
McCoolMama Posts: 33 Member
Today the kids & were out of the house from 8AM, to just now at 6:45PM. My oldest had a class till 5 & we had plans to take a class friend to dinner with us. Kids choice was of course McDs with the playground. I didn't plan ahead or pack anything for myself & I didn't buy anything for me but I ended up eating 2 chicken nuggets which I normally can't stand but they smelled sooo good! LOL

Any other confessions??!


  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    THAT's your confession??? 2 nuggets! Man, I thought you were going to say a Big Mac with large fries (which dang it sounds good right now)
    But I don't really have any- except to say that I still have like 400 calories for today and I have already had a choc chip cookie dough ice cream sandwich and I was thinking of another- they are only 160 calories- but SO good.

    But I feel like it's bad and I should just have a cottage cheese with strawberries..............
  • AJones1021
    AJones1021 Posts: 70 Member
    I've had chocolate milk every night for the past 3 nights. I am trying to get my calcium in, and luckily, I don't have any ice cream in the house :wink:

    Haha, yes, chocolate milk in the name of calcium - that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  • Last Friday I had McD cheeseburger and coke for lunch, then Outback cheese fries, grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner. I was actually only about 20 calories over for the day, but waaayy over for fat. At least now I know which things to avoid in the future.

    I also just looked up a small chocolate shake at McD's and it's 580 calories in just the small. :frown: I try not to eat there often but whenever we do my ODS wants a chocolate shake and I end up drinking some of it. Now I'll have to avoid that too.
  • I just had 15 Runts candies after my Active yogurt this morning for breakfast. They were only 60 calories. I am really trying to be good but I think we all need to slip now and then.
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    if you're eating out I just saw this "Best Fast Food Picks--Under 350 calories" posted elsewhere on here from Men's Health
  • I had two cheeseburgers and a 1/4 of a large fry from mcdonald's today. bad, bad, bad.
  • BklynMamacita
    BklynMamacita Posts: 77 Member
    I just want to post something LOL. We got our boss a Just Desserts cake for our work meeting. I had a small piece but still and it was so delicious, I really wanted another piece. I quickly boxed the rest so she could take it home. Well it was more of a temptation than a confession since I was still under my calories for the day but I kept thinking about that cake all day. It was rich devil's food cake with a buttercream sour cream frosting. Oh God was it good. Oh also had chocolate shavings.
  • That cake sounds divine!
  • I just had a patient give me a lemon poppy seed muffin. It's in my car with me. I must resist I must resist!!!
  • KPKoze
    KPKoze Posts: 13 Member
    I had to do my work physical today, which meant fasting. I'm nursing right now and I don't normally miss meals. I was FAMISHED by 10:30. Tried eating two protein bars (400 cal), but I was ravenous. Went to Sprouts, what bad could possibly come of that, right??? Ummm, their organic version of Cheetos, that's what!! They call them "Secret Stash". I only ate the first 2/3 of the bag on the way back to work but could not resist and had the rest of the bag at lunch. Yes, that's 800 calories of crap. I'm pretty sure white cheddar flavored powder does not qualify as a dairy item. I got on the treadmill downstairs and burned 500 of it but still, it now leaves me with a plain chicken breast, spinach and salsa salad for dinner. Yay.
  • Ok. MY Confession is.... I did a Living Social deal. Tomorrow I go for a colonic :frown: & Hot Stone Massage! :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • I've been visiting family for a week and have not had a home cooked meal since last Tuesday. Ahhh
  • McCoolMama
    McCoolMama Posts: 33 Member
    Another one... I didn't get to the gym last night because all my workout pants were dirty :/ I was all set, ready to go but couldn't find any clean pants. I found ONE pair that were clean but they had a hole in the *kitten*.. not pretty! I'll be doing laundry all damn day & I WILL be going to the gym tonight!!!!
  • BklynMamacita
    BklynMamacita Posts: 77 Member
    That cake sounds divine!
    It was!!!
  • BklynMamacita
    BklynMamacita Posts: 77 Member
    Ok. MY Confession is.... I did a Living Social deal. Tomorrow I go for a colonic :frown: & Hot Stone Massage! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    Oh my that hot stone massage sounds awesome. Colonic not so much. What order will you get them in? LOL
  • AJones1021
    AJones1021 Posts: 70 Member
    ^^ LOL. I can't say I've ever tried a colonic (or that I want to...). I'll wait for Cindy's report back!

    Nothing too bad to confess, but the weekend is here and there's bound to be something!!!
  • So...The colonic went fine :noway: The hot stone massage was: Hot stones rubbed on your stomach while your bottom end is being filled with water... :embarassed: She even clicked the stones together? One is on your stomach & she hits the stone with another stone. Does that make sense? Think... Otter...Hitting clams on rocks to open them. :sick:
    I'm going back Monday for something they call Acu Light Therapy. I will be introduced to acupunture?!? :huh: That's right. I'm paying someone to stab me with needles! :blushing:
  • BklynMamacita
    BklynMamacita Posts: 77 Member
    Oh my! The hot stone on the stomach sounds like a good thing to help with gas or to get things moving. Not sure I could do the colonic part.
  • I am about to have cheesy buffalo chicken dip and chips and will probably not work out today. Terrible I know but I have met my calorie count for the entire 10 days I've been at it and have been on the elliptical for at least 20 min 10 days in a row now. Glad football season is almost over. Can watch a great game and not have something yummy to eat. I will not be getting on the scales tomorrow.