


  • dawnrosina
    dawnrosina Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn. I turned 45 yesterday and this morning the scale screamed 278 at me! Today is the day that I take control of my life and my body. There is so much that I want to do and am tired of my size and lack of being in shape hold me back. Although I found this website a year ago, I haven't used it as I should have. I'm done with excuses!

    I tried to add in my ticker tracker thingy but I'm obviously not pasting the correct thing. Any suggestions?
  • Hi, I'm Kim. I'm 42, married, and the mom of two boys, 18 and 6. I've been overweight all of my life, and trying to lose weight has been a constant struggle. I have lost 40 pounds in the last 14 months though, and am hoping to continue. It will be nice to have some support online!
  • nikkirosem
    nikkirosem Posts: 63 Member
    Hello my name is Nikki. I am 32 from Montana. I am newly married and can't wait to have children with the man I have been blessed with. Unfortunately, due to my weight and my family history this has been a problem. My doctor wants me to drop a significant amount of weight. I am excited to meet some people who are in my boat with me and will soon be changing ships. :flowerforyou: If there is anything else you need to know. Just ask. :wink:
  • HI. I am Jo Ann. I am 53 years old, a wife, mom, and grandma. I am also 150 pounds overweight. I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life but it has gotten really bad over the past 10 years or so. I joined WW last year and did well for 5 months but then I had an emergency surgery to remove a tumor and fell off the wagon. I have now gained all the weight back. I went to a meeting this week about gastric surgery but left thinking I wasn't ready to commit to that.
    I do not have any health issues directly related to health as far as diabetese or high blood pressure but I have plenty of other problems. My knees are now down to bone on bone and the doc says they both need replaced. My feet and lower back hurt all the time. I am ALWAYS out of breath. I work on the third floor or an old school and it is killing me.
    My biggest thing though is that I can't do the things with the grandkids that I want to do. There are so many things in life I won't or can't do because of my weight.
    I hate that I know my problem and I know the answers but just can't make myself do the right things. I am a smarter person than this!
  • Hadasah
    Hadasah Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone and greetings. Well, tomorrow is New Years Eve and we can all start on a new note, so to speak. I am in here because I am 125 pounds overweight. I work in a factory and move around alot, but when I get home ...that is it! I am 58 years old and now I need to lose weight for my health. I want to get off the blood pressure meds and I would like to start exercising once again. I did this about 13 years ago and got into great shape, however, when some emotional issues rose up in my life (just like every human on the planet) I ate for comfort. Now I am at the weight I seem to gravitate to and I WANT IT OFF ME> I have been binge eating all this holiday and need to put a stop to this insanity. OK>>>What does the "C" stand for in this group?
  • tnh9479
    tnh9479 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! I am Twila and a mom to almost 3 year old twins. It was when they started getting really active that finally decided I needed to do something about my weight so I could be the mom I want to be for them. I had a physical for work this summer and, as my doctor said, I am really healthy, minus being obese. So, I want to turn this boat around before my health does get adversely affected. I have been overweight my whole life, but really packed on the pounds with the stresses of adult life. I am most definitely an emotional eater. I have been doing MFP since July and made my goal for myself of losing 75 pounds by New Year's. If I can do it, you all can do it too. I am only beginning my weight loss journey.
  • BigMerl
    BigMerl Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Merlin. I've actually been working at this battle for about two years. I'm down 50 lbs in that time, but am starting to take the battle more seriously now. I have gotten into a routine at the gym that involves a lot of pool time, since I find I can make my cardio time last a lot longer in the pool, since my bum knee doesn't hurt while swimming. I have changed my dieting methods to include stricter portion control, and have limited my beloved BBQ to once every other month. That is the hardest sacrifice right there.

