Phase 2



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can't believe after this week I am halfway!
    I think you are right, karin, phase 1 is not a weight loss phase.
    Is it too much to hope for 6-pack abs by the end?
    Yesterdays workout called for the cable crunch, but the gym was super crowded and I haven't tried them and I was intimidated, plus, I had just done 60 toe touches and 60 crunches and the roman chair so I thought abs had enough!
    I did try the cable cross-overs, though, 20 lbs, before I just did bench flies because I was afraid of the cables, so there's progress.
    pushups, I did 2 sets wide and one set narrow, all girly-style.
    For the side-to-side pushups I do the walking pushups like in 30 DS, where you move one hand to the middle and one hand to the side and do the pushup (again, girly style on knees). Well, I think this guy was trying to make me look bad! He was right next to me, doing pushups with one hand on a basketball and one on the floor, pushup, then the hand that was on the floor went to the ball and the hand on the ball went to the floor and another pushup, badass:mad:
    And then while I was doing the crunches this girl was balanced on one foot on the half-ball doing triceps presses right next to me. She was good, but I just kept thinking, if she falls on me with that weight...
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    And then while I was doing the crunches this girl was balanced on one foot on the half-ball doing triceps presses right next to me. She was good, but I just kept thinking, if she falls on me with that weight...

    Haha, I know what you mean! That sounds like a crazy exercice though, not sure it's safe? I don't really like those half-ball, I see them as just a thread but I might be wrong...

    I also wish for the 6 pack at the end... and bigger arms... :/

    I do the side to side pushups like this guy:

    But on my knees, and they feel ackward. I'm not 100% sure I am doing them right...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks for the video, I will try that next time, it looks more appropriate. Did you notice sometimes the tutorials on body has all this roided up dudes and it's almost impossible to tell how it should look with me doing it! I noticed Jamie on some instructional exercises but not many!
    Last night I went to the wellness center here at work, 23h fitness is too busy. This place was quiet, I had never been. The equipment is old but adequate I think. Legs last night.
    I am taking today as my rest day to visti a friend, so no rest on Sunday which is fine, really, I prefer to workout on the weekends anyway, I got the time...
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    If you log in (create a username and indicate you're a women) on, you'll see Jamie's video instead of the big dude :-)

    I prefer Jamie's videos, most of the time.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I didn't know that. I wondered why it was Jamie performing the exercise one time and then the muscled dude the rest of the time. I do have a login but I just have the month view on my favorites and click on the day I want to see, usually.
    Do you participate on the body space? I am a little intimidated by that aspect, I can't figure out how to find what I want.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I didn't know that. I wondered why it was Jamie performing the exercise one time and then the muscled dude the rest of the time. I do have a login but I just have the month view on my favorites and click on the day I want to see, usually.
    Do you participate on the body space? I am a little intimidated by that aspect, I can't figure out how to find what I want.

    I do use body space once in a while, mostly to track my measurements... I've also added a few friends who motivate me! Seeing pics of women with the shape I want is inspirating! I also use the forums.

    My body space name is Maeva27 if you want to add me :-)

    Tonight is arms, abs, cardio night! Can't wait! I'm actually to spend the evening in the gym; isn't that crazy?! I bet my friends would think I'm crazy... But I can't wait to lift and run!

    There are no more sweets in the house so I should do better diet wise. My boyfriend are got a gym membership (at another gym, though) so he will want to start eating cleaner, which will help me at the same time.

    Anyone else working out today/tonight? :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yep! arms, abs and cardio for me too tonight, it will probably take about an hour and a half, but I will probably still go out and have a drink, I don't know. Maybe I should just go home! We are going to a hockey game tomorrow and I think dinner is BBQ.
    I have to workout Saturday and Sunday to stay on track, too, since I took last night off.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    yep! arms, abs and cardio for me too tonight, it will probably take about an hour and a half, but I will probably still go out and have a drink, I don't know. Maybe I should just go home! We are going to a hockey game tomorrow and I think dinner is BBQ.
    I have to workout Saturday and Sunday to stay on track, too, since I took last night off.

