New to this group.

MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
I am happy that there is a group covering this obstacle in weight loss too! I am in another group because I suffer from major depression/anxiety attacks, but I also have a couple of physical obstacles that limit my weight loss and how I can exercise.

I was born with congenital scoliosis for which I've had 2 harrington rods and a bone graft done (1984), and I was also born with anomolies of my left arm. I am missing a thumb, and my radial bone, and my arm/fingers have limited movement.

I have found in the past that the scoliosis makes it extremely difficult to get to an 'ideal weight' (140lb and below), and to a greater extent, the arm and back limit the variety and effectiveness of the exercising I've done.

I'm hoping to hear any advice anyone can offer. I will try to do the same! ;0)
Thanks so much for this group!



  • phatgirllives
    Hi Tracy, Can you get to a pool? Low impact tai-chi, or even just water walking could help. I love swimming. I find doing ab crunches at random times (sucking in breath, then release) helps. Can you lift 1lb weights (full soup can)? Playing with those kids must burn energy, seriously. One is two. Will your arms/hands allow you to catch a light ball/balloon? Can you swing a racket? I'm aware my suggestions are arm-related....8 lbs already! good work.
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Within the month I hope to have a Y pass hopefully. Once I have that, I'll have access to the pool (which I LOVE) It helps the back too! I can't hold a weight in my hand, but I can strap on a wrist one (although it hurts). A ball/balloon I could catch in my arm against my chest.

    Would a balloon/ball make a difference? That's a good idea, and it wouldn't be as hard on my wrist as a strapped weight.

    I wish kids/housework counted lol. I have to admit though, I have a great support group here. My mom-in-law, and her older siblings help me out ALOT. Most days are pretty decent.

    Thanks for the reply (asnd the add!). I look forward to working with you on this 'mission'

  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    Hi, My name is Helen and I started on this site 2 weeks ago. I have osteoarthritis in my neck, all down my spine, my ribs, hands & wrists, hips, knees and ankles. I use a wheelchair for 8 hours a day to make getting around easier and less painful, as I find walking difficult. I have been arthritic since I was 9 (I'm 41 now) which was a direct result of treatment I received at age 2 for CDH (congential disclocation of the hip). Ok -enough of that...on to the positive stuff.

    I have over 6 stone to lose and I lost 7lbs in my first week on here. I find exercising difficult and painful, but I have found a really good DVD put together by a lady who lost one of her legs in an accident. It is brilliant.

    Tracy- Never underestimate the energy used up when chasing your kids. You'd be surprised how many calories are used up there! Same with housework. Do what you can, when you can and rest when you need to. Weightloss is a journey which is made easier when you have company.:happy:

    A positive attitude also helps. I keep telling myself I HAVE ARTHRITIS, IT DOESN'T HAVE ME!!!!! :smile:
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, My name is Helen and I started on this site 2 weeks ago. I have osteoarthritis in my neck, all down my spine, my ribs, hands & wrists, hips, knees and ankles. I use a wheelchair for 8 hours a day to make getting around easier and less painful, as I find walking difficult. I have been arthritic since I was 9 (I'm 41 now) which was a direct result of treatment I received at age 2 for CDH (congential disclocation of the hip). Ok -enough of that...on to the positive stuff.

    I have over 6 stone to lose and I lost 7lbs in my first week on here. I find exercising difficult and painful, but I have found a really good DVD put together by a lady who lost one of her legs in an accident. It is brilliant.

    Tracy- Never underestimate the energy used up when chasing your kids. You'd be surprised how many calories are used up there! Same with housework. Do what you can, when you can and rest when you need to. Weightloss is a journey which is made easier when you have company.:happy:

    A positive attitude also helps. I keep telling myself I HAVE ARTHRITIS, IT DOESN'T HAVE ME!!!!! :smile:

    Wow, you're amazing! It's so hard to keep strong and spirits up when you're in pain. You're absolutely right with your last point.

    Things are difficult, but not impossible for me, and I am thankful everyday for the fact that I had a good surgeon/care. Fortunately my arm/back woes just challenge me, but not hinder. My mental ones do some times (I suffer from major depression & anxiety), but as long as I have any grasp on my sanity, I'll fight that too (the depression lol).

    I wish they'd enter housework or kid's play as exercise. If it raises your heart rate and you're sweating, it should count! Oh well.

    It's very nice to meet you, thanks again for the add! :flowerforyou:
  • Pavient
    Hi Tracy!
    I diddo Helen's comments. You can do this, just have to be a bit more creative with what is "exercise". Mindset really makes a difference and so does knowing what you can do safely. Don't worry about exercise on the "pain" days, but focus on the good days. Maybe your doctor can recommend and give a referral to a local health center with a program for physically challenged and or elderly. Just be sure to work someone that understands your type of challenges and limitations. Congrats on starting your journey to a new you!
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Hi Tracy!
    I diddo Helen's comments. You can do this, just have to be a bit more creative with what is "exercise". Mindset really makes a difference and so does knowing what you can do safely. Don't worry about exercise on the "pain" days, but focus on the good days. Maybe your doctor can recommend and give a referral to a local health center with a program for physically challenged and or elderly. Just be sure to work someone that understands your type of challenges and limitations. Congrats on starting your journey to a new you!

    Thank you so much! I appreciate the suggestions and support!
    So far the cardio doesn't seem to be a problem (at the moment anyways).When I start hitting the gym, I will have to get my creative juices flowing. I really want to strength train my back and the muscles that my arm does have. I will just make sure that any back ones won't make the pains/scoliosis worse.