


  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Have you guys seen that picture going around on Facebook that says "All of my friends are getting married or getting pregnant. I'm just getting more awesome."? (I've also seen the variation that says "I'm just getting drunk"....yeah, classy statement about yourself there.) Seeing people I know post this just really irks me for some reason. People who are married or have children are getting more awesome too!!!

    That is incredibly people not realize employers, etc. check facebooks now?! Haha.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    On the topic of alcohol....yeah...I know a lot of people who are already alcoholics in their early 20's. It's terrible. I was a horrible binge drinker up until March of last year...I could have been a lot worse, but I decided to not get to that point. :tongue: My body and wallet are much happier without alcohol!

    I have a brother who is a good bit older than me, but I always feel like I'm the older sister. He is a borderline alcoholic...and stays broke because of it. I tell him all the time it would be a lot easier to pay the rent if he weren't smoking 2 packs a day and drinking a bottle of wine every night...but hey, he's got his priorities, I guess...
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    On the topic of alcohol....yeah...I know a lot of people who are already alcoholics in their early 20's. It's terrible. I was a horrible binge drinker up until March of last year...I could have been a lot worse, but I decided to not get to that point. :tongue: My body and wallet are much happier without alcohol!

    I have a brother who is a good bit older than me, but I always feel like I'm the older sister. He is a borderline alcoholic...and stays broke because of it. I tell him all the time it would be a lot easier to pay the rent if he weren't smoking 2 packs a day and drinking a bottle of wine every night...but hey, he's got his priorities, I guess...

    Haha, I know how you feel! My older brother is bad...drugs, robbing a bank, and gambling put him right back where he spent all of his 20's--prison. Since he's been absent so much of our lives, I feel like the oldest sibling. A lot of people our age (20's, I mean) seem to have no priorities whatsoever. I know I've had friends get upset with me when I turned down invites to hang out or go out somewhere because I was studying/doing homework, had class, or had to work. These things are apparently not important. :tongue:
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    Ok here is my story....It begins when Im 19 and I am house sitting for my grandma. I get bored and decied to mess around on the computer, well I get on myspace and end up talking to this chick. We hit it off pretty good, go on a couple dates and dontcha know she moving in. We get married a couple months latter, she gets knocked up, we have a falling out. 9 months latter my son is born and I couldnt be happier. Fast forward through a couple years and even more drama and I meet my current soon to be wife. At the time she has 6 month old and is pregnat with another. We date, fall in love, I adopt the baby when he is born and i am in the process of about my daughter. So now I am 24 with three kids, a wifey, two cats and a dog.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I moved to CT when I was 20 - partly to be near the BF, partly because I liked his church / community and had nothing like it at home, and partly because we were getting fairly serious, and I wanted to have lived on my own before getting married, and also wanted to have lived in the same town as him before getting married. I've never been a big proponent of combining all my major life changes, I like spreading them out. We got married in May (I had lived here around 2 years I guess?) and its awesome.

    My story is this: I recently got a promotion (to full time) with my job, and was having lunch with a coworker in another office I hadn't met before. She is probably in her 60s, and she innocently asked me if "I still live at home?" I was a little taken aback and I was like well... I live at my home... but not with my parents... She was super surprised I was married etc.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    I was working hard on my Music Education degree, but the damn people kept changing the degree plan! Normally, you should be able to continue on your previous degree plan, but my previous degree plan had classes that were no longer offered. Happened three times. I was getting fed up around the same time I met my husband.
    I was 21 at the time, and he was a soldier. I'm an Army Brat so I just love the military! My hubs pretty much swept me off my feet. I said screw you to my degree and married him 9 months later, a week after my 22nd birthday. People judged me all the time, first that it was too soon, second that 22 was too young, and third that my hubs would probably deploy and "Would you want to be a widow at 22?" SERIOUSLY?! It was ridiculous. So I flipped them all the bird too!
    We were nervous to have jumped all into it so fast, but we lucked out. Living together is as easy as breathing. :smooched: Its been 4 years now, we have a 10 month old son, and another baby on the way! There is no one better suited for me. Do I regret not finishing my degree? Sometimes. But you can always earn a college degree, but you can miss out on the love of your life! :drinker:
  • kjconway
    Hiya, I'm Kate.
    I went along with most of my highschool friends and went right to university out of highschool at the age of 18. I have lived with my parents for only a couple of months at a time since then.
    I graduated university after 3 years and then took off to England for a couple of months. I came back to Canada and quickly got a job down in Toronto and moved out on my own. Shortly afterwards an old friend (from uni) and I started dating and we have been together every since (2 and half years). Shortly into our relationship it was discovered that he had a son (who is now 2 and half), and after that things moved along pretty quickly for us. We have been living together for almost 2 years now and it has been wonderful. I like to call myself a "part time mom."
    I am 24 years old and often times when I tell people that they find it hard to believe. I get told that I present more like a 30 year old than someone in their mid-twenties.
    I still enjoy a good party, and joking around with friends. But I am someone who has not been under my parents roof since 18 years of age, and always been "mature for my age".
    I have friendships that have ended because I am not understood by them. I am not the kind of person that can have causal sex and party every day of the week. I enjoy being at home with the people I love.
    I am also a knitter... which I have been told (in a joking way) makes me look like a grandma :)
  • verannab
    verannab Posts: 11 Member
    There's so much in here that I agree with that I'm not going to quote it all (I'd be here all day)! It's just silly that I'm weird for not having sex with a bunch of people and instead chose to get married. Anyway!!

