Introduce yourselves!



  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    I am in somerset, england have 2 kids 11,8, work full time, so not much time for me.
    Have always had problems with my weight, had a lot of personal problems last year so really want this year to be my year.
    want to be healthy, will never keep up with my kids LOL as they both do triathlons and swim for their town.
    hope big success to everyone out there. Good luck all xx
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey! I'm Reese. 29, mother of 2 boys, wife to one handsome hubby, and full time social worker. Just started Turbo Fire, completed Insanity last summer. My goals now are to become fitter and stronger. Still have about 10lbs to lose but really working on leaning out now.
  • litlpineapple
    litlpineapple Posts: 63 Member
    Hi people! My name is Jess, I'm 25, I live in NYC with my dog and finacee & am "interning" at a Property Management company right now.

    I used to be on the heavy side (around 180lbs) until I started college and dropped to about 140. I maintained for about 2 years and then it started coming back... In July 2011 I started MFP at 175lbs and have been able to get down to 135lbs! I'm trying to loose a little more and find the motivation to exercise consistently.

    I think this group to so wonderful and cute, I can't wait to find my "match"!
  • Hello all you lovely MFPs! I'm a young soon-to-be college student and i work full time so finding the time and energy to workout is a bit hard. I don't have a large weight loss goal but my other fitness goals make up for that. I'm 20 years old very laid back, not into parties and drinking and that stuff, but I do enjoy the company of others and living in harmony with mother earth. I weight about 130 trying to get down to 120 and I would love to run a 5k this spring/summer. I also really want to get my core and upper body strength up to par.
    Hope you all are having a great day!
    Stay healthy!
  • Hi All,

    My name is Ingrid, I am 37 years old, living in Michigan.

    Recently was referred to this site by my cousin's wife. I am really excited about it.

    I really have decided to really focus on watching what I am putting into my body this year. Since 2000 I have lost about 80 pounds 40 of that in the last year and a half. That 40 came off mainly by working out so I figure I can probably get this remaining 35 to 40 off if I focus on what i am putting into my body as well as what i am burning off.

    Can't wait to get to know you all.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan! I'm 28, married and have two young daughters. I stay home during the day and work in a restaurant at night, about 36 hours a week. I have been up and down in weight before, and the last time found a lot of success incorporating running 5 days a week with circuit training following Jillian Michael's program in her book Making the Cut. Of course, I cut the circuit training and running while pregnant with my second daughter - even if I could have maintained my exercise, I was high-risk since I went into preterm labor 6 months into my pregnancy with my first daughter (thankfully after 2+ months of bed rest she was born at only 4 weeks early), so I had to take it easy. After she was born I maintained for about 6 months, then started gaining weight.

    Then I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis after years of symptoms, and after that my weight climbed to an all-time high. I have whittled away at it a bit and have been dealing with the same 10lbs back and forth for the past year. I'm tired of it, and I'm making a change. I'm also trying to eat in such a way to hopefully reduce my RA symptoms through an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Hi everyone.

    So....I'm a 26 year old full time mother of 2 boys ages 7 and 2.

    I want to lose weight to be healthier, fitter (and more attractive, may as well be honest!).

    I live in Ireland and this is my second time on MFP. Last time I gave up after losing 11lbs (why? how stupid of me??!!) but this time I'm back for good.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    So here is where you tell us a little about yourselves.. what do you do for a living, what made you decide to change your life, who/what is your inspiration. that sort of thing :)

    This does not count as your stats by the way as this group is getting too big for me to keep track of all posts, please either message me your info or reply to the "message me your stats" thread.


    I received an Invite to this group from someone, not sure who Lol.

    Anyway, I currently work from home as a reservationist and i started this weightloss journey last jan 2010 after i had major surgery and I could never get past the 12 pounds i lost and was stuck. Getting discouraged and all i ended up gaining 6 pounds back from July to Dec and then decided to start back again with what I currently weigh. I only want to lose about 50 pounds total. i don't really have anyone that Inspired me, i just want to get back down to what I was 16 yrs ago and too look
    and feel healthier for me.

    I am 44 and Married and have 2 Dogs, I live in Middle TN I am also getting ready to have surgery on my right arm,hand and elbow on Feb 1st so I will be limited to what type of exercise I can do for awhile. Anything that does not require the use of my arm basically lol.
  • AlyssaHan
    AlyssaHan Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! My name's Alyssa, I'm 17 and a junior in high school. I've been a bit overweight for as long as I can remember. I think the first time I remember acknowledging my low self-esteem was in kindergarten. I don't have very good coordination, so I don't play any sports. This definitely hasn't helped me stay in shape, but I do like to work out. My biggest passions are language, art, and music; I speak Korean and Spanish and am learning Vietnamese, I love to draw and paint, and I play alto saxophone in my school's concert and jazz bands.

    I have a boyfriend named San, and we've been together since May 2010. :) We got together before he joined the air force. He was over the weight limit for enlisting, so he worked very hard to lose the weight. And he looks amazing! He's on here, too, to lose some of the weight he's gained back after boot camp. He's my inspiration, and he's supported me every step of my own journey.

    I think that's basically it for my introduction. Nice to meet you all! Feel free to add me. ^^
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Hi I am a 41 year old psychologist from New Zealand (lucky you don't have to match that!!)

    I have four children, two girls aged 13 and nearly 12, and two boys aged 10 ad 7. I have always been semi fit and have never been very overweight (highest was about 140lbs in first year of uni where I ate drank and barely moved!) and am now 117lbs at 5'4".

