Starting C25K program, curious about other cardio

ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
I am planning on starting the C25K program very soon. I am not a runner, so I am trying to prepare myself for completing this challenge. My question is, when starting the program, do you still do other cardio? If so, when should it be done? Before doing the C25K session, after, or on a rest day? I really want this to be sucessful, but I don't want to overdo it with too much cardio (or not enough). Thanks for your help!


  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Hi Im not a runner but started the C25K before Christmas. Day one i felt so gooooood that i decided to go straight back and do day 2 the following day and totally failed you have to listen to your body and you must rest between runs until you are able to do more

    I pondered for weeks about trying, Marathon man 500 inspired me then a young girl from NJ messaged me to become her running partner on line. This was the boost i needed . I took some time off during Christmas so went back to doing week 4 again rather than trying week 5

    This week a mate of mine who is much healthier than me joined my gym so he ran on the treadmill next to me while i did week 5 day 1 i was struggling but because he was going hell for leather next to me i made myself finish, yesterday i did week 5 day 2 today i did some spin bike and walking I don't think ill do day 3 tomorrow but will do elliptical and some rowing, Saturday we have committed to a spin class and I'm secretly dreading it

    when i first joined my gym i tried the treadmill and suffered from shin splints so said F that and used the eliptical to build up my fitness, I use a heart monitor and when first starting level 4 would get my heart rate up to the 140's I now have to use level 12- 14 to reach the same heart rate

    when you say compleating this chalenge dont htink you have to do it in 9 weeks, ive had time out and stayed on week 4 for a while, do week 1 day 1 rest the following day and see how you feel
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I'd recommend you take it easy week 1 and just do the C25K runs. Then see how it feels, and add in more workouts if you feel you can.

    I usually did a couple days of lifting, a day of zumba, and a day of yoga in addition to the three runs per week. I didn't find it to be overwhelming, but everyone is different. Listen to your body!
  • jdavio
    jdavio Posts: 6 Member
    I am on week one day 3 but unable to do it so far due to the snow and ice so I do zumba or just dance on the wii. I am in the same boat. Never ran before. It is exhilarating when you complete a day. Take it one day at a time. My legs get sore so I try and do every other day with something else 2 days a week and a day off.
  • MrsMuffinRun
    Hi, I am on the second week. I also want to do other workouts, but like others have said, I am going to wait a while. My goal is long term and I don't want to do the classic thing of getting over excited and doing too much then stopping due to injury or over tiredness.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I did C25K every other day and on the days I wasn't doing it I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred which is cardio but also strength. It worked out well for me. I completed C25K last month but I have started another round and am working on my speed now. I do some sort of other work out video on my non run days.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Personally I find that crosstraining on the in-between days helps with the endurance, but I make sure it's low- or no-impact like stationary bike or elliptical. It's really easy to replicate your C25K intervals on the elliptical. Choosing low-impact crosstraining ensures my knees don't get tore up from all the running.

    OAN, are you doing any strength training? Getting your legs good & strong, especially if you've been somewhat sedentary before starting the program, will help prevent injury.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I am working on strength training, everywhere. Thanks for all the replies!