
Hey guys! Let's all start by introducing ourselves. I am on my way out the door, but I will post later tonight!!! :-) Welcome!!! Let's KICK BUTT!!! :bigsmile:


  • 8bitAlina
    8bitAlina Posts: 353 Member
    Hi there :) Glad to be a part of this group :) My name is Alina, I'm 30 years old, 5'6", started my weight loss journey at 315 pounds. Married to a wonderful man going on 7 years, who has always supported me no matter what I do. On my own, it took about 3 months to lose 14 of those pounds. Aug '11, I found My Fitness Pal, and am I ever so glad I did :) Since joining MFP, I've lost a further 33 pounds and am well on my way to meeting my goal of losing 100 pounds :) I've always been a larger girl, but now I'm seeing a more svelte me come through :)

    Happy to make friends, and I love to help motivate people to their ultimate goals :)
  • AutieBell
    AutieBell Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I have already lost 105 pounds to date on my own. I just recently found MFP and am grateful I did. It helps keep me on track to lose the last 15-20 I want to lose. I know how it takes a lot of support when you are trying to lose weight. I got a lot and would like to add support to as many people as I can. So keep on chugging and remember you can do it :-). You will feel better and be healthier in the end.
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    Hey all! I'm stoked to join this group! My name is Jeremy, I'm 26 years old, and started my weight loss July 1 of 2010 at 306 pounds. Through hard work, dedication, and staying focused I'm very close to losing 100 lbs. Though 90% of my workouts have been cardio, I keep telling myself when I get below 200 lbs, I will be lifting weights more routinely. MFP has been a huge success for motivation and food journaling. Always being a big kid through my adult years, I've regained the confidence outside that my inside was imprisoned by. Good luck to you all conquering this huge milestone! You should all be very proud of yourselves for being where you are currently!
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, My name is Judy. Have been on MFP for a couple years. Can't do without it.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Hi'ya! I am Jenn! I am 27, have an amazing 6 yo son, and love to ride my bike! I started my change August 2010. I went on the Dr's approved diet(s) but now I am using MFP & exercise. Started at 262 and I am a short 5'-2" - End goal is around 135, aka a 'healthy' BMI.

    I moved to Chicago at the end of May and am trying to keep up a busy-active lifestyle, which for me is easier living in a big city. (Used to drive around 110 miles a day to get to work, now I bike 12 miles a day! LOVE IT!!!)

    I am currently right at 100# loss... I have pretty much been maintaining since April (or hit a huge plateau). Up, down, up, down... The same 10#. I did a groupon for a boot-camp and the instructor recommending MFP. So, I have been on here since July 2011. Boy have I learned a lot about what I really eat!?
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    WOW! What amazing stories and transformations we have here! We all can offer so much personal experience and I love it because it's 100% real hard work!

    My name (obviously) is Raeanne, and I am 31 (nearly 32 in jan) and live in Illinois. I teach 6th grade math and have been a teacher for 8 years. I am married happily, and have two yorkie babies. :)

    I started my journey in March 2009 and to date have lost over 100 lbs (and gained some back! booo!). I started on Slim Fast (ick) and eventually found (which is NOT free) and used their web logging service for over a year. Then, I stumbled onto MFP and have been here ever since. There is simply no better and comparable cost effective option!

    About 6 months into my journey I started running and have since run several half marathons, and most recently (October) ran a full marathon! Yeah! I never thought I would do this since I have hated running all of my life... til' now. I was always 160's-180's in high school and in college gained above 200 lbs to about 220. Then, after marriage it was all downhill and I got up to 254.

    I am proud to say I have lost my weight completely naturally, and through foods and movement. Although drastic measures were not for me, I don't "dis" those who choose them... If your weight will kill you, then I would say surgery is the better option for sure!

    Let's see... what else? I am an only child and hope to have a child of my own someday soon. I fear gaining weight through being preggers! My mom and dad are both passed away and it's hard during the holidays... I am online TOO MUCH but part of it is due to my side business (Fitness & health motivator/mentor)... and I run my own blog.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you better, and to supporting each other through UPS and DOWNS!!
  • alexislkent
    alexislkent Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everybody! Nice to hear from you all.

    I am 27 and am just completely fed up with being overweight. Like many of you, I have struggled with this issue my whole life and recently I have just gotten to a point where I am just done with it. Other people can change, therefore so can I.

