Group Challenge!

MellieR Posts: 34 Member
Since our group is all about motivation, what better way to keep moving thanksgiving to start a group challenge? If you have an idea for a challenge, post it here. We'll pick one that works for everyone and GET DO'ING! Some ideas:
Walk the most miles in a week
Have the highest numbrr of workout hours
High score on game I will Wii Fit Plus
Other ideas??


  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Roll call - who of us have access to a video game like Wii Fit or Zumba or one of the video dance games?

    I only have Wii Fit Plus but am looking into purchasing Zumba or Just Dance 3, if I can find either one at a good price.

    The challenge can just be general, too, like time spent in tandem with calories burned.

    Any suggestions anyone???

  • mafiaone
    mafiaone Posts: 3 Member
    I'm thinking about getting an Xbox Kinect. I love to play games! Have any of you had any success with these games helping you stay active and motivated?

    Thanks for the help! :smile:
  • The numbers of calories burned in a week.
    Elliptical challenge/number of minutes.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Cheria and Mafiaone -

    Welcome to the new group! I hope you guys, as well as, all who've joined tonight, get something positive from being here!

    By tomorrow, we'll set the challenge rules up - hopefully some more people will give their input and ideas.

    It looks like TRACKING progress and making people ACCOUNTABLE (for it) are the best tools to help our joint causes, so let's get started!!!

    Everyone in the group, I hope you're entering in your daily meals, no matter what, just so you can see your progress (and like me tonight, deficiencies at the low points), so you can get back in the saddle.

    Good luck everyone - keep up the good work and remain strong in your journey. (Most of us are in the same boat, so let's help each other!)

  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I like the boxing on wii fit... zumba on the kinect was too intense for me but those kinects are definately a work out
  • hi all! good call on making the group & thanks for the add!

    i'd like to nominate a most miles walked (or jogged, or cycled) please, as i live in a small upstairs flat (apartment) so there is no way to do exercise dvd's or video games - especially as i'm such a heifer, i might go through the ceiling! :laugh:

    good luck to all doing that challenge though :smile:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    It's tough, because bigger folks burn more calories (I burn about 800 per hour), miles walked or run are at different speeds. So, I am for time spent exercising. I don't have video games, unless PacMan counts. I am assuming that diaries are open to at leaset friends.

    Friend me at your own risk. :)
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I need to be accountable to someone besides myself :) so I would love to join in on whatever challenge is decided upon - I have a Wii and Just Dance 3 or Im good with times spent exercising - just love the idea of the challenge :)
  • I have a Wii and spend some time on that, but I'm starting a 5K training program in a couple of weeks so will be spending more time walking than anything else.

    I like the idea of minutes of exercise, maybe broken into points:

    Low Intensity = 0.5 points/minute
    Moderate Intensity = 1.0 points/minute
    High Intensity = 1.5 points/minute

    We could use the old "walk, sing, gasp" measurement.
    If you can sing, it's low intensity
    If you can talk, it's moderate intensity
    If you can only gasp, it's high intensity

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Good ideas guys - didn't know about the "walk, sing and gasp" theory.

    Keep the ideas coming in and we'll put something in place collectively the week.
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not a game person although I have them in my house ...

    I like the # of miles walked, calories burned, etc. type challenges
    I am also trying to train for a 5K race called RUN AMUCK which has obstacles and .....MUD yay for me (what was I thinking???)
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Actually, that sounds fun... MUD
  • I would love to join in. I am still fairly new at MFP and getting back into shape, so I don't have any suggestions. I do need all the motivation though.
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    I like the boxing on wii fit... zumba on the kinect was too intense for me but those kinects are definately a work out

    Someone will have to explain that one to me (boxing on the Wii). I never felt like I was really doing anything other than waving my arms around like an idiot. But, maybe it's just me! :)
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome luvinmytwins! No worries about having good ideas, as long as you participate! It's all about getting it DOne.

    Good ideas re: challenge everyone.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I love group challenges. Most calories burned, time spent working out, miles walked/run works good for me. I don't have a wii so can't do something like that.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    We' may have to have a few different challenges on here, simultaneously.

    One for calories burned, one for sticking with your eating habits for a good duration, and another one possibly for consistent food/exercise diary loggins.

    Short but sweet challenges would be best, what do you guys think?

    We can do long-term if anyone is interested, too.


    PS Would love to do a challenge in "who can pull the most referrals to our group", too, in the near future. I really want us to be the best, most active group on this site, so our members can get something special out of being here.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    We have WII fit and a dance thing. My wife does that. I do P90X and run along with walking the dogs.
  • Hi Guys,
    Count me in! I do better when there is competition. :)
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 81 Member
    thanks for the invite to this team. It sounds like a lot of fun. I will be participating however, I am leaving for Texas on Saturday to see my mother and sister. It should be good; I will get in some exercise I hope. But I will be around a lot more after I come back. I have WW Fitness Plus, Just Dance 2 and 3, Zumba, Jilian Michaels 30 day Shred, Biggest Loser as well. Can you tell I like to play games?