
Welcome! Even if your not "new" to TF, we welcome you to join us!

I am a 38/F wife and mom. My hubby lost 50 lbs in 2011 and I have an active (and tall!) 6 year old little boy. It's now my turn! I started doing TF on 12/26/2011 and really like it. I love the energy of the people here on MFP and hope we can encourage and motivate one another to reach our goals!


  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Liv! Thanks so much for inviting me! I'm really excited to get started here. I have done approximately 5 or 6 workouts with TF already, but never had time to get in a schedule or routine yet. I'm planning to do this now!! I'm really excited, and hope we can all support and motivate each other.

    Are any of you doing the schedule that came with the program?? Did you do the jumpstart or whatever it's called?? The first week amped up version...

    Let me know!! Oh and if you want to start it together I would love to do it with you!!! :0)

    My name is Tausha. I just turned 30 in October and I am a wife and mommy of 1 little boy.
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    You bet Tausha - thanks for being here!

    I follow the schedule as best I can. I do change it up when needed. I am on week 2 headed into week 3. I will also be traveling the next 2 weeks so I will have to rely on hotel and cruise ship weight rooms and programs. :) My Beach Body TF challenge starts on the 9th and is 90 days! Wish me luck!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I completed Chalean Extreme in the summer of 2010 and completed 20 weeks of TF Spring of 2011. I lost 65 lbs but have gained a few back. I started Round 2 of TF this morning along with completing CE 3 days a week.

    I have been married 22 years and have a 19, 15 and 14 year old. I teach at a high school and coach football and track. Let's do this. :smile:
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member

    I'm looking at these results and WOW!! I am super excited for TF. I will be starting February 1 (or as soon as I get it) and I'll be finishing ChaLean Extreme on the 15th of this month. I have another 30 lbs to lose by summer and it sounds like I just may get there! =]

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks for the invite. I completed Chalean Extreme in the summer of 2010 and completed 20 weeks of TF Spring of 2011. I lost 65 lbs but have gained a few back. I started Round 2 of TF this morning along with completing CE 3 days a week.

    I have been married 22 years and have a 19, 15 and 14 year old. I teach at a high school and coach football and track. Let's do this. :smile:

    Former Physical Education teacher and track/cheerleading coach here!! Gave it up when I became a mommy!! Miss coaching for sure.
  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello :-)

    My name's Laura, I'm 5'7" and at 159lb. I'll be starting Turbo Fire for the very first time some time next week (after I complete the 30DS). I think I might start with the "prep schedual" just to get my joints accustomed to the moves. I am very excited!

    Has anyone used Shakeology with this? Currently I'm using "Body Bsc" for women, I like it :-)
  • Hi all,

    As mentioned on the other thread, I finished CE at the end of November 2011 and planned to start TF 1/1, but I had an unrelated hip injury that curtailed my workouts for most of December. Now I am doing 10-Minute Trainer to try and build my stamina back up before I start TF (well, actually the TF/CE hybrid). Hope to start the beginning of Feb.

    I will turn 60 in April 2012 (canNOT believe that) :ohwell: and am trying to get healthy again. Was always an active, skinny kid and young adult. But the pounds packed on over the years and now I need to lose 40-50. (canNOT believe that either.) :sad:

    Not sure how often I will be able to pop on this thread as I am also part of a Beachbody thread on Facebook, but I would love to be part of this group - can't have too much accountability, right?? :tongue: And it seems I need all I can get!

  • Hi,

    I started the Turbo Fire / CLX hybrid this week! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chalene! She's so motivational and hilarious! I was using Turbo Jam the month of December and was Turbo Jammin HARD !! I can't seem to get enough of her up beat tempo workouts.
    I LOVE Turbo Fire, but am finding the weight training a little boring I must admit! But will definitely continue on!

    I completed Day 4 of Week 1 - Fire 30 & Burn Circuit 2!!

    I am 35 and am married to my soulmate! I have 2 beautiful daughters and am an RN working in the Emergency Room!

    Very Very excited about this road ahead!!