    I have already lost 15 pounds which has really motivated me to continue because on all of my previous half-efforts, I never saw more than a 6 pound loss.

    My goal weight is 160 lbs, as I am 5' 7 1/2" so that is the upper limit of the healthy weight range for my height. So I had 130 pounds to lose back in October, and now I am on my way with 115 pounds to go.

    I am looking forward to hearing from all of you and gaining motivation from everyone's successes and support.

    Nice to meet ya!
  • carriedavis77
    carriedavis77 Posts: 141 Member
    Hello All! *wave*

    I am 34, very happily married w/a 10 yr old son and a 3 yr old westie-pooh. Never heard of a westie-pooh? think tiny black dog that sits near the guy in a kilt playing a bagpipe ;) lol Anyhoo... I have posted some blogs that explain my journey in detail but a quick run down here would go somethin like this... my highest weight was about 350lbs (I'm 5'9") and my current weight is 200lbs :) It's taken me a little over a year and 9 months to transform my life but I am so thankful that I did :) I still have another 25lbs to lose before I hit my "healthy weight goal" set aside by my doc. Support is HUGE for success! I'm so happy I found this site (from friend's suggestions) and look forward to being active in the forums!!

    Check out my blogs if you get a chance!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Hello all, My name is Gary. I'm soon to be 34 & this has been the best year of my life so far! I found MFP in early March & since then I've lost 235lbs! No surgery, No magic pills, just logging what I eat & exercising as much as I can. I still have nearly 200lbs to lose yet, but I no longer doubt that I can. Good luck everyone & nice to meet you.:drinker:
  • Deeosmun
    Deeosmun Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning All!

    My name is Dee, I'm 30 years old and happily married to the nicest man ever.

    We started our true weight loss journey in Arpil 2010 with a Medically monitored extreme diet. We both lost over 50 lbs in 3 months, which I loved. However, the extreme diet has its advantages and disadvantages. I'd been able to maintain my weight with in a 15 lbs radius. You know, loss, gain, loss, gain and what not.

    Most recently,though, I've noticed the tightness of my clothing, but not much change on the scale. Which to me means I need to start moving again. I have about another 40 lbs to loss and I'm ready to have the body I was meant to have, not the one I "gave" myself.

    I'm glad to have support whenever I can get it. and I am one that needs to be pushed.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Hey all!

    My name is Jamie I am 28 and at my highest I was 325lbs ( I am 6'2"). I am now down to 205 and have been stuck at this weight for a year so I am thinking this is most likely where my body is comfortable. I was always an athlete, i played multiple sports in high school and was on a full ride scholarship for college. Even then I was overweight. I did not start losing weight till about 2.5 years after graduating from college. I decided on a sunday that I did not want to be fat anymore and I have been on that same kick for 2 years now! I am not perfect though I am extremely addicted to exercising and have a huge problem with eating my exercise calories back plus I have a tendency to binge eat at least once a week then make it up with exercise..... It seems like a never ending battle.

    But I am glad to be part of a group of people who know what it took/takes to pretty much lose a whole person!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Claudia I am married and have 4 children(20, 19, 8 and a 5 yr old) I have been obese for about half my life age 21 I was about 140 - 150 lbs and for about the next 21 yrs I have been more than 300lbs. I started off this journey at 338lbs...about 3 months ago and have lost 40lbs. very proud of myself. I exercise daily and love to see my calorie intake it makes me more accountable.

    Last month my daughter brought a picture home from a trip she took back to where my parents live and I cried all the way home..:sad: ..she said why are you crying I thought it would inspire you to get back to that weight. I explained that I felt so bad because that picture was taken the day I got home from the hospital with my firstborn I had a nightgown with spaghetti straps and everytime we would get visitors to see the baby I would cover myself because I felt so fat.... I was only about 10 lbs over my previous weight and by no means was a even slightly overweight. Seeing this picture looking so thin made me realize I was so upset at feeling this can I let this go on and get to over 300lbs?????

