Do You Use Your Extra Calories Earned from Exercise?

I realized that at the end of each day I'm getting a message that I ate below my alloted calories and it's because I didn't think I was "supposed to" eat more on days I workout.

What do you guys think? Do you try to eat the extra "earned" cals?


  • I think, for the most part, you should. If you put down that you wanted to lose a certain amount of weight per week, then you should try to stick to the number of calories allowed. Otherwise, you run the risk of forcing you body to lower it's metabolism when it thinks you are trying to starve it.
  • OMG was I hungry today! Today I'm very happy to have those "extra cals" to burn. I'm thinking it's because my body is beginning to figure out I wasn't just running for the ice cream truck the past 4 days - it realizes this exercise thing may become a trend :laugh:

    Honestly, I'm so glad I had some healthy foods around because I might have decided to eat first and ask questions later.

    Anyone else have a day like that?
  • yosem
    yosem Posts: 91 Member
    I am also using my extra calories.. and some times, in reverse.. you know, finding that I went over on my calories and.. opting for doing some exercise after dinner to compensate a bit.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    If you are on a 1200 cal budget and you don't eat back your burned calories you could go into starvation mode. I eat back enough to keep at my budget.
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
  • Erin51
    Erin51 Posts: 35
    This eating back exercise calories confuses me. I don't usually eat them since I thought I would lose more weight. If I eat back the calories earned from exercise, doesn't that cancel out the good from the exercise?
  • I do. I don't use all of them, unless I really over eat, but I use some of them.
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    So what's the consensus here? I have heard about the body going into starvation mode and what DurkfromNM says makes sense. So if I have 1200 cal goal, eat 1500 healthy calories and exercise off 300, and do this consistently, will my body eventually get that this is normal and not go into starvation mode? How do we get the body to tap into the stored fat? Do I challenge myself to try to end each day at exactly at 1200? If I exercise very hard, say after work, when I get home do I eat the same as I would on a normal exercise day and have the deficit or will that kick my metabolism into starvation mode? Or do I eat more for dinner on a hard workout day to get to my 1200? I'm so confused and I don't want to lose the excitement and momentum I have.

    Going to google this. I'll let you know what I find out. :happy:
  • Yes - let me know what you discover. As you point out, there's so many ways of thinking - I think I burned some calories reading your post :)
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    I do not eat my exercise calories. The way I try to look at it is it takes a 3500 calorie loss to lose a pound so the weight is bound to come off eventually, its simply math. I try to even out my calories throughout the day eating every 2-4 hours to keep my metabolism going as well as keep my body moving..... shopping, cleaning, running errands etc. I do not track these type of calorie burns just my workouts on treadmill, weights, etc...For now this is how I think unless I learn I am wrong, its what I am trying to do for now.
  • Lululagrand
    Lululagrand Posts: 16 Member
    I have only been here 4 days. One thing I learned from my diary is that i eat too little. I have brought up my calorie intake to be closer to goals and have been losing! I think my foods are now more balanced.
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    Found on the MFP Message Board General Weight Loss and Diet Help (not sure if I got the board name right- over 50 the memory goes. Even after 2 seconds) ! :laugh:

    You should eat them!

    From MFP:

    "Now onto the question of "Eating your exercise calories"

    As I have hinted to throughout this summary of metabolic process, the body has a "range" in which it feels it is receiving the right amount of fuel. The range (as most doctors and research scientists agree) is somewhere between 500 calories above your maintenance calories and 1000 calories below your maintenance calories. This means that the metabolism won't drastically change it's functionality in this range, with that said, this is not exact, it is a range based on averages, you may have a larger or smaller range based on the 3 factors of metabolism stated at the top.
    On our website (MyFitnessPal), when you enter your goals, there is a prebuilt deficit designed to keep you in the "normal" metabolic functionality while still burning more calories then you take in. This goal DOES NOT INCLUDE exercise until you enter it. If you enter exercise into your daily plan, the site automatically adjusts your total caloric needs to stay within that normal range (in other words, just put your exercise in, don't worry about doing any additional calculations). Not eating exercise calories can bring you outside that range and (if done over an extended period of days or weeks) will gradually send your body into survival mode, making it harder (but not impossible) to continue to lose weight. The important thing to understand is (and this is REALLY important) the closer you are to your overall healthy weight (again, your metabolism views this a a range, not a specific number) the more prominant the survival mode becomes (remember, we talked about efficiency). This is because as fat becomes scarce, muscle is easier to break down and transport. And thus, the reason why it's harder to lose that "Last 10 pounds".
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the long post from MFP on weight loss issues. I may rethink my eating habits a little. It just seems like so much food on somedays! Mentally I say to myself.... I am trying to lose weight I do not need it....... but maybe I actually do!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    Not eating enough hasn't worked for me so I tend to believe the information on metabolism. I guess I'm trying to think of it like a fire, and the proper consistent food is the fuel to make it burn fast and hard. I do have a hard time eating so much but I think it is making my smarter on the choices. I don't want to get to my calories via a cheeseburger; I want to get there with fruits, vegetables and lean protein. At least that's my plan right now! :smile: