Challenges for weeks 1/10/12 - 1/23/12

hm_day Posts: 857 Member
Nutrition: Complete your food log every day!
Exercise: Exercise for 45 minutes 3x a week.
Wellness: Do your measurements.

I'm doing these a day in advance because I'm not gonna be around in the morning to do it.
Good luck!


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    No responses, eh?
    Alrighty, well today's report!

    I completed my food log :)
    I exercised for 45 minutes solid. Primarily strength training, with 12 minutes of the arc trainer.

    Will do my measurements the day I weigh in (Friday probably).
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    Okay, I really wanna stick to this challenge as best as possible. Not sure how easy it will be to get my measurements, but I'm going to definitely be giving this my all.

    Nutrition: Completed my food diary!
    Exercise: Got in some walking today!
    Wellness: Can I substitute this with drinking all of my water? I drank way more than the recommended daily intake today.

    Also finished eating all of my calories before 7 p.m. I need to get into a habit of eating a bit earlier so I can get more sleep at night.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Okay, I really wanna stick to this challenge as best as possible. Not sure how easy it will be to get my measurements, but I'm going to definitely be giving this my all.

    Nutrition: Completed my food diary!
    Exercise: Got in some walking today!
    Wellness: Can I substitute this with drinking all of my water? I drank way more than the recommended daily intake today.

    Also finished eating all of my calories before 7 p.m. I need to get into a habit of eating a bit earlier so I can get more sleep at night.

    You can substitute whatever you'd like! I decided on the measurements because I know that, for me anyway, the scale's not moving very far but I can feel my body getting tighter. Also I haven't done my measurements in months and I'm excited, haha.
  • On my way to the gym now. Gotta take a snack with me. any suggestions?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Normally if I know I'm gonna be hungry during my workout, I bring sports drinks like Gatorade/Powerade or stuff like that. Otherwise, do trial and error with protein bars and such like PureProtein or ZonePerfect, stuff like that. They're filling and fabulous for exercise and fat burning. Sorry for the delay in response! Maybe this will help for next time :)
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Complete Food Diary - Check
    Exercise - 15 mins on elliptical, 15 mins on bike, 15 mins weights - Check
    Water complete - Check
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I completed my food diary, although I went over a little bit today.
    Did pilates for 40 minutes.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed my food diary.
    Headed to gym for 45 mins between elliptical and treadmill.
    Need 6 more cups of water that will be finished by night time.
    Day 4 of getting back on track is almost over and have not been eating anything after 8 p.m.!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I completed my food diary today and did about 30 minutes of exercise between the stairmaster and the bike. Weighing in tomorrow and doing measurements.

    How's everyone's week thus far?
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hi dear!!! Thanks for everything!
    I am back on track again. I'll start to post reports from monday on, hope you wouldn't mind.

  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi dear!!! Thanks for everything!
    I am back on track again. I'll start to post reports from monday on, hope you wouldn't mind.


    Not at all!! Happy to see you back, girl!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed my food diary and was yet again under my calories, even without exercise!
    Still working on my last 4 cups of water.
    Didn't get to exercise today because of time limitations and getting ready for school, but will be at the gym in the morning!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    Nutrition: Complete your food log every day!
    Exercise: Exercise for 45 minutes 3x a week.
    Wellness: Do your measurements.

    I'm doing these a day in advance because I'm not gonna be around in the morning to do it.
    Good luck!

    Thanks for putting this challenge together! I haven't had this many days of consecutive logged diaries since I first started in 2010.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed my food diary.
    30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
    Drank all of my water!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed my food diary.
    Getting ready to head to the gym (6:35 p.m.)
    Have 4 cups of water down, and will finish the other four during and after my workout.
    Here's to my first perfect week of the year!!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Cheers Twilight! :)
    I didn't do anything yesterday, haha. I did OKAY food-wise, but I didn't complete my diary and didn't go to the gym. Didn't drink a lot of water.. You know the drill. Back on it today. And I don't feel bad because I've been pretty good lately. Trying to get that last few pounds to go away. I'm so close to my goal weight I can taste it!!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed food diary.
    Got in half an hour of walking/running today and it felt great out there.
    Have only had half my water. I have my 32 ounce bottle cooling in the fridge to finish the other half.
    Back to school tomorrow and trying on bridesmaid dress again tomorrow as well. I hope that as the month winds down, I'll gradually need some alterations to make the dress SMALLER!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Back to school for me today as well! I think I'm coming down with a cold though. This should be fun, lol.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member

    Completed today's food diary.
    Got in only about 30 minutes of slow walking, but it was a very busy day.
    Still need to finish 4 cups of water.
    I still have the same cold for the past 2 weeks. I'm taking some B-12 and Multivitamins. I also have some Airborne to help with the Vitamin C as well as my oranges.

    Get well soon friend. Nothing worse then sitting in class with the sniffles. =(
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes. I'm still laying in bed looking like a heartbroken preteen with a box of tissues. All I need now is the Ben&Jerry's and a chick flick ;) I pop Vitamin C every morning to help with the absorption of my iron supplement, so I don't get as sick as I used to. But my immune system is so compromised from my anemia and also Rheumatoid Arthritis, that when I DO get sick, I'm sick for a while. So now I'm just trying to stay on track, but I haven't been to the gym since Saturday. I probably won't be posting until I get this out of my system. Or at least I won't be as concerned about my diary and such. Hopefully only a day or two more of this now that I've broken out the heavy duty cold meds.