    I am so determined and so ready for this family cant believe I am so focused. I hit my very first mini goal and that was to be under 300lbs which I havent been for at least 15 yrs.... so very proud... love meeting new people and can be a great friend:flowerforyou:
  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi everyone. I was so glad to see this group, and to join because I think those of us who have, or have had that much to lose can really be an encouragement to one another. I have put on and taken weight off several times, but the most recent and most drastic was about 3 years ago - I lost 65 lbs in a little over a year going to weight watchers. It seems I can take weight off, but cant keep it off, so I decided to join a gym intending to do water aerobics. The trainer I spoke with suggested that I instead concentrate on building muscle so I will burn more calories, so I have been meeting with a trainer to learn exercise routines, and how to use the gym equipment. I also started running and ran in my first 5k recently. My weight loss was great the first 3 months, but has been sporadic for the last 3, so I decided to get focused and get back on track.
    My highest weight was 245 and I am at 215 now. I hope to get down to 145 or 150, but want to do it in the right way, so I can keep it off. I am really excited to see that some of you have done the same, and look forward to sharing our journeys.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Hi,my name is Pam and I have been at this since March 2011. I am a nurse practitioner in a busy ER. I finally got sick of the way I looked, hated my clothes and shoes. I found MFP and haven't missed a day. Logging everything I put into my mouth has been the best thing I ever did, not to mention exercising. I am still far from goal but at least I can see it in the far distance.

  • amitch17
    amitch17 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone Im Avery. I went from 295 pounds to 140 punds when i was 17. I met the man of my dreams and gained it all back. I had a baby in July and since then I have lost a few pounds. I now weigh 273. I've done it before, I can do it again. MFP has helped loads. Cant wait to feel amazing again.

    We can do it! :)
  • magickbaby
    Hi, my name is Michele. I am waiting to be scheduled for Bariatric weight loss surgery.I started this process in July and have been accepted into the program and met with the surgeon. I started this journey at 330 lbs. I have to lose 20 lbs. Before they will give me a date for surgery. I am at 323lbs now and I am so glad to have found MFP. I love tracking my food, exercise and progress. I tried sooo manyy other diets only to lose a fw pounds then gain them back. Now I have high cholesterol, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, asthma and arthritis in my knees, back and hips. I also have type 1 diabetes and am on insulin.So I talked with my doctor and together we decided surgery was needed. I have stopped drinking all soda and carbonated drinks. I stopped all fast food. I already feel healthier. Exercise is very painful for me as I also have fibromyalsia, but I am still managing to walk a little every day, and for that I am proud. I know this is going to be a long journey, but I am gonna make it !! I look forward to meeting new people for support and friendship. Jst reading all the other introductions has really inspired me !
  • kimmerkay
    Hello! I'm a few days after all of you, but I'm really excited to be a part of this group... Some people with lots to lose and some with lots of experience in losing... My name is Kim and I'm 45 years old. I was very thin through high school, but slowly started to gain after that and then my 1st pregnancy really bumped my weight up. (She is now 19). Every year it goes up. I started this website a week and a half ago and I started in the evening. I hadn't dieted all day, so I decided to go back and enter my calories. It said if I continued to eat like that day I would be 255. I was currently 251. YIKES!!! I could step back and see the cycle of going up and up and up.. It was like a wake up call. I determined that even if I lost slow, I would put a stop to going up. Wed is my 2 week weigh in so I'm pretty new. I have a 19 year old and a 7 year old girl. Also a 23 year old step daughter that lives in Cali. My husband is very supportive even though I think inside he must be frustrated. He would never admit it, but we have been married 8 years and every month or so I would announce another new diet I was gonna try.. Sometimes free, sometimes costly. He always supported me although the last few costly ones he was a little more hesitant, but didn't say no.

    Best of luck to all of you! Kim
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Hello, my name is Amber, 30 years old, married, working and 3 kids under 5. My last 2 babies were over 11 lbs and all three were c-sections. I decided I wanted my life and body back and got serious in September 2011. I lost 5 lbs in Sept and another 5 in Nov and maintained in Dec. We are going on vacation in June and in order to reach my first goal I need to lose 8 lbs a month to reach it. So I'm working hard and eating right. Fingers crossed :)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hello everyone! I just joined and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kim and I've been on MFP for a couple years. Started getting serious in October 2010 and to date have lost 101 pounds. I'd still like to lose another 30-40 pounds. Holidays really threw me for a loop and I'm struggling to get back to it. It really is a lot harder when you have less to lose. Seemed like it was so easy when I was almost 300 pounds because I could burn more with less work and eat more. Now my calorie burns are lower and so is my intake. Makes it clear that I need to change up my routine. I look forward to hearing about everyone's stories and sharing our journey together!
  • shalomabeth
    shalomabeth Posts: 63 Member
    Its nice to see you lost 85lb good for you i just started this week lost 3 lb since last week