Say hi!!



  • Hi to all, it's Stacey (nursesrm) from BBC! Hope this keeps me motivated. My immediate goal is to get under 200 lbs. I have lost around 60 lbs over the last year and a half and I am now at close! I have been lazy and not eating well lately, especially over the holidays, so I need to get back on track! My ultimate goal is 175!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Hi--this is Suzanne aka Sewitall. This looks like an excellent site!! I need to lose the baby weight that I have been carrying ever since my youngest.child,now 24, was born. Seriously, I have been up and down but mostly up--hopefully you will all inspire me in the weight loss struggle as much as you have in money saving struggle. Here's to skinny mamas!!!
  • Hi! Same name as BBC. I have to say I need to lose 70 lbs and none of it is from this pregnancy. I am breastfeeding so I don't want my supply to dimish in the hopes of trying to lose the weight. I also need help because I have 2 very littles ones (4 months and 2 1/2 years), I work 4 days a week, and rarely have a babysitter so I cannot exercise like I need to. I need suggestions. Oh yeah and it is very cold in PA. When the Spring comes, the kids and I will be out walking but what do I do in the mean time. I know I live across the street from the KOP mall but too much time there will only make my wallet skinny. I do shop 3 grocery stores and 2 drug stores a week. TIA for any suggestions!
  • McCoolMama
    McCoolMama Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm McCoolMama on BBC. I want to lose 30ish lbs.. for the 3rd and LAST time! I've gained & lost the same 30 lbs twice over the last 4 years. I'm motivated and not planning on any more babies, so this is the time to do it. I turn 30 on March 15th and I'd like to be down 15-20 by then. The previous times I've lost a lot of weight, it's happened very quickly (3 months to lose 30 lbs each time.) The first time I used WW and didn't exercise. 2nd time I used & I worked out at the gym. This time, I'm tracking on MFP and working out at the gym. I'm hoping for a slow & steady weight loss and a program that I can stick with for the long haul. Good luck ladies, we can do it!!!
  • Hey its Nikki DylanDMom. I need to lose about 18lbs...wish me luck
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm mom-n-taylor from BBC. I am ready to loose this baby fat (can you really call it that if your babies are 2 1/2? LOL). Hopefully remembering that I have to record everythiing that I eat, will actually help me cut down on snacking! And I need to find time to exercise too. Does anyone have the Zumba for the WII? Do you like it? I would love to try it but haven't purchased it yet.
  • leahmfunk
    leahmfunk Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm LeahMT on BBC. I'm using a horrible picture of myself from Christmas as my profile pic so I can remind myself of what I don't want to be. Some how in my mind I don't look like that... the weight just kind of crept up on me and now i'm the highest weight I've ever been. I can't even blame it on having kids as I lost all my pregnancy weight within a month of having each of my boys. It is time for me to just kick it in gear and eat healthier and exercise. Exercising is the hardest part for me by far, but I'm really going to try! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi, I'm excited to be here. I lost 50 lbs on WW after first DD and promptly gained it all back and then some during my second pregnancy. I had hoped to work out and diet the as I did before, but YDD NEVER slept and it has been pretty.... interesting.... at our house. I managed to lose about 30 lbs post baby, but I'm still about 30 lbs away from where I was the day I found out I was expecting YDD. My initial goal is just to get back to that weight- 163- and the go from there. I don't want to set lofty goals that seem so far away that I give up before I try.

    DH and I are both teachers and with two now, we can't afford WW again. I'm hoping I can find success in this program and keep up with this board as well as the coupon board! I was never over a size 5 until I got married and I still don't recognize myself in a 16 (or bigger as I have been).... I want to be healthy and hot! I'd love to renew my vows in a few years, but refuse to buy a dress I don't look amazing in, and at 5'2 I can't look hot in plus sizes. lol
  • AngieWin on BBC. I have been using MFP for 9 months or so.

    I did a round of HCG in July/August last year and lost 17 lbs in 4 weeks. I gained back 2 from August to November and gained another 4 from Thanksgiving to New Years :P I start another round Sunday with a very low calorie diet starting Tuesday. I am currently at 169 and want to get to a stable 155 at the end of the 4 weeks and work another 5-10 lbs off and KEEP IT OFF! by Memorial Day.

    I need to relearn how to eat and how to just say no to drive thrus... and McDonalds Monopoly. It kills me every fall!
  • Hi Girls :)

    It's Jill- Veryluckygirl- I need to be in a bathing suit in 2 weeks! I'm looking fir a miracle ;)
  • I need to lose this weight. So...Send pressure my weigh (Get it? Weigh aka Way? :bigsmile: ) I'm currently taking Ketprophen for Rheumatoid Arthritis. It makes you hungry all the time. I stopped taking it & the pain was too much to deal with. :huh:
    Maybe if I lose weight the joints will feel better! :flowerforyou:
  • KPKoze
    KPKoze Posts: 13 Member
    Cindy~ What else have you tried for the RA?? Would something like Humira work? I'm sure you've tried all the old stand by's: methotrexate, prednisone, methylprednisolone. and I hear they're doing some trials using Lupus meds on RA?? Maybe something you could look into. GL, pain sucks!!! As far as weight loss, you can do it girl. It WILL make you feel better, in at least some ways and any ways will help, right??? Go get em!!
  • KPKoze
    KPKoze Posts: 13 Member
    I'm with you Jill... I have a date with a hot tub in 2 weeks. It's not looking promising at this point but I'm still sticking with it... Must do it this time!!!!!!!
  • Hiya Girls! Jen dragged me over since she feels i need to lose weight too LMAO :D hopefully I'll keep it off unlike my BFL failure. Well it was working but then I deviated.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Oh jill- go full speed ahead, in 2 weeks there will be some improvement! Good luck

    Kristi- that baby's thighs are to die for

    Fannie-:tongue: get fit (not lose fat)
  • Hi, I am from BBC same screen name, I need to lose about 25 pounds before this summer, I have 4 kids I stay at home with my youngest, Looking for some great support here.
  • lillicobaby
    lillicobaby Posts: 4 Member
    I went ahead and changed my screen name on mfp to lillicobaby from pamdietz so that it is the same from bbc
  • Hello Ladie

    I am Anna. I lost 70 lbs after I had my LO but have gained back 15 so hoping to lose the 15 and another 50lbs. Hold me to it.
  • bakerface02
    bakerface02 Posts: 1 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies I am Bakerface02 from BBC and in real life need to drop about 100 pound in Samanthas world I would be happy with 50 pounds down. I just had a spinal fusion so the working out right now is walking but obviously my back is telling me fatty get it together or we will all be metal soon. I would love to be friends with everyone in the group but it is taking me forever to friend everyone so if you want to shoot me a friend request I would love it the more support the better!

  • Hi everyone! It's Kacie, hawkeyebabe on BBC. My baby girl is 5 months old and I have about 10-15 pounds I'd like to lose. I plan to breastfeed until she is at least a year old, but I really need to eat healthier. I know if I can keep track of what I eat it will help me eat better and eventually lose the weight as well. Pretty much zero time to exercise (I work 45+ hours per week), but I hope to start moving more, even if it is just walking.