    Same here, but I took wedneday off. So tonight, saturday and sunday are workout days, whoo!

    I'll be going home right after my workout just because I want to finish Fringe season one so bad... So that's what I'll do after my workout :) I'll be exhausted anyways (I already am).
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for the tips ladies, I was struggling with those side to side push ups too. I've been meaning to get the weights up from my last 2 workouts, here they are:

    day 31 Legs
    leg extension warmups x 30 - started and 20 and ended up going down to 15lb, then 10b to get all 30 reps in
    wide stance barbell squat - 2 light sets: 20lb on barbell but don't know weight of barbell, 15 reps, 2 heavier sets to failure: 30lb x 17 reps
    leg press - 90lb x 14reps (too light), 140lb x 8 reps for the next 3 sets (I felt good about that one!)
    walking barbell lunges: 20lbs for the 1st 2 sets, then went down to 15lb for the last one. I find this one so hard!
    barbell stepups - started out at 15lb and went down to 10lb, this was harder than i expected
    plie dumbbell squt - 20lb kettlebell for first set, 25lb for the next 2; can definitely go heavier
    standing calf raise - 15lb for 1st set, 20lb for the next 2
    leg press calf raise - started at 130lb but had to go down to 120lb. last set got out 16 reps
    this was a killer workout!

    day 32 arms, abs, cardio
    barbell curls- 20lb on barbell of unknown weight, but had to go down to 15lb
    couldn't get to the cables for the cable curl so did dumbbell curls-15lbs, had to go down to 12lb b/c i was burning from the superset!
    cable hammer curl - 35lb
    alternating hammer curl- 15lbs dumbbells
    skullcrushers-15lb for 1st set, too light so did 15reps, then 20lbs for next 2 sets
    did arm extension machine rather than seated triceps press-30lb
    triceps pushdown rope-40lb

    Taking a rest day today (had to go to the doctors for antibiotics for a raging sinusitis); will do Day 33 Shoulders and Cardio tomorrow. My nutrition is terrible, but I am trying to up the protein.

    Have a great weekend everyone! Jennifer
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I went to a new gym for the legs workout and so I don't know how much weight I was lifting, it wasn't well marked, but I did hear him say the bars are 45 and 35 lbs, and I think I was squatting the 45 lb one, although I am not sure.
    With barbell step ups I use 8 lbs in each hand and it is hard!
    Plie squat I used the 20 lb weight and that was hard too, the last 5 of the last set I did without weight.
    I used the 8lb weights for the walking lunges, they are hard to. I think I know the answer but I think one time I screwed it up. Okay, for the walking lunges do you girls actually walk? Do you take 30 steps (15 each side) OR do you take 15 steps? OR do you stay in one place and lunge forward on the same leg 15 times, then the opposite leg 15 times and then repeat 3 times?
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    Okay, for the walking lunges do you girls actually walk? Do you take 30 steps (15 each side) OR do you take 15 steps? OR do you stay in one place and lunge forward on the same leg 15 times, then the opposite leg 15 times and then repeat 3 times?

    I don't want to do the walking lunges on the track, so I just do right leg forward, back in the center, left leg forward, etc. x 20 times (10 each leg in Phase 2 x 3 sets). Those lunges are hard... ! I kinda love-hate them.

    I have a question about the air bike. It says 25 reps... So is it 25/each side (50 total)? Or 25 total? I do 25x each side right now but find it's a lot compared to the other abs exercices.
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Ladies, the first time i did the lunges i walked across the gym and back. But then I watched the video and looked like he just did one leg in place for the # of reps, then changes sides. To be honest i have to cheat a little b/c I find these really hard. so i may do 10 on one side, then switch, then go back to the original leg, then finish up the next know mix it up just to give me a break.

