packers superbowl party

Any healthy superbowl food ideas I can make or buy for the packers superbowl where other people will eat it, and I won't feel deprived.


  • jennyjo79
    jennyjo79 Posts: 95 Member
    Any healthy superbowl food ideas I can make or buy for the packers superbowl where other people will eat it, and I won't feel deprived.

    I love cooking and especially making finger foods/appetizers! Many 'regular' recipes are easily adapted and made healthier by just using low-fat or fat-free substitutions; sour cream, cream cheese, shredded cheese, baked chips/crackers, ground turkey, etc.

    A super easy dip, just off the top of my head, is made by just mixing sour cream & salsa together. Use baked tortilla chips for dipping.
    I have lots of other recipes, I'll have to come back with later when I have more time.

    One other quick tip; I always try to have a veggie tray for get-together's and parties like Super Bowl. That way I tend fill up more on the veggies & dip [made with fat-free mayo/sour cream] and eat less of that 'not-so-good-for-you' stuff.
  • htch99
    htch99 Posts: 4