Introduce yourselves!



  • Hi all,
    My name is Kate, I am 24 and 192lbs. I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I have been increasingly unhappy with my weight over the last 2 years and now it's to the point where I am really unhappy. I have about 40lbs to lose.
    I live with my boyfriend of 2 and a half years and he has a son (2 and a half) who comes to stay with us one week every month. My boyfriend and I are very serious and the talk of marriage is not uncommon in our house. But the more I think about that the more I realize that I don't want to be this weight when "the" question is popped. Which is my driving motivation behind losing this weight.

    In high school my mum and I did Weight Watchers together and I was down to a wonderful 152lb and stayed that way for most of university (I went between 145 and 160 over the 4 years). However when I got into full time work and went back for a college program I started packing on the pounds. Now I am tried and have no engery, I am embrassed to see old friends and NONE of my clothes fit me at all. When I look back at pictures of my 5 years ago I get really down on myself because I know I can be a healthier, happier person. Another driving motivater for me losing weight.
    I'm a busy person but I try my best to find time to work out, I joined my college gym as an alumni where I do 2 two hour workouts a week and a fitness class and I plan on doing laps at the community pools on Saturdays.
    As a recent grad with a huge student debt, I am on a budget, which is why I didn't go back to Weight Watchers, I find eating right a little difficult at times. I am also the kind of person who enjoys a nice glass of wine or beer a couple of times a week.
    That's pretty much what I'm all about,
  • CBROWN47
    CBROWN47 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Carla from Louisiana

    I'm 47 years old....I'm 5"1' and weigh 170lbs....My goal is to lose 20lbs...I have pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholestrol...These are all controlled by medication...My goal is to get rid of some of these medications....

    I'm the mother of two beautiful daughters and a stepson....I have 4 grandaughters and 2 grandsons....I work for the Federal Government.....I love my job and work with wonderful people...

    I'm unhappy with the way I look and feel....I have lost 15 or 20lbs in the past only to find it again....Before I always lost the weight by doing crash diets......I want to make lifestyle changes that will last.....When I was young I wanted to lose the weight to look better...Now I want to lose the weight for health purposes more than for cosmetic purposes.....

    I need lots of motivation!!!!! Pleas help!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Maggie and I'm from Illinois :) I'm a freshman at Mckendree University studying elementary education and trying to fit in a dance minor into all that. I play golf since I was 7 and I've been dancing since I was 3. Both of these sports really help me to get a workout but it's not as much of a workout as I would hope for.

    My cw is 136 and my ugw is to be 115 and I'm about 5'4" and I'm 18.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    I'm Kaytie, 26 years old. I'm 5'11 and for most of my life my perception of how much I'm supposed to weigh has been incredibly skewed. But I've grown to accept my height and in my increasing age have developed a bit of confidence for it. That and I like towering over short men, for some reason it gives me a bit of ego.

    After a blood panel and brief physical for my health insurance policy, it's been brought to my attention that I am teetering on the line, about to cross into the overweight category and my triglycerides are through the roof. I live a mainly sedentary lifestyle. I recently quit my job of 6 years that entailed driving around all day (ie. sitting) and I would eat large dinners and then shortly afterwards fall asleep on the couch watching tv. Upon seeing these test results I decided it was time to do something. That and my favorite pair of jeans are a little tighter than they used to be.

    I've been exercising regularly for the past few weeks via recumbent exercise bike and I've definitely noticed a change in my outlook on life in general. Endorphins? Awesome. Coupled with the MFP app on my phone, I'm taking charge of my health and forcing myself to lead a healthier food lifestyle.

