
margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
hello all
my name is margie i am 25yrs old and when i started mfp i weighed 194lbs and i currently weigh 183 and i am trying to get down to 125-135...if any of u would like to be my friend feel free to add me i log on everyday....


  • Hi: My name is Cyndy. I joined last fall and fell off the wagon during the holidays. I'm going to give this a shot again and I have decided to take one day at a time, starting with tracking my meals. I've gotten my kids onboard and we are supporting each other and doing monthly weight loss rewards.
  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    that is awesome that u have ur kids support and incentives
  • Hi

    I am 27 years old and started using MFP a few months ago and then stopped because of traveling and the holidays. It my goal to be on here daily. I have set some small goals for the new year, to drink more water, get about 7-8 hours of sleep, go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and to eat healthier and smaller portions. Sometime I just get "busy" that I dont do this and get side track. I would like to loose about 93 lbs and have broken it up into smaller amounts starting with 25. I would like to loose it by the end of March!
  • margiemommy
    margiemommy Posts: 76 Member
    good think setting mini goals but remeber to make then chalenging but not impossble to reach