    I decided to get fitter last August which is about when I joined MFP one person as such, just the desire to be the best me in every area.
  • wady24
    wady24 Posts: 75
    Hi my name is Jill. I am 5'4'' tall and am 138 lbs right now. I live in Seattle, WA and work FT. I have a 5 year old and a 9 month old. I had a baby 9 months ago and was about 124 lbs right before I got pregnant. I have to work really hard to maintain my weight but since I love exercising, it helps me to maintain weight without watching my diet all the time.

    I am still nursing my baby girl so can not lose a lot of weight in 1 week. I am still aiming for around 1-2 lbs loss so that I can atleast get to prepregnancy weight till my daughter turns 1 year old.

    I have been a member of MFP for a while and lost weight after I had my son with excellent results and was 118 lbs at my thinnest and fittest.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Hello! My name is Rain, I'm 21 years old. I'm a vegetarian (my whole life), I am a nerd who has worked in computer repair and I'm an otaku who reads about 14-15 ongoing manga series at a time. I also love korean dramas. I currently work for defense attorneys for large corporations. I want to be a pastry chef!

    I'm an ex competitive gymnast, and I'm looking to get to down to 14%-16% body fat.

    SW 135
    CW 114.6
    GW 108 or 15% body fat
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Hi!! I'm Julie. I have been overweight for most of my life. Though there have been some low points but I always gain it back and then some. Well last year I was asked to be a bridesmaid for my brother in law wedding. I was a size 28 and the other girls are a size 4. I didn't want to be THAT girl. So I found a lifestyle I could live with and since lost 135 lbs. I want to lose another 30 lbs before the wedding in June but is losing motivation fast. Hope to find a twin to push me the rest of the way.
    BTW: Been married for 8 years and have a beautiful daughter, who we adopted. She is our apple, star and love of our lives.
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    hi my name is Jacqueline, 45 yrs old and live in Scotland, uk.I have 100 lbs to lose. weight has been a rollercoaster in the past 10 yrs. Really obese now and ashamed that I allowed my eating habits to get out of control. I have a wonderful 11 yr old daughter and I work as a social worker in mental health and acute hospitals
    I am very determind to lose weight this year and fit into my jeans.
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    To kasott10: He can make his own dinner, and you make yours? Just a suggestion :wink: Or just add some veggis with the meal your making to him? Or make dinner and say: This is it, if you don't like it, go make your own dinner. Then he can't complain that you didn't make dinner :tongue:

    and if he dosnt eat it you have a healthy lunch too
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    I am from Ontario - Canada.

    I am a Mom & Wife & Career lady.

    I have two children (aged 12 & 3) and Iwill be been married for four years in February. We also have two cats & a puppy as well.... they are definately part of our family unit.

    I am in HR and currently work on the Frontline in HR for one of the largest Retail Stores In Canada.

    1 1/2 years ago I quite smoking and left a retail job for a new HR job - desk job - which was the start of my weight gaining expereince.

    My goal started when my three year old said to me - Mommy, why are you so big? purely innocent question but one that awoke me.

    I would love to get back to my pre-pregancy weight before my second child but right now I would be happy to get into a healthy weight zone.

    Currently I am watching my calories - not on a specific diet routine - but trying to make wise choices with my food choices. I also workout at home - with dvds - Jillian Michaels has become a personal favourite of mine.

    I workout, or my goal is to workout 6 days a week - some weeks I do well but other times I fail at this goal. I get up an hour before the house, before I have to start my day. With the kids, pets and husband, my days are intense and booked solid.... this is the only me time I tend to get in.
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya, thanks for the invite :))
    My name is Fulya and I'm 28 years old. I live in West Sussex, UK. I'm a I/O psychologist, married with no kids (yet!).
    I've been overweight almost all my life but I wasn't that bad till I got married.. Only 7 months after my wedding I was already 4 stone heavier.. My friend was on MFP and she showed me her progression, the same day I've decided to download that app and get started!
    Now I'm aiming to lose 5 stone and I'm very determined. Of course I have bad days (or weeks!) but I know I'm moving towards my goal slowly.
    By the way I'm vegeterian, also I don't particularly like dairy stuff. Only thing that puts me off from being a vegan is my chocolate & cheese & egg mania. I have soya milk and I find it yummy, although my hubby says it smells like cat pee :(
    At the moment I'm "trying" to balance my pro-carb-fat intake. I really want to lose at least 3 stone before June (holidays!). I know I won't have a beach body but I want to do my best.....
    Also we want to have a baby at some point so I want to enjoy being hot & slim for some time before I get fat again :p
  • Hey guys. My name is art. I am a physical therapist , married father of two. I have battle weight most of my life and am tired of being at the last possible waist size at Marshalls. I want to lose weight for my family and to look good(vain I know). I have always liked lifting weights and cardio, but apparently would eat too much. They had my own special lane with a red carpet at Burger King:)
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi, I'm Sonja!
    I am 36 years old. I have 2 daughters ages 15 & 10, I work full time, and I am also finishing up my bachelor's degree. If everything goes according to plan I will graduate Summer 2012!!
    I work for an MCO (Managed Care Organization) in Cincinnati where we are contracted to medically manage worker's compensation claims.
    I want to lose the extra weight that I have been carrying around for 10+ years in order to live a healthier life and to set a positive example for my daughters.
  • Hi I'm Paula

    I am 44 years old, married, have 4 kids aged 5 - 11 years old. I work full time as a PA in a secondary school. I have a couple of big family weddings coming up this year in March so am looking to lose as much as I can by then, but overall 2 stone would be fab by the summer!

    I live in the UK, have 2 dogs and 1 dog that we are fostering at the moment as owner is unwell and is in hospital. Don't do much exercise but manage a 20 minute dog walk every evening and that's about it!

    This is my second week - lost 2lb first week, bit disappointed but "slow and steady" wins the race! Downfalls are red wine and chinese food - or basically any takeaways where I don't have to cook! My problem is not picking between meals or snacking, but large portion sizes!