Please introduce yourselves



  • kfm310
    kfm310 Posts: 2
    I'm Abby. I have a 1 year old. I'm 25 and needs to lose 40 pounds. I don't enjoy doing traditional workouts so I do stuff on the kinect and some *ahem* other stuff.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Hi - I'm Tammy...mostly a lurker over at BHB. I'm 5'2" I'm at 130 but would like to get between 115 & 120...just a place that is a little healthier. I have 2 kids ages 6 & 3. Thanks for letting me join!

    ETA that I'm 39 and I'm a SAHM.
  • Hi! My name is cherish and I'm 19, I am a sahm to baby K, and i miss my old body. I need to lease at least 30 lbs. :( this won't easy but I'm sure in a group with you guys, it wont be impossible!
  • crystal (total bhb lurker, but pretty active on my birth board)
    married 12 yrs
    I have an 18 yo dd and a 7 yo ds
    current weight = about 170 give or take a few lbs
    goal weight = 140? I don't really care about the weight, I just want be back in a size 10 at least, with no muffin top :-(
    I'll be starting the 30 day shred on monday!
  • My name is Stacey
    Married for almost a year
    Im trying to lose 60lbs
    I love crochet
    Im 5'4 and 193
    Im a sahm of 2
    Im doing Zumba on ps3..
    im looking for more exercising games on ps3
  • Fluffy_girl
    Fluffy_girl Posts: 9 Member
    Stacey--I love crocheting too! And knitting but I'm just starting out. I could crochet all day if my kids would let me ;-)
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I love to crochet too. I would do it all day if I didn't have other things to do.
  • Thanks for the invite. I'm Samantha (Sparkle&Fade on BBC). I'm 27. I weigh 196 pounds now. My highest ever. My biggest obstacles getting there is the pop and junk. I'm down to one pop a day and am eating healthier in general. I really need to lose the weight. Not only for myself but for my family. A few close friends have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and that scares me. For exercise I have been doing a combo of kickboxing, Just Dance and walking. In a few weeks I want to start the 30 Day Shred again.
  • Fluffy_girl
    Fluffy_girl Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Samantha! Glad you made your way over :-)
    You've made great changes so far! Cutting down/out pop is soooo hard. But you can do it!
  • kendie_mac
    kendie_mac Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm Kendra. I mostly do myfinesspal on my phone, so may not post much here. I work FT & have 2 DSs.

    28yrs old, 5'4".

    Starting Weight (Jan'11): 206
    Current Weight (Jan'12): 156

    I started out just trying to get to 180 for a vacation last summer. So small goals work for me. Right now I'd like to get to 150, then 140. After that, we'll see. I've lost 50lbs & am determined & reserve the right to be happy with my weight loss at any time.