    I'm 22 have been married a little over a year and have a 2 month old son. I worked at the airport as a gate agent in Atlanta pretty much the entire time I was pregnant. My uniform made me look just extremely heavy for awhile, not pregnant. So I got stares for that. And once they realized that I was pregnant I got stares for that. I'm 22 but probably could pass as 16. EVERYONE had an opinion. "oh is the baby's daddy still in the picture" "Why yes, he is. He's my husband, and yes we were married BEFORE we found out I was pregnant" It's almost like the ONLY reason we would get married is because I was pregnant, which isn't true. That and the constant "o she must be a teen mom" It didn't help when my fingers had swollen up too big for me to wear my wedding rings LOL.
    Ah well. I love my life, wouldn't change a thing....except maybe to already be done with school, but I guess 3 semesters isnt bad!
  • xxslvrxwngsxx
    xxslvrxwngsxx Posts: 195 Member
    I am 23 years old, been married about 6 months now. I have been with my husband since I was 19. And although we are living at my parents house right now we will be building our home in the spring (was suppose to be last fall but things got behind in schedule). I have never been happier! We both want kids quite badly but we aren't in any hurry (especially since we are living in someone else's home right now). I seem to be right on par with my peers however, 1/2 the people i graduated high school with are already married or have kids and quite a few are engaged now. Maybe we just start young around here :-D
  • xxslvrxwngsxx
    xxslvrxwngsxx Posts: 195 Member
    wtf, not even 12 hours from my original post... I was at my in-laws today and my mother in law came over to me, patted my stomach and asked if i was pregnant yet :angry:
  • CarlyBKelly
    Im 20 years old, with a daughter who is soon to be 5, and a 9 month old son. I am also happily married. Everyone from high school obviously knew that we had a daughter when I was 15 and he was 18..But nowadays they are kinda shocked when I tell them we got married straight out of high school and had another baby. lol. Im a stay at home mom. My friends are in college, partying, working part time jobs, while Im at home with 2 children, married, and buying our first home.
  • cms13000
    Wow its nice to find a group a people like me. My name is Candie, I'm 22 and have been married for almost 2 years, we were high school sweethearts and he's the only guy I've ever been with. He joined the army when we were 19 and got married right after basic training. Now we live in Germany. It's an amazing expience and we get to do a lot of traveling. I love the married life, and couldn't imagine still living with my parents, even though I miss them terribly. No kids, just our 4 year old weiner dog that we bought together after we graduated High School. We want to wait to have kids when we are back in the States and closer to family, which won't be for another 2 years. I work full time at a Credit Union on base, I would die of boredom if I didn't have a job.

    When my friends found out that I was getting married at age 20, they were all really supportive. Some were even a little jelous, mostly because they have had so many failed relationships and they see how happy I am to be in a healthy one.

    We do go out every now and then and hit up clubs and bars, but we have really settled down and are focusing more on saving our money for traveling.

    Would love to make some friends on here, so feel free to add me =)
  • chrisd928
    chrisd928 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey I just joined and I loved reading all these stories ^_^ I am 23 (24 in a few days) and will be celebrating my one year anniversary in a week and a half. I met my husband in my second semester at uni and got engaged a mere 8ish months later. I think we were already married in our hearts way before that because the only reason engagement and marriage took so long was money and school. I think that being young and settled means that I get longer to really enjoy my life, rather than longer to figure out how to enjoy my life ^_^
  • katynic12
    katynic12 Posts: 10 Member
    I was 19 when I got pregnant (planned). I had my son two months after turning 20 and got married 6 months later. Most of the people I knew (friends and coworkers) gave me a really hard time for settling down so young, but I had been living with my boyfriend (now husband) since I turned 18 and we'd been dating since I was 16.

    I am now 24, have a wonderful 4yr old little boy, couldn't love my husband more, I graduated with a Bachelors in June 2012, we own our own home (which we purchased 2yrs ago), and my parents and siblings live in MY home to help them save since renting is so expensive.

    Most of my friends are still out partying and just now settling down into COMMITTED relationships (not even married just not cheating or sleeping around). It's hard because I have no one my own age to relate to. They don't understand why I don't want to go to the bar/club or get drunk. All of the people I can talk to about things are in their late 30s or older. I don't mind too much since I've spent my whole life hanging out with the "grown ups" but it would be nice to have people my age to be friends with.
  • Kaylee_F93
    I am 20 now but when it all started I was 15 I met my current husband and we were best friends. We started dating when I was 17 and got married when I was 18. We have been happily married. No kids yet still trying to prepare a little(i know everyone says there is no way to really prepare), but I want to have some money saved up to be able to take care of a child. :)