for yourself:)

    I'm so glad to have everyone here, and I am glad I am not alone on this journey. :)

    ((hugs)) to all!!! :) thanks for being here!


    PS y'all are making me glad I started this group!
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Hi gang! I joined MFP four days ago. It's a great site and I'm happy to have found all of you brave souls too. I was diagnosed less than one year ago with Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hypertension and am a cancer survivor. Turns out after four months of lots of tests, horrible meds and a second medical opinion, I don't have RA. Yay! Now I can focus on getting the upper hand on the rest.

    Anyway, I'm from south central Louisiana (hi Amy!), live with my husband and our dogs and cats, work full time and am a grandmother. I'm pedaling hard to learn how to live with these illnesses and to reclaim as much as possible a reasonable weight and strength level. So it's good to know I'm not alone and would be willing to share weight progress, encouragement and acceptance. We may all have special physical challenges but we can draw strength from each other. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, just joined yesterday. I have fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis with "arthropathy" which means that I have some deformities. My arthritic issues are mostly in my spine, feet and hands. I take an injection drug for the arthritis which helps a lot; when I can't take it, it's a lot more difficult. I just take it one day at a time and do my best to not get too discouraged. There are a lot who have it worse than me.
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all. I'm a 39 year old SAHM in Washington with two kids - DS nearly 7 years, and DD 21 months. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when DS was about a year old (2006). It's hard to say if I had it earlier, but the birth and the following sleep deprivation seemed to really kick it into gear.

    I've been overweight most of my life. I was able to lose weight a couple of times, but it was mainly from exercise. I am a horrible dieter. In 1999, I started running, and as a result, I ended up with chronic Achilles tendon issues. Later, I discovered I had Morton's neuroma. So now I have two moderately painful neuromas in the right foot and possibly a mild one in the left. I've been through orthotics, cortisone and alcohol injections. The only thing left is surgery. I can walk around enough to do basic things...take care of DD, run errands, etc, but I can't really do any serious weight bearing exercise. It's extremely frustrating. The success of the surgery is not so great though, so I'm very reluctant to do it. Plus it has a long recovery period (no walking for a week or more). If I do it, it will have to wait until DD is a bit older.

    I also have lousy knees. I won't bother going into that, but I've attempted on more than one occasion to make cycling my exercise of choice and failed.

    What else...oh, I have mild carpal tunnel syndrome. And I get elbow pain when my fibro acts up. I think that covers most of the major joints. :P

    There are times when I find this all very difficult to deal with. I don't want pity from people, but I do wish for understanding, and they just can't understand. So it's nice to find this group.

    As far as exercise goes...I do a little bit of walking. I sometimes crank up the music on my computer and dance around a bit. I'd like to get into yoga but haven't managed to do it yet. I'm hoping I can try some light weight training again when DD is better able to handle being away from me. She's still very attached and hates when I leave her with anyone else.
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Hi, my name is Lisa. I'm 45 years old. I've been married for almost 26 years and have two fantastic kids and 3 wonderful dogs. I have been overweight all my life with only brief periods of "less fat". I have extreme pain in my right knee, diagnosed with arthritis and will need a complete knee replacement soon. I find excercise of any kind difficult but anything that requires me to be on my feet is almost impossible. I recently joined the Y for the pool and have been swimming 4 times a week. I look foward to knowing all of you better as we take this journey together!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Hi, my name is Red, I am 59, have had Fibro for 5 years or more. I walk alot, do some crazy dancing here and there, but really miss doing the leg lifts sit ups, etc. Just can't handle that anymore. I look forward to talking to everyone and helping or just listening, whatever we need. Take care!
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    I'm Megan, I'm 28, and I have RA, chronic back pain, and bursitis in my left hip. I was diagnosed with RA in July 2010, but have had symptoms for many years. I've been married for 6 years and we have two daughters who are 5 and 2.5. I currently work in a restaurant, which doesn't help my symptoms or my pain level, but it's about all I can really do at this point! I am hoping to go back to school for a second degree, in nursing.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I really really hate it when a young person with small kids,is suffering with pain. It's hard enough to deal with at my age,but I could not imagine having fibro when my kids were young. I have young grandkids, but they are here for a while, then go home!!
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    I think my mom, at 47, has an easier time keeping up with my kids physically than I do! Of course I power through anyway, but she wants to take a trip to Disney at some point...I will be happy to be on the go all day, but when we get back to our hotel she will just be tired and I'll be wrecked!
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah, my MIL (mid-60s) is much more energetic than me (and requires less sleep!). It's kind of depressing, but at least somebody has the energy for the kids! Unfortunately, she lives about 5,000 miles away.
  • Hi everyone,
    My name is Lindsey and I am glad I found this group! I have had 2 car wrecks (and one big baby) and I have back and neck problems. I have a bulging disk in my lower back. Sometimes I will wake up in the morning and not be able to walk without a cane; usually I don't even know what caused me to throw my back out. Other times I will wake up and can't move my neck.