    I am using my love of sports and auto racing as my motivation, and the day I get thin enough to fit in the car I am going to Daytona to drive one of the Richard Petty cars. I have been so big for so long that I don't even have a final goal yet. My current goal is to get down to Nascar size, then my next goal will be to get small enough to do the IndyCar ride along program. From there? I guess then will be a good time to set a final goal.
  • Hey everyone. I'm Heather, I'm 26, and I'm from South Florida. Let me just say, being about 150lbs overweight at 5'3 in this hot Florida climate SUCKS! I'm sure you can all relate. I hate it. I hate that I've been big my whole life. I've tried all the fads, I've tried the starvation, none of it worked, so now I'm working on my trying to learn to eat they way I'm supposed to and hope for some results. The exercising is a little different for me than it is for most of you. I was in an accident a little more than a year ago and my back is messed up. I have constant pain every day, and I can't afford to do physical therapy. The price of recovery is highway robbery! I'm planning to get some resistance bands because I did learn some things I can do with those. Someone else also recommended I try yoga, which I may look into. Mostly I just want to be able to walk 30 minutes on the treadmill without needing to lay flat on my back for two hours after. I need to drop 50-60lbs for that to happen. Every doctor has told me that less weight on my body is less weight on the injured parts of my spine which means easier movement without pain. My number one goal for wanting to lose the weight is to have less pain, number two is because I want to be able to walk into any store and buy clothes, not just the fat chick stores, I don't want my thighs to rub together and shred my jeans anymore, and I want to be happy. I'm not happy at my current weight. 290lbs is too much for someone my height and build. And I have anxiety at night hoping I don't have a heart attack and die each day. I just want to change everything. I'm hoping it doesn't take more than three years to reach my goal, but either way I'm sticking to this for the rest of my life. I really hope you guys will be there with me ;o)
  • Hi everyone! I'm Jensie, 46 years old, and from Northern California. I can hardly believe that I have over a 100 lbs. to lose. I have been big all my life, but what used to be cute plumpness is quickly turning into droopy fatness! I am bigger then I have ever been and have really just have had about enough. I have tried to lose weight before, I have done WW, ATKINS, 17 Day Diet, Protein Power, etc, etc, etc.. about a year ago I did join a weight loss challenge with group of co-workers and worked my butt off and lost 37 lbs...I didn't win the challenge, but came in 2nd place! I felt amazing and to be honest...don't know why I didn't just keep on going. ...famous last words!

    I have Hashimoto's disease & had my Thyroid removed Februrary 2011. To get my metabolism moving it is so important for me to get my body moving. So that is something that will be challenging to me! I really have never liked to exercise but am willing and focused on breaking through that barrier!

    I have 5 children. 2 boys who are grown and out of the house. 1 college age daughter who is moving out within the next 2 months, and 2 little ones still at home - ages 4 and 9. I work full time for a telecommunications provider as a contact center supervisor. There are days I love it, and days I don't love it so much. I design & make jewelry in my 'off time' (what is that?!), and love to read.

    I am determined to get as close to my weight goal this year as I can. I would love to be able to go to Disneyland with my kids and keep up with them! Last year we went and my feet and knee's were killing me! Poor kids - Mommy huffing & puffing along! Also...I recently took a trip to NY to visit my lifelong BFF who I hadn't seen 8 years, and I was so stressing the 'fitting in the plane seat' thing! I actually looked up the seat size on the Delta website and to my horror it was noted that the seat pans were 17 inches...I mean my butt has never been 17 inches!! Thankfully I had connecting seats with my daughter and she is MUCH smaller then it wasn't really an issue. BUT...I plan on going back to NY again here in the next 6-8 months and how nice would it be if I could fit that seat with ease and relax the whole flight?! I would also love to be able to buy every cute piece of clothing out there that I like! Sweaters, skinny leg jeans, capris, skirts again, and BOOTS! I want some cute knee high fuzzy furry boots for next fall/winter..and not look like a bloated fat chick stuffed into cute boots looking horrible! All vain reasons to lose weight...but they are reasons!

    Most importantly I want to live another 46 years! I haven't even begun to scratch the tip of my 'to do' before it's all over. ... and if I didn't mention sleep above, I will now...I want to sleep so snuggly and comfortable when I hit the sheets. I don't today, I toss, I turn, and wake up tired. Losing my weight will certainly help with that!

