30 Day Shred

bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
Started Shred and have done 2 days, plan to do Shred 3 days or 4 days a week. Love her aerobic, strength and abs workout. Best ever....

I will start logging come January 2, 2012....or 01/02/12,,,,,,,,,,how cool is that?


  • lmfsmiles
    lmfsmiles Posts: 24 Member
    She is my favorite. Short workout but great results!
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in for doing this the 30DS for January. I plan on doing 2-4 workouts per week. Don't want to burn myself out. I have other fitness in the week too. Tomorrow night, i will sit down and make out my fitness plan for January.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Happy Shredding!

    If it's your first time doing the 30DS make sure you take photos and measurements. I haven't taken measurements but I did do before photos because sometimes the weight loss comes a little later on and you feel like nothing is changing when IT IS! :)

    Today I completed L1D4 (Level 1 Day 4.) I hope to do 30 days straight through, but every other weekend I may have a tough time with it because of travel.

    GOOD luck everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR :)
  • alikat789
    alikat789 Posts: 105 Member
    I completed my Day 3 of Level one on January 1, 2012. I still need to modify on some cardio - jumping jacks and butt kicks. Also the 5lb weights feel too heavy for me for now so i'm alternating from no weights to weights. Can't wait for the day that i don't need to modify any of the moves. If i don't have modify on the cardio i know that i will not be able to finish the entire 20 mins. and i don't want my shin splints to start. (Learn the hard way with Zumba that jumping jacks can give me shinsplints if i'm not careful)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I definitely couldn't do it with 5lb weights, I have zero upper body strength . BUT I am able to do a push up or two now lol Which is pretty good for me.

    Level 1 Day 5 completed today :)
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 Complete! :)
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 Complete! :)
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Level 1 Day 6 Complete! :)

    Well done! You'll be ready for Level 2 before you know it!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Level 1 Day 7 Completed...
    And I am not so sure about Level 2. I've done it before but I am scared this time LOL
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Level 1 Day 7 Completed...
    And I am not so sure about Level 2. I've done it before but I am scared this time LOL

    Don't fear Level 2. Actually, I take that back. When I did it last July, I recall preferring Level 3 to Level 2! :)

    You'll kill it either way, though!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member

    Don't fear Level 2. Actually, I take that back. When I did it last July, I recall preferring Level 3 to Level 2! :)

    You'll kill it either way, though!

    LOL I think that's how I remember it too :-X Or maybe I liked level 3 better because I knew there was not a level 4. Hmmm... ;)
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Level 1 completed today. Tomorrow or Monday I'll start Level 2. GAHHHHHHH.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Started level 2 last Monday and then skipped it most of the week but did a Level 2, Day 2 today and plan to do it again tomorrow. I feel so much better after!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I did Level 1 last night. This is my first Jillian of January (I had eyed Jan. 8 as a start date). I completed a full 30 days of the Shred in July. I forgot how tough it is. I also did a strength and endurance class in the afternoon, so by the time I finished the Shred last night, I was tired, and this morning I had some sore legs for spin class!

    Hope everyone is still doing super!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    NICE Work bada & hcn!

    I started level 2 today. I hate level 2. I hate hate hate it. I HATE IT.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Level 2 is hard but you know what........I like the sweat pouring after I am done and I substitute the punchs from level 1 for the skipping. I just set my eye on the on/off light of the TV and pretend that it is Jillian...lol. Did it yesterday and today is a day off.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I started level 2 today. I hate level 2. I hate hate hate it. I HATE IT.

    Yep. Level 2 is far worse than Level 3!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    So sorry ladies...I tend to forget that I have joined groups sometimes.

    I am currently on Day 8 of Level 1, well I have completed it this morning. Tomorrow and Thursday Level 1 and then onto Level 2 on Thusday. I am taking 1 day off a week(Sunday) and mixing the 30DS up with yoga and some of Jillian's other workouts.

    I think I may have to up my weights next time I do the Shred. Right now I am using 4lb hand weights. I might go up a pound. I might even try some ankle weights too(maybe).

    Here is my blog from last June 2011, when I did the 30 Day Shred for the first time:

    On my way to be Shredded!

    I have joined in with some other MFP friends in doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I started 4 days ago along with my friends. Some started a day earlier, some a day later. Even though we are scattered all over the world, we are all feeling the same way. Sore by day 2, but feeling stronger by day 4. We are all at different fitness levels, but we are all getting through this...together. We share our feelings, give each other support and know exactly how hard we are all working to get shredded. Most of all, we are going to be a group of HOT SHREDDED LADIES by the time we are done. Even if it takes some of us another 30 days or 60 days or longer to the end result, we will all get there, and we will feel great! Knowing that we are working hard for this, WE, because I know I do, should be very proud of oursleves. Great work ladies!!!

    Today I completed Day 4 of Level 1 of the 30DS. Still sweating, but not as difficult as the first few days. I had a look at Level 2 and wrote down the exercises in each Circuit. I have to plan for holidays which are coming up at the end of next week. I will be starting Day 1 of Level 2 here at home and then Day 2, 3 & 4 will be while we are camping. Day 5 & 6 at home again. Then Day 7 & maybe 8 away again. So, it will be tough I think while on holidays, but I know I can do it. With the help of my MFP support team, I will do it.

    I can already see a change in my body and the way I feel. I feel strong and clothes are not fitting anymore...but in the good way...they are too big. I shared my first NSV on my wall the other day. While I was doing the cardio bits in the 30DS, my pants were almost falling off. All that jumping and less fat around my waist and hips, I almost lost my pants. LOL

    Keep up the great work ladies!


    Hopefully this helps to motivate some of you this time around. Whether you have done it before or repeating it for the second, third or fourth time. Have fun with it!
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    Last night I had the time to do the entire Extreme Shed and Shred (Level 1 and 2 combined) - oh my goodness it feels long and there are some things in Level 2 that I just cannot do - but it is a great workout and I think if I can manage to do 1/2 together a couple of times a week and just one of the quickie workouts (30DS, RI30, etc) on the other days I'll pretty happy.
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    So after 2 interruptions........well, actually only 1 when my mother called for her Wednesday talk and the other came at the end of the session, I finally got in my session with Jillian. I am on level 2 and as I mentioned, I kinda hate the skipping so I have been substituting the squat punching and it is working just fine.

    Must be okay, because the sweat was dripping off me like the Biggest Loser.............lol