
I am currently 198lbs and I aim to be 184lbs.

I'm 5ft10.


  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I am 5'3", my current weight is 183.9 and my goal weight for Vday is 173.9
  • Djac1032
    Djac1032 Posts: 5 Member

    I have been a member on MFP for a while now but I have been finding it difficult as I haven't had the motivation. I recently added some people on here and added the app to my blackberry which has made it much easier for me. I am not very good at setting goals and keeping to them and I have only lost weight once and I got to 8st 7lb but it was hard to maintain. I am now however older (25 years old and I am noticing it is much harder to lose weight then it was back when I was 20 years old). I think this is a great group and if anyone would like to add me then that would be great.

    I am 5foot 3inches and I currently weight 11 st 5lbs I would like to be 10st but I don't know if this is too much to hope for to lose 19lbs by feb 14th? What would be a realistic goal as I do not want to set myself up to fail and feel bad about myself.

    Would it be realistic to say I could lose 2lbs a week? this would mean I would have lost 10lbs by valentines day :)

    good luck with your weight loss everyone :smile:
  • I'm not new to MFP, but feel like I am starting new. I did great mid-summer and early fall and then set it all aside. I've gained back 7 of the origianl 18 I lost. So, my valentines goal is to get rid of the re-gained 7 and loose an additional 5.
  • You can loose 10 lbs in the next 5 weeks if you are committed. Make sure you log all your food and exercise and committ to drinking water in replacement of soda, coffee, tea, etc.

    Like I said, I'm obviously no expert but I have a lot to loose (both physically and emotionally). Support in a group is what I need, so please keep posting here so we all can benefit for each other.

    Do something meaningful today!!
  • KwilsonStPeteFL
    KwilsonStPeteFL Posts: 27 Member
    I'm at 223 and plan to be 210 by Valentine's Day! I love having a solid short term goal. It really helps with the motivation. I recently quit smoking and I definitely need to track my food to not gain any more weight.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • TaraHolloway_
    TaraHolloway_ Posts: 48 Member
    I'm excited to be part of this forum and challenge for V-Day. My current weight is 254.2; my goal for Valentines day is 244.2 (-10 pounds).


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    hi there everyone
    my name is Denise
    CW 218
    V Day weight 210
    I am 5 9

  • Hi all! This will be my first myfitnesspal challenge! Hopefully I can make myself proud of it!

    Current weight: 170 Goal weight: 164 by Valentine's Day!
  • Hello everyone, I would like to join in. My weight right now is 200 lbs and by Valentines Day I would like to be at 194 lbs
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 5'1".

    My CW is 215, and my GW for Valentine's Day (actually, my initial goal for that is Feb 8th, my daughter's first birthday) is 205. I know we can do it!!
  • Hi All

    My CW is 209
    My GW for Valentine's day is 201
  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 124 Member
    This is my first challenge on MFP!!

    CW: 250
    GWVD: 235-240
  • pinkrobot
    pinkrobot Posts: 4 Member
    First challenge on MFP, too -

    Current weight: 136
    Goal for 2/14: 130
  • Djac1032
    Djac1032 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you. I will try to keep at the water, I do drink far to much coffee etc. It's nice to have a support group. Lets see if we can all hit our goals for Valentines and we can all be very proud of ourselves. :D
  • Hi all! I'm new to MFP and thought I should get involved as soon as possible!

    I'm 6 ft. and my current weight is 249 (although this fluctuates within 5lbs a day, what is going on?!)
    And my goal weight by Valentine's Day is to get into the 230s. (I can't remember when I was under 240!)

    Let's do this!!! :D
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    When I joined this group, my weight was 180. Gained 4 lbs, lost 2 more, so currently today my weight is 182.

    My goal weight for Valentines Day is 170!
  • Starting weight: 181
    Valentines weight: 170
    I'm new to MFP and this is my first challenge- yay!
    Good luck to everyone- I know we can do it if we work hard!!
  • This week I lost 2lb, so should reach my target by valentines day :)
    My CW is 207
    My GW for Valentine's day is 201
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    How is everyone doing with their goal?
  • tropicalgirl34
    tropicalgirl34 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel I'm doing really well with this challenge! I hope that I will stay on the right track. I also joined the burn 3500 calorie a week group. Im accountable for burning the amount of calories I set to burn each week. Both of these challenges work hand and hand for me!!! I will reach my goal weight by Valentine's Day :happy: