I will never eat peas again!

I ate a can of del monte sweet young peas for lunch yesterday while the kids ate left over pizza. Thought that was a quick easy way to still stay healthy. Peas are very deceptive! While only 220 calories, 1280 grams of sodium and 47 carbs! Plus I salted them! I have been way under my sodium every day like by 500 or more but this made me over. Peas-you are my enemy!


  • SMHZ
    SMHZ Posts: 7
    I just noticed that peas have one redeeming quality -- 11 grams of fiber! That is awesome, I try to find fiber and never knew peas had this little secret. Yea Peas!
  • jaimibeth14
    I think that is why a lot of experts advised to first eat fresh foods, then frozen, then canned because of the sodium! Whenever i eat canned beans i try and wash them off first!