  • cloeyfish
    cloeyfish Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all! I am Lindsay, 31 and I have completed Chalean Extreme a month and half ago and am on week 2 day 5 of TF. I was really skeptical about doing all this cardio, bc I am not a big cardio person but I find myself actually enjoying it! I felt like the days the workouts are a half hour or less that I too had a lot of extra energy, so I added back in three CE workout with my turbo fire this week. I wanted to do this in the beginning but was worried I would be overwhelmed, but so far so good, so I am going to keep trucking away!

    I am trying to stick around a 1200 calorie diet and eating as clean as I can. Good luck everyone, looking forward to experiencing this with you all!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Wow! Lot's of ChaLean peeps in here! Might have to try that next!

    Pressed for time today, but hoping to workout later. I know you have to schedule it, but it is just not in the cards today. :angry:

    A little about me... In 2007 I had lost 40 lbs. In 2008 I started working from home and gained it all back and not in the best places. Hubby and I have been TTC baby #2 for two years and weight can be a factor. So...after doing NOTHING last year and watching my hubby lost 50 lbs, it is now my turn. I am struggling with recreating my schedule, but it's getting better.

    Now that my son is older we are riding bikes and hiking more... this will help too.

    My Beach Body challenge starts 1/9 and I leave on a trip 1/11, so I will be working hard to catch up when I get back, although I am packing my gear for my trip. I have my 20 yr reunion in July and other trip, so IT'S ON! :laugh:

    OK, back to work...crazy day!
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am 25 and I've been married 8 months. I got into great shape for my wedding but once we got back from Mexico, I stopped worrying about working out. I have recently become quite interested in losing the weight, and got really back into it around November. I have been using all types of videos (Jillian, TF, P90X) up until now to lose my 7 lbs, but I am going to be starting Turbo Fire as a program TOMORROW! I am so excited because I love her workouts and I get such a great burn. Plus it's fun!

    I would like to lose about 12 more lbs so hopefully TF will help me get started on reaching my goal.

    I did mix around the schedule slightly- I am also working on running a 10k at the moment, so I switched around one of the workouts so it didn't interfere with my long run day or my rest day. I just swapped the days so I won't be missing any workouts. I decided not to do the first week thing that puts you on track because I'm already pretty much started.

    Anyway I am excited to chat with others during their Turbo Fire adventure!
  • Hi! *waves* :-) I'm 28 and from Maryland. I'm married and thankfully my husband is on this journey with me. I started working out last January and since then I have managed to lose 40 lbs with dietary changes and getting regular exercise. When I began, I used the EA SPORTS Active 2 game for Wii as well as Wii Fit Plus. I eventually became bored and plateaued, so I knew I needed something more difficult, something to challenge me...

    Which was where TurboFire came in! :-) I absolutely adore Chalene and I couldn't thank my Beachbody coach more for introducing me to Chalene's programs. I did one round of TurboFire over the summer but slowly got off track because of school and then the holidays came around which is never any help when you're trying to lose weight!

    Now I'm back on track with both eating habits and exercise. I'm logging everything religiously! :-) I am currently doing the TurboFire / ChaLEAN Extreme hybrid and I'm really enjoying it. I love the fact that it's so new and that I have no clue what is coming next, so I'm super motivated and excited to push "Play" every day. I have another 20-30 lbs to lose and the fact that I was so successful last year, I have no doubt in my mind I'll be able to accomplish that "goal."

    Looking forward to chatting with you all! Good luck and keep lookin' fine with Turbo on your mind! :-D
  • Hey All,

    Today was my first Fire 55 EZ class and I LOVED it!!! It didn't even feel like 55 minutes! It was so much fun and I got such a workout! Feeling a little sore :):) and looking forward to the days ahead!! Hope you are all having a great week and you all are pushing play :)
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    Hi, I think I'm on day 4 of my re-start! I'm 40 and have a ways to go. I'm so glad to find some TFers on here!

    Well, today was my first day with weighted gloves...may have been a mistake, can't lift my arms over the keyboard!