    Well that is me! I would like to make some new friends who face the same struggles - losing 100+ pounds. My head sometimes tell me that 'its too much, it's impossible, blah, blah, blah'..and I have to fight that thought and count the small loses knowing they will add to BIG losses! Any new friends are most welcome! Cheers to 2012! :bigsmile:
  • dawnrosina
    dawnrosina Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Heather! I can certainly relate! Although I'm older than you and don't have a messed up back, I have a messed up knee, live in Central Florida and are battling all of the same things you are. I congratulate you and encourage you to keep up the great attitude that you've just posted! We are going to do great things this year and drop a chuck of weight!!

    Merlin - I LOVE your goal of getting into the NASCAR!!! I think that it's important for us all to remember that we do need to reward ourselves for achieving milestones or small goals of the larger one. It doesn't need to be expensive or exotic, just something that you've always wanted to get or do. It can be as simple as taking a day away from the family to walk through the park or catch a movie (I never go to the movies and I miss it). Whatever it is, set yourself some small (or not) rewards that will keep you motivated and encouraged!

  • Hi everyone! My name is Angie. I'm soon to be 36 and need to lose 200 to be at "goal weight". I am my state's Guard and cannot get my 3rd stripe (SGT) until I get my weight under control. I also want to be a good example for my kids, as well as my troops! I have PCOS and a busy life of chasing my over-achieving kids so we eat in the car a lot. I had to give up playing soccer (my passion) because my joints couldn't take the stress. I am excited to find this group of folks with a longer journey than some, but a great attitude!
  • belmoo
    belmoo Posts: 4
    Hey! I'm Belinda and have 150 pounds to lose! I currently work part-time, but am currently looking for full-time employment. Weight has been an issue for me since puberty. I went to WW about 5 years ago and lost about 30 pounds with them, but through time, fell off the wagon and gained it all back (and THEN SOME!). On New Year's I stepped on the scale and I was floored: 309.6 pounds! I have NEVER been this big in my LIFE. I am committed now more that EVER to get this weight off of me and KEEP IT OFF! I've come to the realization that I have to make a LIFESTYLE change--it's not just about losing weight, but being HEALTHY! I don't care how LONG it takes! I'm doing this for ME!
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    Hello all, Im Tim and I need to lose 150lbs, was active till I got married and just settled into the RUT and got on with life had kids and just going thru the motions, My biggest motavatin is to out live my mom she passed away at 55 and never had a chance to see the grandkids. this past year got hurt at work at had surgery and and had hard time recouping from surgery and Dr said lewz weight and the next surgery would be a snap and that is the second part of my motavation, Been going to the gym for a few months and have had sucess with weight comeing off, with this web site and keeping better track of my food intake weight should really fall off.
    Best of luck to everybody with there weight lose goals... :)
  • brismum10
    brismum10 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyne im lisa im 28 and have a 13 mnth old daughter and custody of my niece(4 months)ive always had a problem wth food and overeating but im now close to 270pnds or 125 kg I have type two diabetes and had many problems whn pregnant I had to have an emergency c section one mnth early due to unstable bsl I hate wht I c whn I look in the mirror and my weight and obsession wth food is ruining my life I want to b around to wtch my daughter and niece grow up
  • Hi everyone! I'm Mary. I am 36 years old. I have two children under the age of 4 and I work full time. I guess I have just put myself at the bottom of the list for such a long time that now I need to lose over 100 lbs! It's seems so daunting, so I am just taking it one day at a time. My husband is really supportive. And I actually think I can do it. It certainly helps to believe in yourself. I know it will take a long time, but I will get there. We all will if we keep pushing!
  • Hello. My name is Billie and I am 49 years old with 4 children and 2 grandchildren. My weight has been going up on a steady incline for years and I have about 120 pounds to lose. I've lost some in the past, but then I gain it all back. As I will be 50 this year, I want to take control of my life. I don't have any health issues, but I know that will change if I don't step up and face this problem. My husband is a runner is very thin, and he just doesn't understand how hard this is. I'm sure he is dissappointed in me for letting this control me for so long - but THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE!

