

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Got myself up to 8 cups yesterday! :smile: ... shooting for 10 today.

    Good Job!!!!!!!!
  • OMG I've never had to pee so much in my life....wow!!! it must be working...:drinker: :drinker:

    I know! The only bad side effect of drinking all that H2O is all the potty breaks. I hate it when my bladder wakes me up from a deep sleep.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    OMG I've never had to pee so much in my life....wow!!! it must be working...:drinker: :drinker:

    I know! The only bad side effect of drinking all that H2O is all the potty breaks. I hate it when my bladder wakes me up from a deep sleep.

    I agree.....I am thinking of making the bathroom my official bedroom!!! LOL!!!
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    I downloaded an app on my phone and it chimes every 30 minutes to remind me to drink! It has really helped me and I have already had 75 oz today!!! My poor little first graders... they probably wonder why I am running to the bathroom every 15 minutes!!!!
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    I usually get in my 8 glasses of water a day and today I may get in 9 because of the workout I did today. The only think with drinking so much water is having to go the bathroom so much lol Hope we're all doing well with our drinking
  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    I fill up a big Starbucks container with a straw with ice, water and a bit of lemon (Dr. Oz says to add lemon to your water!) and I keep this at my desk. At lunch I fill it up again, then after work. So I drink 3 all day or more. It helps with the water intake. I would suggest you all think of getting one...they are awesome.:wink:
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    don't know if you have any "bent & dent" stores or good thrift stores where you live, but I almost always see Brita pitchers and new filters too and of course they are cheap. might be worth a look.
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone! I usually drink a decent amount of water, but I've been trying to increase my intake lately. On good days I've gotten TONS in (I think once it was 24 eight-oz cups!) I average proboably 13-14 and on my not-so-good days I get anywhere from 8-10. It's easier for me when I'm at work rather than on-the-go or at home on weekends, so this weekend I'll make more of an effort.
  • Hi everyone! I usually drink a decent amount of water, but I've been trying to increase my intake lately. On good days I've gotten TONS in (I think once it was 24 eight-oz cups!) I average proboably 13-14 and on my not-so-good days I get anywhere from 8-10. It's easier for me when I'm at work rather than on-the-go or at home on weekends, so this weekend I'll make more of an effort.

    I never get my water on weekends, this is going to be my challenge this weekend!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    One of my friends that owns a gym just post this on FB.......thought I would share with you! "Food for thought: One can of soda per day = 150 calories X 365 days per year/3500 cal. per pound = 15.6 lbs per year! Oh wait, but who drinks a can in texas? Everything's bigger in Texas right, so how about that 44oz soft drink? 57lbs/yr!! So, who wants a soft drink?!?!" Let's drink that water!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • :laugh: This challenge was an easy one for me because that's my drink of choice and I very seldom stray from it. I know they're not all going to be that easy so I'm preparing myself.:laugh: Weighin is right around the corner. Let's think thin!!!!