locker rooms

OK I know I look like a dude but really? REALLY? Im still getting the confused looks and being asked if I know it's the womens locker room.

Yes, I do know it's the ladies locker room cause your tits gave it away!

I'm here to workout not check you out.

So yeah I'm butch if thats what you call it, I have no boobs and I'm covered in tattoos.

ok I'm done venting thanks for listening


  • dragonflybird
    Oh the joys of gender stereotyping. Vent all you want :)
  • tegsa
    tegsa Posts: 16 Member
    If I had a gym membership, I'm sure I'd get this a lot.

    I do get it in public restrooms so I try to avoid them as much as I can. The women will look at me like I'm the most foreign person in the world but luckily they've never called security or anything serious.
    If it's a random public place, I don't even bother correcting them..but most of the time my voice gives it away.
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    People can be insensitive. My mother died from breast cancer. When she was undergoing treatment she was kicked out of a restroom, because it was "for women only". My mother was bald, had had bi-lateral modified radical mastectomies (no boobs), and was dressed as she felt comfortable(baseball cap, jeans, t-shirt, polar fleece vest. It was horrifying to her.
  • SmokinCat
    SmokinCat Posts: 14 Member
    I was once at a Browns/Bengals game, the Cleveland police followed me into the womens restroom and started pounding on the door to the stall I was in and tryng to get it open. Good times! lol
  • mercurybebe
    OK I know I look like a dude but really? REALLY? Im still getting the confused looks and being asked if I know it's the womens locker room.

    Yes, I do know it's the ladies locker room cause your tits gave it away!

    I'm here to workout not check you out.

    So yeah I'm butch if thats what you call it, I have no boobs and I'm covered in tattoos.

    ok I'm done venting thanks for listening
  • mercurybebe
    Okay..I am learning how to quote! xo

    That is my life. I had an old woman actually block my entry to the bathroom with her body! Her daughter was so embarrassed...but I was amused.

    I get dirty looks at the locker rooms, the bathrooms...anywhere I guess my gender identity isn't supposed to be! But I dont really mind anymore...I like being called Sir, I find it amusing to correct people...and I like being able to use the men's room when the ladie's line is too damn long! LOL
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    My (legally on wednesday) wife is often called "Sir." Usually it is by older women. She finds it amusing.
  • mercurybebe
    CONGRATS on your upcoming wedding!!!! Jo and I are planning to get married in the next year now that NY finally passed the law...

    I think you just have to laugh is just funny. I dont understand why people feel a need to inform me that I'm in the wrong bathroom...even if I was, who cares??? Both sexes use the same toilets at home right? WTH?

    People are just weird...
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    I think you just have to laugh is just funny. I dont understand why people feel a need to inform me that I'm in the wrong bathroom...even if I was, who cares??? Both sexes use the same toilets at home right? WTH?

    People are just weird...

    I must be weird then, because I really don't like sharing a bathroom with a man. I hate this trend for having unisex toilets in gay clubs, and I also hate it when you're in a gay club and the ladies toilet is full of men. My girlfriend sometimes gets mistaken for a guy, although I can't understand why - I wouldn't say she's butch or andro.
  • camjam89
    camjam89 Posts: 11 Member
    I must be weird then, because I really don't like sharing a bathroom with a man. I hate this trend for having unisex toilets in gay clubs, and I also hate it when you're in a gay club and the ladies toilet is full of men. My girlfriend sometimes gets mistaken for a guy, although I can't understand why - I wouldn't say she's butch or andro.

    From my experience most gay clubs have a unisex bathroom to accommodate for people who are non-binary and don't feel comfortable using either restroom, people who are early in transition and may not pass 100% in the restroom of their choice, drag performers, etc.

    I've also never been in a gay club that had just a unisex restroom - they usually have one of each, which is nice for those who want a gendered restroom experience or who want to avoid it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I think you just have to laugh is just funny. I dont understand why people feel a need to inform me that I'm in the wrong bathroom...even if I was, who cares??? Both sexes use the same toilets at home right? WTH?
    I know, it's not like we're doing our business right there in the open. Well, guys do, I guess, at the urinals. But in the ladies' room you are in your own stall...
  • evie70
    evie70 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't think about it much. No butch here, at least not in my looks, but my partner tends to wear her orientation. I notice looks sometimes when we use a restroom together. Oh and forget about shopping and trying on clothes. Usually the uppity ones give the looks.
  • SkinnyKittyKatt
    THe same thing happens with my girlfriend when we're at the gym together I find it amusing actually. and when other folks figure out "oh wait thats a girl, Oh wait she just kissed her, oh wait their lesbians" Love it. and then when we're working out the guys are all looking like 0-0
  • JoMcDonald
    its the judgment and their feeling of righteousness, that they have some sort of duty to "protect" others from what they dont understand.

    My partner finds it amusing, and I suppose I do too to some extent, but it really annoys me that they butt their noses in where they dont belong - how someone dresses, who they are, how they are comfortable in their own skin... it is no one's business but their own.

    The dirty looks just get tiring.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    People can be insensitive. My mother died from breast cancer. When she was undergoing treatment she was kicked out of a restroom, because it was "for women only". My mother was bald, had had bi-lateral modified radical mastectomies (no boobs), and was dressed as she felt comfortable(baseball cap, jeans, t-shirt, polar fleece vest. It was horrifying to her.

    This. This right here makes me f*cking hate people.
  • jque41
    jque41 Posts: 1 Member
    This is why i dont go to gym's! I know how you feel.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member

    Yes, I do know it's the ladies locker room cause your tits gave it away!
    Ok, I just have to say - thank you for saying that! That made my day!!!
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    This infuriates me. How many guys will walk calmly and knowingly into a women's room and do their thing? People need to mind their own damn business.

    I've gotten called 'sir' at work a few times (which I find hysterical... 40DDD man boobs, anyone?) but my girlfriend gets this a lot and it bothers her. She doesn't mind too terribly being called 'sir,' but public restrooms are a huge source of anxiety for her. She won't go in unless I'm with her, and gets really self conscious in the locker room at the gym. At first I thought it was just her fear that people were looking, but a lot of the ladies really do stare at her. I give them dirty looks and make faces, which helps ME feel a little better, but I still hate that by that point, they have already made my poor girlfriend feel guilty for being somewhere that she has every right to be.
    iCACTUS Posts: 113
    Hi everyone! I am catfish9's girlfriend! I can sympathize with all the ladies who get the stink eye when they enter a place they have every right to be. When I was in high school one girl actually screamed so loud when I entered the ladies room to pee that a security guard came rushing in. He grabbed my arm & restrained me to the nasty bathroom floor. When I showed him my school I.D he felt like such a tool bag... he was lucky I was too much of a coward to press charges.

    But this is still something I have to deal with everyday & like Catfish9 says it doesn't bother me anywhere else but the ladies room & locker-room.