Say hi!!



  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm AngieL789 from the bargain board. I've done MFP off & on for a couple of years now. I have to say, it works as long as I'm doing it - I just have to stick with it! DH & I are taking a cruise in March, and while there is no way I can reach my goal weight by then (unless I cut off a leg or something) I want to get a good head start for that & keep going into the summer. My DS starts preschool in the fall, and I am determined that I am not going to be the "fat mom". Good luck to all!!!
  • Nell here. Hi ladies! I've only been on here a day and can already tell I need to change my eating habits. I'm fine on workout days, but the other four days of the week I'm going to have to work on.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Hey girls!!! Glad everyone is over here.

    Angie- no leg cutting off- just do your best, by March you'll surely have good progress!
  • KDinAL
    KDinAL Posts: 2
    Hey girls, it's Kellie. I thought I would join in. I have alot of leftover baby weight I need to lose. I really got off track during the holidays : (
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to the group. I started this journey at 377 lbs. I have lost 43.5 lbs with lots of exercise and hard work. I am now starting to tweak my diet more, fats and carbs are too high. Hopefully that will result in the scale falling a little faster. My goal weight is 180. That is a little high for my 5' 6" frame but it has been over 300 for so many years, I am sure my body will be thankful.
    ~~~~~Have a great week everyone! ~~~~~~
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Hi Kellie!
    Great to have you, this has really motivated me and I've done better than I would have imagined just by counting calories!

    Lizz- WOW- good for you!!! That's amazing. Keep it up, you are on your way to your goal. Great to have you!
  • ssappu
    ssappu Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! Silpa (Ved_Mom) here. Finally you gurlls dragged me here too. Its like everyone else in my CDfBH group is doing, so I have to do it. I am not a regular poster there, but read regularly.
    Really wishing that I stick here until I reach my goal weight.
    The food diary is actually helping me, not to give-in to my cravings.
    The main reason that I stayed away from online food diaries(calorie counter) was that they didnt have the kind of food we eat in their database. But MFP is amazing, it has Indian food too.
  • AJones1021
    AJones1021 Posts: 70 Member
    Liz - AWESOME!!! Way to go!

    Silpa - Welcome!! I'm finding this easy to stick with as they have an Andriod (and iPhone) app, so that's helpful!
  • MyWish2012
    MyWish2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! It's Jennifer. Just had my baby 3 weeks ago and debating whether or not to start some light exercise yet. I gained around 40 lbs and I only lost 11 lbs since having him and he was nearly 10 lbs! I am bummed since I was hoping the weight would magically drop off. I am breastfeeding.
  • jesst02
    jesst02 Posts: 2
    Hi ladies, it's me, Jess--j_essica. I'm really hoping to lose some weight. I need to badly. We are headed on vacation in a little over 2 months and I need to be able to walk, walk, wallllllkkkk without tiring out, so here I am!
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey ladies! Im mndlandscaping on BBC feel free to add me!