    I'm not the biggest fan of Fire 30. Do you think it would be a problem to replace it with something else when it comes up on the schedule (45 or 55?). I just don't "feel" that one.
  • may2490
    may2490 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Liv! Thanks so much for inviting me! I'm really excited to get started here. I have done approximately 5 or 6 workouts with TF already, but never had time to get in a schedule or routine yet. I'm planning to do this now!! I'm really excited, and hope we can all support and motivate each other.

    Are any of you doing the schedule that came with the program?? Did you do the jumpstart or whatever it's called?? The first week amped up version...

    Let me know!! Oh and if you want to start it together I would love to do it with you!!! :0)

    My name is Tausha. I just turned 30 in October and I am a wife and mommy of 1 little boy.


    I never really did TF seriously. Well I decided to do it for real this time. I am following the calendar for it, though I might end up doing the calendar for the hybrid of TF and Chalean Extreme instead. I love that one too.

    I did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 today... so I would love to join you!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Liv! Thanks so much for inviting me! I'm really excited to get started here. I have done approximately 5 or 6 workouts with TF already, but never had time to get in a schedule or routine yet. I'm planning to do this now!! I'm really excited, and hope we can all support and motivate each other.

    Are any of you doing the schedule that came with the program?? Did you do the jumpstart or whatever it's called?? The first week amped up version...

    Let me know!! Oh and if you want to start it together I would love to do it with you!!! :0)

    My name is Tausha. I just turned 30 in October and I am a wife and mommy of 1 little boy.


    I never really did TF seriously. Well I decided to do it for real this time. I am following the calendar for it, though I might end up doing the calendar for the hybrid of TF and Chalean Extreme instead. I love that one too.

    I did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 today... so I would love to join you!!

    sounds good to me! I don't have the CE program...just Turbo but I would love a buddy!
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33
    Whew! Did Fire 30 and Core 20 today! Shaking! Love it! I skipped yesterday and ate terrible..BOO! Very stressful day, but not an excuse. I may even hit the elliptical again tonight. I feel like I need to recoup yesterday!

    Well off to my son's basketball game and some appts. Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • Hi, I think I'm on day 4 of my re-start! I'm 40 and have a ways to go. I'm so glad to find some TFers on here!

    Well, today was my first day with weighted gloves...may have been a mistake, can't lift my arms over the keyboard!

    I'm not the biggest fan of Fire 30. Do you think it would be a problem to replace it with something else when it comes up on the schedule (45 or 55?). I just don't "feel" that one.

    I'm sure that would be fine! I completed the Fire 55 EZ class yesterday and it went by so fast.... i didn't even realize it! I get to try the 45 EZ class in the next few days! I am loving Turbo Fire! This is my first time using it... but I reallly enjoyed Turbo Jam so I figured I would love Turbo Fire :)
  • Whew! Did Fire 30 and Core 20 today! Shaking! Love it! I skipped yesterday and ate terrible..BOO! Very stressful day, but not an excuse. I may even hit the elliptical again tonight. I feel like I need to recoup yesterday!

    Well off to my son's basketball game and some appts. Have a great Saturday everyone!


    What schedule are you doing or are you just doing whatever floats your boat that day? I haven't tried core 20 yet.. i do that one tomorrow. I'm excited to try them all... but I chose to do a hybrid of TF\CLX (one that adds the weight training in 3 times a week) so I'll have to wait until I complete this schedule first and do the 20 week Turbo Fire schedule alone :)
  • liv73
    liv73 Posts: 33

    What schedule are you doing or are you just doing whatever floats your boat that day? I haven't tried core 20 yet.. i do that one tomorrow. I'm excited to try them all... but I chose to do a hybrid of TF\CLX (one that adds the weight training in 3 times a week) so I'll have to wait until I complete this schedule first and do the 20 week Turbo Fire schedule alone :)

    I started out following the schedule, but recently have been doing what I feel like...once I get back from my trip, I will be into my Beach Body challenge and will do my best to follow the schedule.

    Someone also asked about Shakeology - I use it for one meal a day and I really like it.