    I'm ready..... I'm determined.... and I want to get started. LET'S DO IT!
  • Hi- my name is Julie. I am a grad student working on my PhD and I have a lot of weight to lose. I have struggled with my weight since middle school- while there have been times where I have lost a lot, it always seems to reappear. My schedule is inconsistent and I find it difficult to set a good eating, exercising and sleeping routine. I know that all three of these areas need to improve if I am going to lose the weight and live a healthier life. I am hoping that being involved in this group will help me stay motivated and find people who understand the challenges of seeing huge numbers on the scale and feeling like the goal weight is really far away. In order to reach a healthy weight, I have to lose 135 lbs. Because that sounds intimidating, I am working towards 35 to start... thanks for having such a great group!
  • cardinalfan76
    cardinalfan76 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!! My name is Rebecca. I am 35 and live in central Texas. I have been overweight as long as I can remember, with brief periods of almost reaching my weight goals, only to gain it all back (plus 5 or 20). I am a working mom (paralegal) and have fraternal twin boys (will be five in March). I went to the doctor last week and discovered that I currently weigh only 2 lbs less than I did when I delivered the twins. I thought, Wow, that is so unacceptable....and so, here I am.

    I am no stranger to weight loss, I have followed several different weight loss plans over the years and was very successful with WW (lost 90 lbs from Oct 2004 to Aug 2006 - which is when I discovered I was pregnant) I was very close to my weight goal when I got pregnant and had to quit WW. A few weeks later I found out I was carrying twins. I then gained 108 lbs during my pregnancy. I have lost and gained the same 50 lbs twice since they were born. In the past, I have always been able to just make up my mind to lose the weight and do it, but have really struggled since the twins were born. Working all day and coming home with hungry toddlers, it was so much easier to just pop chicken nuggets or a pizza in the oven, rather than cook healthy food. Obviously, eating like a preschooler is not going to work for me, so this has to change.

    I have been lucky so far and have no weight related health problems other than bad knees, but that does limit my exercise options. In my mid 20s I was taking kick boxing and lifting weights 3x a week and never felt better (despite still being in the 215 range), but as a Mom, my time is no longer my own and by the time the boys are in bed, I just want to sit down. I also work at a desk all day - trips to the copier, just aren't enough to get the heart rate up (LOL). So beginning exercise is a must for me, just like changing my eating habits.

    As for a goal, I am not sure at this point. I have never been under 200lbs as an adult. I have gotten close, but never quite made it. So I really don't have a clear picture of where I want to be....I am going to say 199, just because I have never been there. That puts me needing to lose 126 lbs and I will see where that gets me. I am a "big girl" (5 ft 9 with a very large frame) and "carry my weight well" (I have never understood why people feel the need to say that to me, but I hear it a lot.) so I will always be heavy by "normal" standards. I am more concerned with how I look and feel than with the number on the scale though.

    One thing having twins has taught me is that I can no longer control everything in my life and I don't have the energy to do it all by myself all the time. So I am reaching out for help and support. There is a long road ahead that I have been up and down many times, but never reached the end of. I am ready to get to the other side and stay there this time. I am tired of being tired and don't want to be "the fat Mom" and embarrass my children (who are both at a very healthy weight). It feels good to know that each of you are with me. I look forward to giving and getting the support of others who understand our unique situation.

  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    My name is Dawn, and I am here for support! It is nice to have others in the same boat with you for just that.

    I have been through what most have been... so I will not repeat it.

    What is different tho - I had bariatric Surgery back in 2002. I lost 150 lbs... yeah that sounds great.. but I started at 450.
    In the past 11 years I have gained back 50 pounds...

    So here I am again needing to lose MORE than 100 lbs.

    I take the blame for eating too much... of the wrong things... and no exercise.
    I hate using the excuses I have been using lately - and all are true - back surgery - foot surgery - depression break down - they all take their toll.

    IT is my fault for not reaching out for help then, taking and using it... even if it was to eat less calories that I am using.

    I do hope you will help me here - and I will do the same...

    So please friend me, reach out, and let's be there for each other.

    Thanks for reading,