


  • LighteningLynn
    LighteningLynn Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Birthday!!! :drinker: (My 50th was yesterday. :noway:

    I haven't had any wine since halloween of 2011. I am to the point I don't really miss it any more and have even turned it down when offered some. I did have brandy old fashions but noticed over the holidays how much weight it added, I haven't has any of that either. Not even 1 drink for my birthday!!! :bigsmile:

    I really want to lose weight and I know I have more problems with calories from drinking than I do food. That's bad! :embarassed:

    Good luck....if I can do it (being from Wisconsin) you can too!! :flowerforyou:
  • KerstZab
    KerstZab Posts: 7 Member
    I sometimes hide my drinking.....like I love to drink alone because I wont have anyone watching me....its bad

    I'm right there with you... I know it is a problem, I've decided that my extra weight has a ton to do with the drinking and not feeling well enough to get off of the couch to work out. I don't drink much during the week, but holy weekend hell!
  • DoxieMama70
    DoxieMama70 Posts: 92 Member
    I have realized that the wine (or sometimes vodka) is also a problem for me. I live alone so hiding it is not an issue for me. I start every day with the best of intentions but then I find myself opening a bottle of wine at night. I think I would probably not have issues with my weight if I didn't drink. I don't usually drink to the point of drunkeness but I've not found anything else that relaxes me in the same way.
  • LighteningLynn
    LighteningLynn Posts: 62 Member
    I feel all of you and I am right there with you. I was doing really good all week. Friday & Saturday, I decided to have some mix drinks.....H O L Y S H U Z B U T!!!!! I was waaaaayyyyyyy over my calories and according to what "I will weigh in 5 weeks".....more than what I weigh now!! Not that I will drink like this everyday but WOW!!!! I do agree with some of you that my drinking is what is making me fat! It just REALLY SUCKS that something so fun can be sooooooo damaging.
  • Crazynurseblack
    Crazynurseblack Posts: 9 Member
    Totally fell off the wagon last night had waay too much to drink then at about midnight when I went to bed my daughter woke up and fell over on her way to the bathroom. She dislocated her thumb and we had to go to hospital to get it put back into place. I ended up with no sleep and really hung over today when my daughter really needed her mum to be there for her.

    I feel awful.

    Hope everyone else is doing better.

    This broke my heart when i read it. Dont be so hard on yourself. We all fall down and take a few steps back. Something that keeps my drinking in check is my kids. If something happened to one of mine, would in be in any condition to deal with it? Could i drive them to the hospital? You need to find your motivation. For an example, I smoked for about 25 years & made a few unsuccessful attempts to quit. It was one of my kids asking me to stop that finally did it for me. Four years later I still dont smoke because disappointing either of my kids is not an option for me, period. It works the same with alcohol. Let them be your reason to quit. Get some support. Find someone to hold you accountable if you are serious about stopping. You can do this. I cant wait to hear how you are doing!