    Looking to make friends on here with like-minded attitudes. I feel like knowing other people are watching makes it a great motivator to keep with it.
  • PamelaWba
    PamelaWba Posts: 53 Member
    Hey guys,i love the idea of this group
    Well i lost almost 30 pounds lat three years and i've almost gained it back thanks to college
    Age: 19
    SW: 191

    Message me if we are a "lovely pair" :)
  • mkromer
    mkromer Posts: 12
    Hello all,
    My name is Melody,
    I'm 21 years old, I currently weigh 194 and am looking to lose at least 15 lbs in the begining and then tone down another 5 or so. All in all weigh around 175-180. I had a back injury while playing volleyball in my highschool and ever since, exercising has been a challenge. But I am looking forward and not willing to let myself use my back as an excuse anymore! I don't have a sweet tooth necessarily but I love, greasy foods, like chips and cheeseburgers.
    I love this idea of having a partner who you can bounce ideas back and forth! Thanks for the invite!
  • Hi!!
    My name is Heather I am around 5' 4". I need some
    Serious modivation! I am the person that doesnt stick to
    anything.but I am trying to make this time different lol
    My main thing that I want to do is tone up BIG TIME lol
    So thats bout it I think. :)
  • What a great idea!

    I am Kim and I am from Michigan. I am 36 years old and I want to lose about 35 lbs. I am married this will be year 15!!! I have 3 children all in school all day long. I just recently lost my job last October after 5 years...... so I am looking for a job all the time. I really want to wear a bikini for a trip this August and keep this weight off for good. I have never lost this much weight before.....I have never had too.

    I love baked goods and to bake cakes and cookies n I am totally struggling not eating comfort food right now.

    My stats:
    I am 5'1" and currently 164

    I wish to be 129 -130 lbs at goal I am petite so 35 lbs puts me in the obese category

    I usually end up giving up BUT not this time.... I can't wait for a buddy :drinker: Peppermit Tea Cheers....I am drinking that right now instead of eating something crazy........Look forward to meeting you!
  • Just wanted to say Hi! I read your introduction AND my husband doesn't eat vegetables so for the last 15 years we have ate what he likes and ugh it's so hard are you making seperate meals? I just hate his mother for not feeding him vegetables....but I hate myself for giving them up and eating meat and potatoes like him.... Hope this finds you well!!! Best of luck!
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Hi, my name is Michelle, I am 32 years old from Southern Illinois. I have 2 children, an almost 12 year old son and an almost 6 year old daughter. Needless to say with their sports and activities, I am busy all year round. I love being a sports mom. I feel really lazy when I get home from work and have a hard time making myself exercise. I am doing much better with this, but still struggling with "wanting" to work out. I have ordered the 30 Day Shred and when it comes in I plan to stick with it. I have seen all of the success blogs on here and I want their results. I will keep telling myself "its mind over matter". I need all of the support I can get here because I will get zero support here at home (especially from my husband). So I am going solo in this mission, and that is why I joined MFP. I decided the day after Christmas (2011) that I was done being this heavy and unhealthy. I am at the highest weight I have ever been and that is not acceptable.

    Start Weight: 190
    Current Weight: 183.9
    Goal Weight: 145
    Height: 5'3"
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all! My name is Liz. I'm married (11 years) w/ a 4th grade son. We moved to Minnesota last year from Missouri (but I grew up in southern IL).
    I'm 37 and work in natural resources management. For exercise I like to walk, play Wii fit, and want to try 30 day shed again.

    My husband gave me a kindle fire for Christmas, and I'm so glad I found the MFP app!
  • twinbabymama
    twinbabymama Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I hope I am not too late to join in! My name is Sarah. I'm 37 with 4 kids. I've dieted in the past and been successfull but after awhile I lose motivation and stip trying and end up gaining back the weight. This time I want to keep it off! I enjoy walking and bicycling for exercise. I also want to start using our PS3 Move to exercixse as well!
  • Hello!!

    My name is Crystal and I am 28. I am a military wife and a mother of 4, and a full time student. My husband is currently serving in Afghanistan. I am 5'4" 128 lbs, and I hope to get down to 115, or a very tone 125. I am just trying to balance it all more efficiently, and found MFP to be the most organized route. I have already found so much support and information than I ever imagined. I wish I would have joined much sooner.

    It was nice to "meet" all of you!
  • Hi all,

    My name is Brad and I'm from Royston in Hertfordshire UK. I work at present as a truck driver working nights. Most of my work is for Sainsburys delivering to their supermarkets in and around London, so I don't spend too much time behind the wheel and the unloading and reloading is quite active.