    For air bike I just assumed you hat to do both sides to = 1. So i do left right 1, left right 2, etc. And yes I think this one is a killer too!
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    Day 33 Shoulders and Cardio today:
    smith machine military press - no weights on warm-up, 10lb on the regular sets
    upright dumbbell rows - 12lbs dumbbells
    standing military press - 15lb dumbbells (probably can go up)
    incline bench delt raises - 6 lb dumbbells; i had no idea 6lb weights could be so heavy!!
    rear delt cable flyes - 10lb (the lightest i could go) 9 reps first set, 8 reps the 2nd and 3rd; this was hard
    lateral raise - 10lb dumbbells; for drop set did 10lb dumbbells x10, 8lb x 7, 5lb x 8
    rear delt raise - 8lb dumbbells; for drop set did 8lb dumbbells x10, 5lb x 8, 3lb x 10
    39 min, 190 cal

    Oddly enough i was one of 2 people in the entire weight room. Turns out that for New Years, everyone seems to have left my gym and gone to LA Fitness! woo hoo!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah for the bike I do 25 each side. I count right, left 1, right, left 2. It is a lot of ab work that day with the super set crunches and toe touch then roman chair and cable crunch. No laughing the next day-hurts my abs!
    I did shoulders and cardio today too.
    Military press I did om the shoulder press machine. Some at 20 and some 25
    Superset rows and presses with 10 lb hand weights
    Lateral raises I did standing, no incline bench, 5lbs and 7.5
    Delt rows I did 7.5 maybe one set with 10
    That was day 40 for me. After tomorrow I am halfway!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, halfway done with the livefit 12 week trainer!
    Legs today! Those walking lunges are killer. I ended up doing a modified version on the superset with the addductor.
    I used 8 lb handweights and alternated legs on the walking lunge to 20 (10 each side) then I did the adductor 20, then back to the lunges for another 20 for each superset.
    The one legged squats are tough too, I used 5 lb handweights for the first two sets and no weight on the last.
    I should watch the video for the stiff-legged deadlift, it doesn't feel right to me.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    yeah, halfway done with the livefit 12 week trainer!
    Legs today! Those walking lunges are killer. I ended up doing a modified version on the superset with the addductor.
    I used 8 lb handweights and alternated legs on the walking lunge to 20 (10 each side) then I did the adductor 20, then back to the lunges for another 20 for each superset.
    The one legged squats are tough too, I used 5 lb handweights for the first two sets and no weight on the last.
    I should watch the video for the stiff-legged deadlift, it doesn't feel right to me.
    The stiff legged deadlift also seems weird to me... I'm not sure what it's supposed to work? But for me, it's more of a flexibility exercice! :/
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I start counting calories today (I already was, but now it's official).

    My low cal day should be around 1350 cal/day. But it seems too low for me... I'm not looking to loose weight and I'm scared a calorie intake so low will make me loose the little muscle mass I've put on so far. I'm thinking of making my low cal day around 1500 and high cal around 1800. Any advice?
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I start counting calories today (I already was, but now it's official).

    My low cal day should be around 1350 cal/day. But it seems too low for me... I'm not looking to loose weight and I'm scared a calorie intake so low will make me loose the little muscle mass I've put on so far. I'm thinking of making my low cal day around 1500 and high cal around 1800. Any advice?

    I asked Michelle LeSueur on FB and she said I was underweight and thought I should do 1800 cal/day! Yay! 1350 seemed CRAZY.
    (I actually don't think I look underweight, but if I want to put on some muscles, I guess I need to eat a little more).
  • jawolfe
    jawolfe Posts: 64 Member
    I long for the day that someone tells me I'm underweight and I need more cals!! Good for you, hope her advice works. I've been away from cal counting for a long time. I dropped weight when I had pneumonia in Nov, but unfortunately have gained it ALL back over the holidays. I was off 2.5 wks and ate and drank like crazy. So I'm back to cal counting now and shooting for 1300 a day, ugh! I know from past experience that I lose when I eat 1300-1500 a day, and maintain at 1800 a day.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Who is Michelle LeSuer? We have similar stats so maybe I eat more too?
    There are low-cal days? I thought they were low-carb days? Please let me know, maybe I am confused. The carb stuff doesn't start until Phase 3, exccept I am supposed to be eliminating carbs in the evening, or at least, starchy carbs.
    On track to workout this week, have a couple of luncheons this week but I am going to do the best I can, I checked menus! Friday is sushi though, so I think I will still have some cali rolls, but with miso soup and edamame.