Starting Week 1



  • stoutcms
    stoutcms Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished Day 11 of Turbo Fire and have completed many of the other Beachbody programs in the past. Having a support group and people to keep me accountable has been such a HUGE help in keeping me motivated to keep pushing play!!! I have a Beachbody coach and the best part is the coaching is completely free!!!! My coach checks in on me periodically, and answers any questions I may have. Knowing she will be checking in on me helps me to prioritize and make time for my workouts :-) And if you are struggling with keeping up, then just modify the moves and do what you can, but mot importantly HAVE FUN!!!! Remember: As long as you are moving, you are still ahead of those on the couch!!! I'm actually planning to become a Beachbody Coach later this week, so if you'd like to know more, then send me a msg. I love love LOVE helping motivate others and enjoy seeing their success. Best of luck to ya :smile:
  • HollyMomma1
    HollyMomma1 Posts: 25 Member
    I just did the 55 EZ class for the first time today. It frustrated me more than anything due to all the crazy camera work. Just when I was feeling in motion with Chalene, the camera would zoom to some crazy angle or bounce around from person to person, and it would completely ruin my momentum. Super frustrating. Am I alone in this?

    Oh, and also after my first week of Turbo Fire and a great diet, i weighed myself for the first time in five days this morning and I'm UP a pound. What is up with that?!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I just did the 55 EZ class for the first time today. It frustrated me more than anything due to all the crazy camera work. Just when I was feeling in motion with Chalene, the camera would zoom to some crazy angle or bounce around from person to person, and it would completely ruin my momentum. Super frustrating. Am I alone in this?

    Oh, and also after my first week of Turbo Fire and a great diet, i weighed myself for the first time in five days this morning and I'm UP a pound. What is up with that?!

    Holy crap are we on the same page!! Not only am I up a pound after pretty good eating and turbo fire but I get you on the camera thing. I'm way better at athletics than choreography so I struggle some with not the moves but the flow of them. So the camera angle in this one hadn't be thrown off alot! It's easier to keep the angle at that 'best spot in class' angle for sure!!
  • HollyMomma1
    HollyMomma1 Posts: 25 Member
    Oh good! I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I felt like the camera man would get jazzed up with the music and go crazy. Super annoying. Someone should tell Chalene :)