Major Weight Gain Post Hysterectomy...anyone been there?

I had a hysterectomy ( left ovaries but on HRT because they are not working correctly) a year ago at the age of 29. Since then I have put on an additional 25 lbs over the 25 lbs I already had to loose. Anyone else dealt with this issue? Any other young Menopausers out there? Thanks


  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Sorry you are going through this at such a young age. Do you have blood work done to see what your levels are? I do believe that ,without the right balance of hormones, weight gain is inevitable! Good luck!!
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    So sorry that you had to go through this at such a young age. I´m awaiting the op so can´t comment at the moment but I will be losing everything so I´m quite scared about the weight gain, losing sex drive completely, oh and ageing too, infact I think I´m worrying about everything to be honest. Check out the Hyster Sisters website there´s some great help on there.

    take care and good luck,

  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I had a TAH/ BSO about 18 months ago and while I haven't been gaining wieght I haven't been able to lose it either. I'm not on any HRT, though. I have managed to lose 5lbs since coming to this site in November, though, and ramping up my cardio a lot.
  • completebeginnings
    completebeginnings Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the ideas/support guys. Life is actually much better post surgery regardless of the weight gain. I have 4 wonderful children I am grateful for. One thing is the recovery took much longer than I thought it would. My doctor told me I would be ready for air travel 4 weeks after my surgery and I was flat on my back for 8 weeks and still spending the majority of my day laying down until 16 weeks post surgery. I had some other pelvic floor repair done as well and had a major hemorrhage and blood transfusion so that did me in. It took forever for my doctor to put me on estrogen since they left my ovaries and my levels were still in the low range (which was very low for me). Estrogen has helped a lot. Much more energy. <3 Hyster sisters. I am just trying to give myself grace that last year and this one as well that my body is still healing and regulating.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    okay, now I am officially scared. Was at the doctor today for a gyn check (having bladder and uterine prolapse), he recommended a pessary which caused me to pass out (a little vasovagal fun for all). Next stop hysterectomy! I am at my ideal weight; I don't want the gain. What strategies can be used to prevent this? Looking for answers and encouragement.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    okay, now I am officially scared. Was at the doctor today for a gyn check (having bladder and uterine prolapse), he recommended a pessary which caused me to pass out (a little vasovagal fun for all). Next stop hysterectomy! I am at my ideal weight; I don't want the gain. What strategies can be used to prevent this? Looking for answers and encouragement.

    Stay active, be vigilant about your caloric intake. That's about all you can do. I at least haven't gained weight since my hysterectomy even if I've had trouble losing.
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    I had a hysterectomy ( left ovaries but on HRT because they are not working correctly) a year ago at the age of 29. Since then I have put on an additional 25 lbs over the 25 lbs I already had to loose. Anyone else dealt with this issue? Any other young Menopausers out there? Thanks

    I had aTOTAL hysterectomy at 28 ( im now 38). So I know the struggle you face. The good thing is that you at least have your ovaries. Yes the weight is hard to lose, but I know we can do together
  • It's been two years since I had my Hysterectomy. I thought I would feel better, but I feel worse. I have gained about 25 lbs since my surgery. The weight was coming on so fast I swear I could see the scale move! I'm desperate to lose some weight. I wear scrubs to work and it's pretty sad that I had to buy bigger ones.
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    I had a hysterectomy due to cancer at the age of 32. I gained a little bit of weight, but as soon as I was able I became more active and took most of it back off...About 2 months ago I had to have my remaining ovary out and am now on HRT. I have gained 15 pounds in the past 2 months because my estrogen level was too high and I wanted to eat EVERYTHING!!!! I was ALWAYS hungry! (And will power? Forget it).

    My biggest advice would be to have your horomone levels checked, even though it's a hassle, and be kind to yourself. Your body is going through some major changes, and needs time to adapt.

    I've been a member of Hystersisters for 5+ years now as well, and I LOVE them. I've had a lot of wonderful support and great information from them.
  • completebeginnings
    completebeginnings Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all of the positive thoughts guys. I know it will come off and truly for me it is worth it for the amount of pain I was in before the surgery. I am on a restriction for ever on some things. No running, jumping, or lifting anything over 20 lbs. Just trying to be active every day.
  • I just had a hyterectomy too (5 weeks ago)....but had to have my ovaries removed. due to my genetic sittuation no HRT's for me. I too am very scared of gaining weight. I am on a mission to lose 20 lbs and will go a bit nuts if I gain instead of lose.
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  • AStamat1
    AStamat1 Posts: 2 Member
    I had my hysterectomy in 2010. I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and my symptoms were becoming worse, so my doc and I decided that it was time for a hysterectomy. I am not convinced that was a great decision. My body seems to be going haywire! I have gained 30 pounds and I seem to be hypoglycemic. My heart feels weird and I ache all the time. That I know is from the extra weight that I am burdening my body with. I am looking forward to having someone to share war stories with as well as our successes!

  • I am turning 40 soon and I had a hysterectomy 7 months ago. I too have been gaining weight and finding it harder to lose. I don't have my ovaries. I did start going through a compounding pharmacist and am using HRT that is specific to me. since starting this a month and a half ago I have not gained any more weight.

    You might research if there is a compounding pharmacist nearby. I live in the middle of nowhere but the pharmacist ships my HRT to me monthly. I would strongly suggest doing a saliva test to see where you are hormonally, regardless of having ovaries or not. It makes a huge difference.

    Good luck my hystersister!
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    I had my hysterectomy in 2010. I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and my symptoms were becoming worse, so my doc and I decided that it was time for a hysterectomy. I am not convinced that was a great decision. My body seems to be going haywire! I have gained 30 pounds and I seem to be hypoglycemic. My heart feels weird and I ache all the time. That I know is from the extra weight that I am burdening my body with. I am looking forward to having someone to share war stories with as well as our successes!


    The body changing is a crazy thinh huh. I hate feeling older physically than I do mentally. Losing this weight is very tricky.
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    I've never even HEARD of a compounding pharmacist, but it seems worth it to me!

    Since 1mg of Estradiol is too much and 1/2 is too little, I've started supplementing my 1/2 mg with a Menopausal One-A-Day multivitamin. FINALLY no more hot flashes, and the weight gain seems to at least be halted. Of course, I'm on a very healthy diet, I count all of my calories, watch my fat intake - basically a health nut from a "cake and cookies" diet at the end of last year!

    One thing I have to say - I had forgotten that eating so much healthier makes you pretty gassy!
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    That is sooo true.