    I used to do a lot of body building when I was younger and was quite large and could really eat anything I wanted but I injured my shoulder and that put me out for a while and I never went back in the gym. 15 years later the weight hasn't changed that much but the muscle has been replaced with fat and it's time to get rid.

    I'm 48, 5' 7" and currently 83.8 kgs or 185lbs. I'm not sure what my goal weight is at the moment as I may, when I've regained a little fitness, go back in the gym and hit the weights again. I was 14 stone without an ounce of fat on me in my younger days, which is heavy for 5' 7". I don't think I want to be that big again though.

    My motivation for getting fit again is my 5 yr old who is getting to the age where he wants to play football and go for bike rides and I don't think a fat sweaty puffing and panting Dad is a good example to set. Besides I want to play for longer than 20 mins lol

    If there's anything else you want to know just ask.

  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    Hi, I'm Tamara and I'm 36. Last summer a dear friend who's lived with diabetes for most of her life told me she was worried about me cause she thought I was exhibiting a lot of the symptoms for Type II diabetes. This scared me because both my father and grandfather died from complications of diabetes. Soon after this I went to the doctor for my annual exam. When I got on the scale I saw a number I'd never seen before, 390. That weight along with the worry about diabetes was enough to get me motivated.

    I applied for Biggest Loser 13 but wasn't chosen but on September 1, 2011 I made some major changes to help me on the road to healthy. I also started a blog that made me accountable to not only myself but every person that read it.

  • Hey there :flowerforyou:

    I'm Jess, 31 years old, happily married to Nick and we have two beautiful children - Jack, 10 and Amelia, 8. I work as an administrative assistant at our local university in Chester, UK.

    I have previously lost weight on a Rosemary Conley plan and through exercising, but a year or so ago I was diagnosed with ME/cfs and haven't had the energy or wherewithall to do anything particularly active recently. That, coupled with medication for the ME and a depressive disorder, has meant that my weight has skyrocketed. I'm totally fed up of being overweight, tired and unhealthy, and now that my kids are at an impressionable age and are starting to make their own choices in life, I want to be able to help and encourage them to make healthy choices.

    I'm 5'4" and a hefty 18 stone. I need to lose about 110lbs to bring me back to my ideal weight, so I have a long way to go. But I am very determined that this year, finally, I am going to acheive my goal and start living the life I want... and deserve!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend - the more support we have, the better!

    Jess x
  • fahn27
    fahn27 Posts: 18 Member
    HI my name is Fahn, I'm 20 5'5 and i weigh in around 153lbs
    I'm a student at the the community college in my city with my major being and ultrasound tech!
    My goal weight is to be 135-30! I've already found a twin on another message board, but in my opinion, you can never have too many encouraging friends so I'm in!
  • hi everyone! My name is Bridgette, im 23 years old. I am a hairdresser and ever since highschool i have been struggling with my weight. Im looking forward to this group!
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    55 y/o
    SW 235
    GW 150
    Disgusted with myself for becoming so heavy, getting older, want to look better in clothes and feel better overall
    reduce B/P and cholesterol
    Want to enjoy life more

    Exercise: work full time so it will be walking for now
  • pwnstar
    pwnstar Posts: 15
    Hi lovely potential twins!

    My name is Lauren, I'm 27, and a student pursuing a Bachelor's in Network & System Administration, although I'm currently on paid internship until June in the field of Information Security.

    Historically, I suck at managing what and how much food I eat, and I hated exercise. I'm here because I have gained a decent amount of weight in the past few years, and I don't want to gain any more. I am definitely struggling with some self-image issues. Ideally I'm looking to lose about 15-20lbs - but I'm less concerned about the number - I'm more motivated to to tone up overall, and to start and keep healthier dieting and exercise habits. Another goal I recently realized is that I want to be fit enough to try out for the local Roller Derby team next year!

    I have two cats that I adore, music is a huge part of my life, and I'm a video game junkie (but doing it as responsibly as possible). I also have a passion for football (or "soccer", here in the states) - namely Premier League and MLS. I can't wait to get to know a bunch of you better, and cheer you on as you meet and beat your goals!