Day 5 11/01/12

Hi guys,

Had a sneeky look at the scales today and had lost a wee bit so couldnt help but log it, even though a week would be sat morning.

Anyway, not dont he shred yet, i feel totally exhausted today after my epic day yesterday. So thought i would force my body just now and will hopefully have a bit more energy later on.

Dont worry though, i WILL do it, even if i do feel 'wabbit' (scottish word for tired/exhausted/sleepy)

Have a good day all and i will post back later.



  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Good Morning,

    Turns out I've been waking up my roommate the last two days with my video. :( Gonna have to be a little more quieter. But I get into it. lol. Done with mine today and still feel like Laura feels today. Gonna try to get more sleep tonight!!! I've been weighting myself every day and logging it on paper. I have gained 0.2 lbs since yesterday. :( Oh well!!!! Its got to come off eventually.

    Ladies have a Wonderful day today!!!!
  • cmjsarmywife
    Good morning! I logged my info into the spreadsheet. I am going to add my before pics later today after I take them. Even after 4 days(I haven't done it today yet) I can notice a difference.

    Ready to get rid of all this chub that is sitting on top of my 6 pack! hahah I am convinced its under there somewhere lol :)
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    totally exhausted after todays effort, although didnt feel like i put as much in as yesterday or maybe its getting easier!

    I made the mistake of wearing thick joggers too, you know the ones with a fleecy lining, dont know what i was thinking, maybe i was just being lazy as they were the easiest to find. I think i can get a bit lower on the girly press ups, i do the first set on the floor and then the second set i do stood up but at an angle off the tv stand (quite high and made of slate) if you know what i mean, feel like a press up but a bit more managable.

    Well not sure i will get on the bike tonight, although i had to walk today from the train station to work where i was working which i dont normally.

    i just want to add and dont want to be a downer or negative but have to get it off my chest, after all i hope thats what this group is about......but....

    IM REALLY BORED! Seriously the same work out is draining my enthusiasm, i promise it wont stop me doing it as i so desperately want results and to see it in the photos is my motivation but seriously thank goodness its only 27 mins long!

    Hope you are well, catch up tomorrow!
  • PandaPop87
    I'm not gonna do it today guys, not feeling great and I don't want to damage myself further. I might do two lots of it tomorrow before I go away to make up for it!!
  • PandaPop87
    Laura, try the different levels and mix it up a bit, worked wonders for me (although the pressups on level three are rather much harder lol)
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Its done......kind of! I am so tired and lathargic that i did it but didnt put in hardly any effort like yesterday. I have to admit i have also not eaten great today and found myself reaching for the chocolate to get me through my shift at work. Feel a bit rubbish buys!

    I too am so bored, Jillian is doing my head in and i find myself swearing at the tv!!!! But i dont in any way want to give up or anything!

    Still hoping for some results, is it tomorrow we measure ourselves etc? But im not sure if its too soon for results.

    Here is hoping for a better day tomorrow! xxx
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Can i also just ask, do we put in our new measurements in spreadsheet e.g. what our arm etc measures, or do we put what we have lost e.g. 1/2" etc???
  • PandaPop87
    You just put in what the measurements are, the spreadsheet will work out the difference for you. And yes, it's tomorrow we measure x
  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Wow ladies, I proud of you for sticking with it. I am finding it really easy to do. Some of the things are still a pain to finish but I'm determined to do it all. I understand getting bored.

    You do know that you can shut Jillian's voice off Laura!!!! Check the menu. :)

    Rachel, What disk are you doing? I haven't timed the disk but I thought it was only 20 minutes. I'm going to check the time tomorrow.

    Also I weighed myself before jumping in the shower and I lost 2 lbs. I'm at 366.6 lbs. now. :) I thought that I gained .2 lbs.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 30DS. Today I mutted Jillian and added Pitbull, Rianna,Hot Chelle Rae, Gym Class Heros, etc... Way better I was so much more energized!! I blew through it!!! Highly recomment muting her and listening to something up beat, I sang most of the way through my panting LOL =) Off to the Y later for my Precor burn!