Hi Everyone



  • noni77
    noni77 Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track ravenone777

    I suppose avoiding processed food (the type with long lists of ingredients with unpronounceable names) is a good rule of thumb - most of the recipes are made up with fresh vegies and (if you're not vegetarian) meat/fish/chicken.

    It would also be a good idea to get a herb garden started - if you don't already have one - even just some basil, mint etc in pots - as I found the fresh herbs to be the most costly part of the shopping lists (my new years resolution is to actually water my herbs :wink: ) - and using fresh herbs makes a difference with the flavour of the food.

    If you've got this month's women's weekly take a look at the five day menu plan (or take a peek in the newsagent) - it will give you a good idea.

    Also, on the 12wbt website there is a list of recommended snack that will point you in the right direction.

    Leonie :smile:
  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    hi all. followed 1200 calories for most of last week and when i weighed in yesterday i had lost 1.1kg.
    have a challenging week coming up with MIL birthday dinner tonight and my birthday next Tuesday but will have to make sure i give 110% all the rest of the time.
    feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ravenone777
    ravenone777 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I do have a small herb garden although its a little sickly so I'll give it some attention this weekend and add a few things :)
  • kensington42
    Thanks for setting up this group Noni, I started on MFP just before Christmas, but was very disappointed when after doing all the right things re food and exercise, no cheating no eating back exercise calories etc, when my PT weighed me I had only lost 200gms in a week. Back on to it now that I have signed up for 12WBT, lost 38 kgs up until early 2011, but yo-yoed up and down after that so now my total lost is 30. Hoping 12WBT will help me get back on the losing streak as I still have many kilos to go.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi all, is everyone ready for pre-season to start on Monday :smile:

    I went to my first 12wbt group exercise this morning which was great. If you have a group local to you I suggest you try and get involved in the workouts etc because it really keeps the motivation high. Then I went to the gym, did'nt quite burn 1000 calories for SSS but almost, the only drawback to getting smaller and fitter is it is so much harder to burn those calories!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend :happy:
  • Symphony2
    Symphony2 Posts: 38 Member
    And we're off. Thanks for setting up this group, Leonie ... one of these days I fully expect to bump into you in the street, since everywhere I turn .... THERE YOU ARE!! lol Your blog is fab, by the way!

    It's so inspirational reading everybody's stories. Wishing you ALL an amazing journey (all the way from Brighton!).

    Somebody was talking about 'what to buy' ... I remember Bob Harper saying once that 'if you can't pronounce the ingredients, put it back on the shelf'. I always thought that was a great guide. Another good tip is to look at the ingredients list and if you see 'sugar' within the first three ingredients, put it back! I remember being horrified when I started looking at all my favourite supposedly healthy cereals - like Weetabix and All-Bran!! We're always taught they're the healthy option ................ until you check out the ingredients! Argh! It's a fascinating eye-opener. Have fun!

    Cheery-bye for now and best of luck, everybody. Please be my 'friend' when you have a few secs. The more accountable we are to the greatest number of people the more chances of crossing that finish line in fine style!!

    Amanda x
  • JenCorn45
    JenCorn45 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, I need help. How do you create new meals? I want to add the Michelle Bridges meals I am eating but can't figure out how to add them.
  • Cas71
    Cas71 Posts: 3
    Hi Jen,

    When adding Michelle Bridges meals, I find if you write 12wbt and the name of the meal in the add food box then most of the meals have been added already.

    As for creating meals, still have to work that one out myself.

    Hope this helps,
  • catt24
    catt24 Posts: 1
    I'm doing the first round and I'm a newbie. I love the preseason stuff. I received my heart rate monitor today and burned through 459cals. It's fabulous, I love it. Can't wait to get the nutrition and exercise guides.
  • muttley27
    muttley27 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone, I need help. How do you create new meals? I want to add the Michelle Bridges meals I am eating but can't figure out how to add them.

    Search for a meal, as someone said above look under 12wbt first. If you cant find it, at the bottom of the page is a link that says: Add a food to the database. Click that.

    Brand: 12WBT

    Food description: the name of the dish

    next bit is the fun bit, you have to work out the serving size and it will always be one serving
    I think you can just add the calories in

    Then click add to your diary and add to the database and save food.


    Just add quck calories. the only thing with that is, you dont know what the calories are for (if you look later)

    Hope that isnt too confusing