    I have not exercised in 2 years because I don't know how to do it without hurting myself!! I hate being in pain and am scared to start, but I know i need to start or this will keep happening. Right now all I do is walk during my lunch hour. So far this has not caused many problems.

    Please add me as a friend so I will know what ya'll are doing for exercise.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle.

    Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints.

    I have a blog http://tiredofbeing2tired.blogspot.com where i post a daily blog about how im coping, what im trying and what i find out about CFS alont the way.

    I was recommended this site as i have wasted money on weight watchers and tescos diets both of which didnt loose me a single lbs but cost me lost of £££'s.

    I'm also allergic to wheat, severely allergic to wheat and aspartame, which means alot of diet and none sugar food/drinks are a no go too.

    Coping everyday and my husband stops my buying chocolate. To date I havent had a single peice of choclate single boxing 2011 to 1 month and counting. It's not easy tho, I crave chocolate everyday.
  • Hi, my name's Tracy. I live in Sheffield, UK. I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. Was diagnosed in 1999. I have always been overweight and in 2007 managed to lose 70 lbs. Since then my pain has been much worse following a relapse and almost all of the weight has gone back on. I have Oral Allergy Syndrome which means I am limited in what I can eat and am also unable to have artificial sweetener, so can't have diet drinks either. I have just started using MFP and my first weigh in is tomorrow. I just hope the numbers have gone down! It's great to have found others that have the same problems and understand how it feels when even a cuddle hurts.
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself, I am new here. I am a 35 year old female living in Norway, and have had ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) and fibromyalgia for almost 5 years. Right now I have recently started a water aerobics class and loving it. I am feeling good about making some changes and definitely seeing some improvement in my pain after cutting out the fast carbs and junk in my diet. Look forward to get to knowing everyone here.
  • californiahomegirl
    californiahomegirl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, everyone! I love reading your posts. My name is Wendy and I'm 52 years old. I have IBS, joint pain from osteo arthritis & bursitis, and just had my thyroid removed a year ago. I am still adjusting to the thyroxine. I have lost 15 lbs. in the past few months, but my waist is thicker! I think being ill with thyroid for 2 years caused me to lose muscle and gain fat. I find that exercising wipes me out, as it does some of you, but I keep trying to do a little every day. Slow progress is better than no progress at all, right? I stretch and do some light cardio--love dancing to Dixie Chicks--but I can't handle weights. A resistance band helps some. Even thougt these past 2 years have slowed me down a lot, I have remained thankful and am enjoying the things I CAN do! It's been a time of focusing on relationships, re-establishing connections with old friends. The hardest part for me--between the ears--is that other people don't understand why I've slowed down. I used to be very active and they don't get it--so I get labeled all kinds of things that aren't true (lazy, depressed, etc). I'm thankful for this group, since we have a lot in common!
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    Hello. I am 55 years old with arthritis in both knees and both thumb joints. I am determined to still exercise and get moving more. I'm hoping to find ideas here on how to cope with the pain.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Hi Guys, it's comforting that there are so many people who understand what I am going thru with the pain, and it's so sad that there are so many people who have this pain. There are no real answers, are there? You're right Wendyjo, most people do not understand, so it's nice to have this sight. Where are you from in Ohio,I am originally from Massillon. Kittyneutron, I feel better too when I haven't had junk food in my body for a while,so why do I always go back to it??? Nice meeting everyone. Red
  • lottichapman
    lottichapman Posts: 14 Member
    Hello my name is Charlotte and I am a 28 year old single mum to a little girl who will be 7 in February. I live in Kent, England. I have a combination of Neuropathic and Nociceptive pain in both my knees. Due to the way I walk with my knees, it causes inflammation in my hips and also suffer Chronic Trochanteric Bursitis. I take a huge range of pill, for my pain and then to treat the worst of the side effects from them. I also take beta blockers for my heart and pills and puffers for my asthma, In total I have 13 different prescribed meds each day including 8 pills, 2 puffers (one is actually 2 drugs Serevent and Flixatide rolled into one puffer), 2 liquids and a sachet to be mixed with water. All these mess around with my appetite and weight, though they are not solely responsible. I am hoping to have the opiate med (Tramadol) to be changed for another (Palexia AKA Tapentadol). The hospital will not allow the pain team or anyone to prescribe it because of the cost however, they can make a recommendation to my GP and he can prescribe it. This is stronger and is more closely monitored, but it has fewer gastrointestinal effects so I may eventually be able to drop a med or two. I cannot climb stairs and can no longer get in and out of a bathtub, my bathroom recently had to be adapted to a wet room and its SO MUCH easier to wash etc.. I use a stick to get around most days so I find most kinds of exercise difficult and in some cases impossible. Feel free to add me xx